These are examples of received images using SSTV32 from 160 meters ( #4 Image is a FTP Auto Upload which will change as Live video if i am connected and receving.)
Note: Picture was degraded in detail slightly with the JPG format. Requirements to use SSTV32 are as follows:
Windows95/98/NT or better; 486DX 66Mhz or Faster; 32k Colors or more for your video display; 12 Megs of memory (more is better); Minimum 1 Meg of Disk space, More as you add Images. Sound Blaster compatible audio system that will do 22k/44k sample rate at 16 bits Mono! (Most do).
Here are a few things SSTV32 Has over WinSkan:
TWAIN interfacing to Flat Bed Scanners, camera's ect
"Microsoft Video ®" to interface directly for motion video devices.
Drag and Drop feature that allows file name dragging from other programs like the Explorer.
The list is too long here, but you can try it out by down loading the shareware version, and also keep in mind this is a 32 bit version only and will not operate with the old Windows3.xx.
Down Load The Shareware Sstv32s.ZIP Copy (750k Avg);
For those registered users that would like an Update, you can down load this file. (512K)
Down Load Update Installer USSTV32.ZIP
Here is a Free Screen Grabber program that will let you Crop and move around the screen. Use of the F2 key will let you paste directly to the Clipboard or you can use the F1 option to set the color level and save folder for fast screen grabs of any size on the fly.
Down load Steal it nowWinSkan 1.10 For Windows 3.1x/95/98/NT
IBM PC 486 DX 66 Mhz or better 32,000 Colors or Better (256 will work) Windows 3.1x/WFWG/Windows95/NT sound card that will work at 22k,44k sample rate 16 bit mode (Most Do) Valid Amateur Radio license(to transmit)
WinSkan is available from KA1LPA The shareware version here will be the latest version available. You may also get it from other fine Ham Radio Pages. Simple To use, Listen in on the SSTV frequencies(3.857+/-, 14.230, 14.233 etc.) and you will hear many hams already using WinSkan.
For Lots of Ham Radio related stuff, check out the following
Waynes World(KB1HJ) Many Interesting Links
In JAPAN, Winskan is getting very popular
Click Here To Go To JAPAN
WinSkan has been writen in (Delphi 1.0, Delphi's InLine Assembler & Symantec C++)
DownLoad WinSkan 1.10 Upgrade for registered users of prior versions.
DownLoad WinSKANS.ZIP shareware version 1.10 for Windows 3.1x/95/NT (Requires Sound Card &64k Colors Minimum)