FFTDSP - See weak signals with your PC and Sound Card !!

       FFTDSP is a PC program which can detect weak radio signals in real time.  

             - Uses the PC's soundcard and advanced signal processing techniques.

             - Extracts and displays weak signals from the receiver audio.

ad95.gif (56387 bytes)

The example output screen shows a typical two minute period of moon bounce (EME) operation.  Near the top are four "echo" test transmissions.  The transmit signal is shown just above 500 Hz and the receive echos at 780 Hz.  The first echo was the strongest at just under 20 dB S/N.  Starting at 2356z, IK5DCX is shown calling CQ at 700 Hz with a fairly good signal (approx 10 dB S/N).


FFTDSP Demo Version 42y now available:

NEW fftsp42y.zip (410 K Bytes)

If using the "FIND" mode, here is the latest eme.ws file:

NEW emews.zip (12K Bytes)


Key Features of FFTDSP42 are:
  • Real Time Color Spectrum Graph with 2 Hz Filtering (4096 Point FFT)
  • Automatic Color Gradient for Optimum Visibility
  • Numerical Frequency display of Max Amplitude Signal (2 Hz resolution)
  • Record and Playback WAV files for post spectral analysis
  • Integration mode for signal detection below the noise
  • Mouse point and click for selective recording
  • On screen Moon Az/El, TOD & East/West sequences
  • True S/N (in 100 Hz ref) measurement & bar graph
  • Selective area and mode for S/N display
  • Display Smoothing Filters (Hamming, Cosine, etc.)
  • Zoom In/Out for narrow (1300 Hz) or wide (2500 Hz) display
  • Improved Graphics Interface and Setup Screens
  • Find Call feature shows most probable calls
  • Object tracking by RA/DEC
  • Data Logging for long term unattended monitoring (such as SETI)

System Requirements:

  • 386, 20 Mhz with Coprocessor
  • 486 recommended for future upgrades
  • Sound Card

      - Media Vision ProSpectrum-16
      - Thunder Card, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster-Pro
      - Sound Blaster ASP-16, AWE32, AWE64


FFTDSP4x Program Distribution and Price:

FFTDSP42 Demo is distributed as a fully functional but time limited program.
Without the registration file, operation is time limited.

Program Cost:

  • Registration File Only by Email (Preferred) : $32 US and Foreign
  • Program and Registration by Mail Price: $35 US, $37 Foreign (includes shipping)

I can also accept PayPal for the $32 Email Registration:

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast,  free and secure!

PayPal Sign Up information for non US is here:   PayPay for non US


  • Registration File Only Upgrade from FFTDSP38 by Email: $10 US and Foreign
  • Program & Registration Upgrade from FFTDSP38 by Mail: $11 US,$13 Foreign


AF9Y Mike Cook
501 E. Cedar Canyon Rd.
Huntertown, Indiana 46748
(219) 637-3399

Additional Download Sites:
Internet - ftp.webcom.com/pub/af9y


Examples of FFTDSP Applications

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