SSTV with the Sound Blaster
(This is a DOS program)
*UPDATED 7/30/2000*
NOW with QuickCam Interface !
NEW - Create your own 3D pictures with your QuickCam !
Now you can send and receive COLOR SLOW SCAN TV with the Sound Blaster! It is a very inexpensive way to see what SSTV is all about. Just about everyone with a computer also has a Sound Blaster compatible card, so why not do it? Slow Scan TV is getting very popular, now that the prices for doing it are reasonable. If you listen to 14.230 Mhz on 20 meters any weekend, you will hear the strange sounds. There are so may people getting into SSTV that they now spread to 14.233 Mhz as well. These frequencies are meeting frequencies only, and many people will move to another clear spot to send their pictures.
What does it require?
All it requires to use this program is a PC computer, 286 or better, but it is much faster with a 386 or 486. You must have 640K of memory, a hard drive (at least 5 meg free for saving pictures), and a VGA monitor and video card capable of 640x480 - 256 colors (at least 512K of memory on the video card), and a Sound Blaster compatible sound card.
What modes will it copy?
8, 12, 24, 36 Second Black & White - Robot 36 & 72 Second COLOR
Scottie 1 & 2 COLOR - Martin 1 & 2 COLOR
Other features
Full Send and Receive - The program creates a VOC (voice) file that includes all the sync pulses for the mode selected.
Now with B&W QuickCam Interface. You can capture Black & White pictures directly in the window and send. QuickCam connects to your parallel port.
Now you can create your own 3D pictures with this program and a QuickCam. Just line up the camera for the LEFT eye picture and press the space bar. Line up for the RIGHT eye picture by sliding the camera 2 1/2 inches to the right without rotating or tilting the camera, then press the space bar again. View the resulting picture with the Red/BLUE 3D glasses. Sample picture below.
Zoom to Full Screen.
Adds your Callsign to the pictures that you send.
Faster display than with previous versions.
COLOR SNOOPER shows the RGB levels of each line in the picture.
Auto Frequency Tracking to +/- 150Hz
Save images in PCX format.
SLIDE SHOW shows pictures you have saved one at a time automatically.
What versions are available?
Shareware COLOR V1.5 will allow you to send and receive Scottie 1 AND Martin 1 (Added 11/30/97). The other modes and SAVE functions are disabled. Payment of the shareware fee will get you a version with SAVE enabled.
COLOR SLOW SCAN - V1.5 - FULL VERSION. Now includes the QuickCam interface! All features enabled. The FULL FEATURE VERSION is available for $49.95 plus $5.00 shipping (overseas $10.00). Illinois residents add $3.12 tax. VISA, M/C, AMEX, COD (+$5), or check.
How do I get more info or order?
Call or write:
Harlan Technologies
5931 Alma Dr.
Rockford, IL 61108
ORDERS - 800-557-9469 - ORDERS
815) 398-2683 - voice
(815) 398-2688 - fax
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