Al's Circuit Simulator 0.21, updated 03/30/96
ACS is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac analysis linearized at an operating point. It is fully interactive and command driven. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. The output is produced as it simulates. Spice compatible models for the MOSFET (level 1, 2 and 3) and diode are included in this release.
This version (0.21) is still a transitional release to C++. The most important change since 0.20 is conformance with new standards, so it compiles on g++ 2.7.
Sites that carry (or mirror) ACS:
Title: SPICECAD Version: 1.0 Description: SPICECAD is a schematic entry for the anlog simulator SPICE3f4/5. It allows graphical entry of electric circuits, generation of netlists , simulation of these netlists, and backannotation of the results. All SPICE3 devices are supported. Additional simulation types are monte-carlo, parametric sweep and circuit optimization. The design can be hierarchical. Author: Martin Maschmann Duissernstrasse 95 47058 Duisburg Germany e-mail: or Phone : 0049-203-3783-208 Maintained-by: Author Maintained-at: Platforms: PC running LINUX and X11 R5 (no source code!) SUN SPARC running X11 R5 (no source code!) The program was written in C++ and was compiled using gcc 2.5.8 . Copying-Policy: The program is "Public Domain" and "Freely Redistributable". as is delivered without any warranty Keywords: SPICE3, schematic entry , analog simulation , monte carlo, circuit optimizationYou can get Spicecad for Linux from site in directory /pub/spice/spicecad/ and file:
spicecad.1-0.tar.gz (3394Kb!!)
You can also get the files from a 'mirror' site in directory /pub/ise/cad/ and files:
Note: You're supposed to unGZIP and unTAR everything and then type "cad -c first"
A mirror (GERMANY) is on site in directory /pub/machines/LINUX/misc/circuits and file:
You can get another 3f4 port for Linux from site in directory /pub/electrical/unix/linux/ and file:
A Tar file that contains step-by-step patching and building directions to build the full release of Spice 3e2 on Linux. Includes support for X-windows (which the plot functions use). Patches by Michael Engelhardt.
You can get the kit from any of these mirrrors:
I obtained the source code for Spice from a 386BSD ftp site. The code compiled cleanly, with only minor changes to the Makefile being required. I also included an ASCII spice manual which I have found helpful.
You can ftp version 6.3 for Windows from the site in directory / and files:
Get it as one 12MB file: 63wine.exe (EXE 12,094KB)
or broken up into disks:
Pet peeve: I wish they would get a mirror... you'll see why... [hint:be ready to do dinner while downloading].
I have updated my Spice32 / Nutmeg32 for Windows 3.1. It is now up to Berkeley's 3f4 level and supports copy to clipboard of enhanced meta files. These are limited to 32 nodes, which satisfies my anxiety with regard to the DOD export restrictions.
The price is $295.00 for the unlimited version and $99.00 for a 120 node version, $1000 for a site license.
Grab all the file on host in directory /pub/spice/i386:
If any of you use spice3, you no doubt have had noticed the low, low quality of hardcopy plots (I am talking about the ones resulting from running under Xwindows, not the chararacter plots).
Well I did, and so I sat down and wrote a filter to make spice3 'print' statement outputs suitable for input to xgraph. Which in turn makes really nice graphs which you can also include in latex documents if you want.
spice_bc.tar.gz (1.4KB)
Gilbert Circuit and Analysis
Micro-Cap V is an integrated schematic editor and analog/digital simulator that provides an interactive sketch and simulate environment for electronics engineers. Micro-Cap V, the fifth generation of the Micro-Cap family, blends a modern, Windows-based user interface with the robust and powerful numerical algorithms of SPICE and a fast, native, PSpice-compatible, digital simulator. The result is the most powerful and easiest to use circuit simulator available for personal computers. Micro-Cap V is affordable as well, available at less than half the cost of comparable programs.
Windows 3.1, Windows NT, or Windows 95 working-DEMO 1.4MB
The demo is contained in a .ZIP file. PKUNZIP this file, and then run the SETUP.EXE file under Windows 3.1, Windows NT, or Windows 95. During the installation, it will request a Disk 2. When this prompt comes up, just hit Enter. If you want to transfer the unzipped files over to floppy disks, all of the files go on Disk 1 except for the file MC5.2 which goes on Disk 2.
You may also Request MC5 Demo Documentation to be sent in the [surface] mail.
You can get a LOT more information from:
Intusoft ICAP/4Windows Demonstration Software
For Windows 3.1x, Windows95 and WindowsNT
This software is used to analyze electronic, mechancial, and physical circuits and systems. It is a full working model of the ICAP/4Windows system. Limitations are listed in the demo's help screens. Please see the Overview and Getting Started Help screens for more information on running the demo.
You can get Intusoft ICAP/4 Demo
(as one file ~3MB) from the URL: (3645KB)
or from host
in directory /pub/Demos/ as file ICAP4DEM.EXE (3645KB)
You can also get Intusoft ICAP/4 Demo in three ~1MB segments from the URL:
The price is $295.00 for the unlimited version and $99.00 for a 120 node version, $1000 for a site license.
Grab all the file on host in directory /pub/spice/i386:
Please see their entry for Windows 3.1