This program it has provided me with some of the best QSOs I have had.  MRP-373 is the VERY best Morse
decoder there is.   Due to a medical condition I no longer can copy by ear so MRP-373 is a ham radio saver.
73  Roy  N4AN  Tue, 19 Oct 1999

Well went to all the web sites and downloaded the data. Went down to the computer in the Shack, loaded it in, executed, and all was well. First time, no problems, worked as advertised, what a surprise.
Using a patch cord, plugged one end into the "Phones" jack on my old time receiver, and the other end into the "line" input on the Sound card. Tune the receiver, set the volume....and the software worked
really great..made about 12 recordings, good morse, bad morse, QRM, QRN, QSB, and the SW worked exceedingly well.  Very nice job. This will be a great learning aid for Morse Training... My order, and money for the "full" version, went out in today's Post. Great Job... es 73 Ray --... ...--  ...-.-   ..    --   Ray A. Allen, Sr.    Sat, 24 Jul 1999

I have been using MRP373 for about a week now. Just a short note to say how good the program is! The morse copy is about as good as possible. One _really_ good feature is the DSP. I was going to buy filters, a separate DSP, etc. for around $400 which are all unnecessary now. Using MRP373 I just centre in on a signal and it does the rest! ... ... an extremely nice piece of work. If you need a testimonial, send them my way! David Shaw, AB0Z

I downloaded the new version of MRP373 this past weekend and am very much impressed. Great job by the people at Polar Electric. It is a superior peice of software which I thoroughy enjoy using. N7OUP, John D Newton

Just want to let you know that I really like the MRP373 update. Works very nice now with the mouse. Makes things much easier.Thanks for your excellent service.
The program works perfect. The best I have seen. I have tried several for CW, but nothing comes close. Keep up the good works. I had already a lot of fun with MRP372. Greetings from Vancouver B.C." Jan, VE7GTE

Steve Ford, WB8IMY "The MRP-372 software performs quite well. I obtained your evaluation copy so that I could write a review for QST magazine. 73 ... " Read the Review in Jan98 issue of QST journal page 81 (252KB jpg File)

"I have been very pleased with your Morse code software. It is a really excellent use of the Soundcard.................... " Peter.Trollope, School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia

"Yesterday we were testing your program working with real audio signal from air and everybody found the quality of this program as exellent, especially comparing with another program "dsp-cw" of some amateur probably from Sweden." Yuri Kulackoff UA3ILR

"... I am very pleased with the results and will be purchasing your program this week. Thanks for your help... For your information I use a AEA232, MFJ462B,Hoka Code -3 for decoding and the following other programs, Intercom, Hamcom,Radioraf(Good program). Needless to say this program MRP372 outperforms the above. Talk to you later and Thanks again.... Used the program all night now have all commands figured out. Works grat. You need to put your program on other popular webs. Ed N4WSY

"Das Programm ist Klasse. Ich habe einfach den Headphone-Ausgang meines IC753 an den Line-In Anschluß meiner AWE32 angeschlossen, TRX eingeschaltet und Programm gestartet. Dann die nächstbeste CW Station eingestellt. Und schon erschienen die ersten Zeichen auf dem Bildschirm. So einfach hatte ich mir das nicht vorgestellt Also das ist mir den Preis wert!" Manfred (DF1QQ)

"I have found the demo version excellent in decoding both commercial automatic morse and ham manual sent morse. I would be happy to put a link to your webpage onto my home page." Larry VK6CP Website:

I'm very impressed with your MRP372 Morse Code Program, particularly its ability to copy a signal buried in noise or fading so much it isn't easy to copy by ear! Rob, V6L1GB

"I am very impressed how well the program copies real cw from the radio. I also liked the amount of control using the auto freq and auto speed features, as well as the station1/2 switch with F1 and F2" John, KM6LJ

"I have to congratulate you on a fine program to decode CW I was using the demo version the other night on 20 meters and I could hardly hear the station concerned but the program was copying it 100%. I find that quite remakable after using other shareware / freeware whitch is available on amateur circuit. Well done and please keep me informed of any other updates or improvements that may come along. G4EWK

"I am impressed with the performance of the software. What I liked very much was the ability to "autotrack" the speed and the tone frequency of the CW signal. I compared it with my KAM & Timewave DSP 599ZX and I found that the result is approx 10% better with your MRP372. The big advantage is that all goes "automatically" ie no manual DSP filtering no speed setting etc..." ON4CBB

"I have to say that your program is the first morse decoder program I've seen that actually works." VE6MEG

"I must say after using the program that it is without a doubt the best cw decoding software i have seen (It actualy works !!)" G4EWK

"The tests with your program are very positive. The program decodes super!" Peter Sidler

"Signals with noise and QRM are decoded very quick, even if the signals are so low that one partly could not copy them by ear. Decoding is stable over longer periods even with QRM and QRM. the second filter is very pleasant, especially in case of several signals close together. Copying SV4B on 8.704 MHZ even at bad conditions was very good. (Strong QRM and QRN, temporary fading RST 127 539 ) " DH2SAQ

"I brought up the program once and had to hold the microphone in front of the speaker as my interface. Even with this crude audio interface, it worked quite well! I'll play with it some more and give you a better evaluation, although from what I've seen so far, you have a winner!" KK7A

"The selectivity and the ability to suppress neighbor signals is impressing" OE500674

"Summary: The practical test gives this software good notes; The filtering is brilliant and the results during test over several weeks satisfied the OM. The mathematical power behind this solution is impressing." DG5DBZ

"I am very satisfied with your MRP37, it works better than I had expected" DF3GL

"I have tried it the last two nights and it works great." KF4CAI
