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   MM Hamsoft   

JE3HHT.gif (72547 bytes)

Amateur Radio Freeware


je3hht1.jpg (11345 bytes)
JE3HHT, Makoto (Mako) Mori.

Thank You Mako - for your Great ham Programs!

PLEASE. . . DO NOT send mail direct to JE3HHT . . . See the contact page for information on sending your comments and questions!

Click above to light your candle

  What's Happening  

aniupdat.gif (1845 bytes)      Nov. 13, 2001       aniupdat.gif (1845 bytes)

new11.gif (3768 bytes)    Added more download sites for MMTTY   new11.gif (3768 bytes)

new11.gif (3768 bytes)     MMTTY Ver. 1.62      new11.gif (3768 bytes)
** With Updated Help - now available **
(MMTTY page)

new11.gif (3768 bytes)     MMSSTV Ver. 1.05 Released     new11.gif (3768 bytes)
(MMSSTV page)

new11.gif (3768 bytes)     WinWarbler to use MMTTY Engine     new11.gif (3768 bytes)
** Next Release of WinWarbler to include RTTY **

    Additional Screen Shots added for MMANA   
(MMANA page)

new11.gif (3768 bytes)      Getting MMTTY and WF1B to work together      new11.gif (3768 bytes)
(MMTTY page)

   Quick Start for MMSSTV Graphics  
(MMSSTV page)

New MM Hamsoft Yahoo Group
** For questions or concerns not related to MMTTY or MMSSTV **

aniupdat.gif (1845 bytes)      Help for MMTTY and MMSSTV     aniupdat.gif (1845 bytes)
Available in PDF and DOC formats
And various other Languages!


  HamScope Version 1.4 Released
(HamScope is a Freeware Multi-Mode program that uses the MMTTY Engine )

MM Hamsoft Terms of Use

mmtty-i.jpg (1326 bytes)
(Radio Teletype - transmit and receive - Win95/98/Nt/2000 and sound card)

Current Version 1.62

mmsstv_i.jpg (1357 bytes)
(Slow Scan TV - transmit and receive - Win95/98/Nt/2000 and sound card)

Current Version 1.05

mmana_i.jpg (1602 bytes)

Antenna Analyzer

Current Version .05 (English)

dsp_i.jpg (1317 bytes)
DSP Filter
(Digital Siginal Processor - Win95/98/Nt/2000 and sound card)

Current Version 1.11E

Program Installer Info

Programs are in a self installing file.

The install program is provided by Gammadyne Software. It looks and worked good in our testing. The reason for changing to this installer was to simplify the process of getting the release ready.  Uninstall abilities allow you to remove programs from your computer.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, make sure that you select your current program folder for installing the new files. The install program will not over write your configuration or log files. However, that being said, it never hurts to save a backup, just to be safe

Gammadyne-09.gif (4806 bytes)
Installer program provided by Gammadyne Software

Please report any program problems via the Yahoo User Groups

Although all possible effort has been put into testing and check this install process, I except no responsibility for problem that may occur and/or cause undesirable results from using the installer.

In simple terms: Everything worked just fine in all my tests but computers being what they are one can never know what things can happen. It is very unlikely that you will experience any problems but occasionally things go wrong..

Interfacing Information
(Click here for help getting connected)

Banner.jpg (10276 bytes)
For simplified interfacing checkout the Tigertronics SignalLink!

Learn About Amateur (Ham) Radio?
Get Introduced to the Digital Modes?
Click here for information

Contact Information

Links Page

You are visitor number since 08/22/01

Last updated:  November 13, 2001

The site was first extablished August 16, 2000 on Geocities
( Original counter 186,478 visits to August 20, 2001)

Mug4.jpg (19175 bytes)
Webmaster  - 
Ken - VE5KC
KC's Canadian Amateur Radio

Thank you very much for your support of this Web Site!

Amateur Radio Search Engine

This site was created  to promote and help English speaking hams use Mako's excellent Ham Radio programs.  The creator of this site makes no claim to or for the programs or any of the information  presented  on these pages.  All credit is due to the author and members of the MM users groups who have provided their input into the workings of  the  programs.  The web master  will make every attempt to insure that the information present is correct an accurate but does not accept any responsibly for errors or omissions.  Please make all comments and suggestions to the appropriate users group @ Yahoo! Groups

Have fun and enjoy!  73 . . Ken - VE5KC


A Special Thanks to Al Waller - K3TKJ
For providing space on the QSL.NET Server

With the move to the new server you will notice a few changes. Most noticeable may be that the Yahoo/Geocities banner ads are no longer at the top of every page. :-) Their will still be one ad at the top of the main page. I decided, even though not required, it would be a good way to help support QSL.NET.

Another change is that QSL Net is a user supported service. If you appreciate having this and other sites available on QSL.NET, consider making a donation.

Help support QSL.NET, make your donations: http://www.qsl.net/donations.html

ABOUT QSL.NET "Connecting Hams around the world!"

ie_animated.gif (1629 bytes)         Always Under Construction . . Hi.. . Hi.. . . . . Check back often!         FPCreated.gif (1856 bytes)

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Yahoo! Groups User Log In

QSL.NET - Web Sites For Hams!

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