'Global declarations for IOBUS

'We used the library BUS.DLL to address the I/O ports

'Needs to be declared as a module

Declare Function InByte Lib "BUS.DLL" (ByVal Number As Integer) As Integer

Declare Sub OutByte Lib "BUS.DLL" (ByVal Number As Integer, ByVal Number As Integer)


Begin Form form1

BackColor = &H00808080&

Caption = "fg"

ClientHeight = 6570

ClientLeft = 1560

ClientTop = 1815

ClientWidth = 9015

DrawMode = 15 'Merge Pen

FillColor = &H0000FFFF&

FillStyle = 4 'Upward Diagonal

ForeColor = &H00808080&

Height = 6975

Left = 1500

LinkTopic = "form1"

ScaleHeight = 6570

ScaleWidth = 9015

Top = 1470

Width = 9135

Begin SSRibbon GroupPush3D2

AutoSize = 0 'None

GroupNumber = 2

Height = 495

Left = 6960

PictureDn = FORM1.FRX:0000

PictureDnChange = 0 'Use 'PictureUp' Bitmap Unchanged

PictureUp = FORM1.FRX:016A

RoundedCorners = 0 'False

Top = 3480

Width = 495


Begin SSRibbon GroupPush3D1

AutoSize = 0 'None

Height = 495

Left = 6360

MousePointer = 1 'Arrow

PictureDn = FORM1.FRX:02D4

PictureDnChange = 0 'Use 'PictureUp' Bitmap Unchanged

PictureUp = FORM1.FRX:043E

RoundedCorners = 0 'False

Top = 3480

Width = 495


Begin TextBox Text1

BackColor = &H00000000&

Height = 495

Left = 4680

TabIndex = 8

Top = 4200

Width = 1095


Begin HScrollBar HScroll2

Height = 255

Left = 6360

TabIndex = 7

Top = 3000

Width = 1095


Begin Timer Timer1

Enabled = 0 'False

Left = 240

Top = 5880


Begin CommandButton Command7

BackColor = &H00808080&

Caption = " Reset 8255"

Height = 855

Left = 6360

TabIndex = 6

Top = 1920

Width = 1095


Begin CommandButton Command6

BackColor = &H00808080&

Caption = "8255"

Height = 375

Left = 6360

TabIndex = 5

Top = 1440

Width = 1095


Begin CommandButton Command1

BackColor = &H00808080&

Caption = "Random"

Height = 375

Left = 6360

TabIndex = 1

Top = 240

Width = 1095


Begin HScrollBar HScroll1

Height = 255

Left = 120

Max = 100

Min = 1

TabIndex = 4

Top = 4800

Value = 1

Width = 5655


Begin VScrollBar VScroll1

Height = 4455

Left = 5880

TabIndex = 3

Top = 240

Width = 255


Begin CommandButton Command2

BackColor = &H00808080&

Caption = "Cos(x)"

Height = 375

Left = 6360

TabIndex = 2

Top = 840

Width = 1095


Begin GRAPH Graph1

AsciiColor = "14~5~5~5~4~7~4~2~1~1"

AsciiSymbol = "4"

Background = 0 'Black

BorderStyle = 0 'None

DragMode = 1 'Automatic

DrawMode = 3 'Blit

Foreground = 10 'Light Green

GraphType = 6 'Line

GridStyle = 3 'Horizontal and Vertical

Height = 4455

IndexStyle = 1 'Enhanced

Labels = 0 'Off

Left = 120

NumPoints = 10

PrintStyle = 2 'Monochrome with Border

TabIndex = 0

TabStop = 0 'False

ThickLines = 0 'Off

TickEvery = 10

Ticks = 0 'Off

Top = 240

Width = 5655

YAxisTicks = 5



Dim vs, hs, hs2, k, d, mult, Vmax As Integer

Sub ali ()

'Function to check the alias bit.

InVal = InByte(Val("&H302"))

InVal = InVal And &H1

If InVal = 1 Then

Text1.Text = "Alias" 'Display Msg.


Text1.Text = "Good" 'Display Msg.

End If

End Sub

Sub Command1_Click ()


Graph1.RandomData = 1 'Generate some random data

Graph1.DrawMode = 3 'to use during testing


GoTo repeat

End Sub

Sub Command2_Click ()

wave vs, hs 'Run a cos(x) wave to use during


End Sub

Sub Command6_Click ()

timer1.Enabled = 1 'Start running the actual scope

End Sub

Sub Command7_Click ()

OutByte Val("&H303"), Val("&H91") 'Configure 8255 for mode 0, (A & CL = input)

'and (B & CU = output)

End Sub

Sub Form_Load ()

'Initialize Variables

Graph1.ColorData = 14 'Initialize color

HScroll1.Min = 10 ' Initialize scroll bar.

HScroll1.Max = 1000

HScroll2.Min = 1 ' Initialize scroll bar.

HScroll2.Max = 650

VScroll1.Max = 255

VScroll1.Min = 1

VScroll1.Value = 128

Graph1.NumPoints = HScroll1.Value

HScroll1.Value = 500 'Initialize Time Base

GroupPush3D2.Enabled = False 'Initialze push buttons

OutByte Val("&H303"), Val("&H91") 'Configure 8255 for mode 0, (A & CL = input)

'and (B & CU = output)

d = 1 'd is the graph divisior factor (d)

mult = 1 'mult is the factor we multiply the graph by

End Sub

Sub Form_Resize ()

'Next, we have the code for the sizes of all

'buttons as a function of the size of the form.

'This way everything is resizeable

Graph1.Width = Form1.Width * .8 ' Set width of form.

Graph1.Height = Form1.Height * .8 ' Set height of form.

Graph1.Left = Form1.Width * .02 ' Center form horizontally.

Graph1.Top = Form1.Height * .04 ' Center form vertically.

command1.Height = 375

command1.Left = Graph1.Left + Graph1.Width + .04 * Form1.Width

command1.Top = 240

command1.Width = Form1.Width - command1.Left - (.01 * Form1.Width)

command2.Width = command1.Width

command2.Height = 375

command2.Left = command1.Left

command2.Top = 840

command6.Width = command1.Width

command6.Height = 375

command6.Left = command1.Left

command6.Top = 1440

command7.Width = command1.Width

command7.Height = 855

command7.Left = command1.Left

command7.Top = 2040

HScroll1.Width = Graph1.Width

HScroll1.Height = 255

HScroll1.Left = Graph1.Left

HScroll1.Top = Graph1.Top + Graph1.Height + 30

HScroll2.Width = command1.Width

HScroll2.Height = 255

HScroll2.Left = command1.Left

HScroll2.Top = 3100

VScroll1.Width = 255

VScroll1.Height = Graph1.Height

VScroll1.Left = Graph1.Left + Graph1.Width + 30

VScroll1.Top = Graph1.Top

GroupPush3D1.Width = (command1.Width) * .4

GroupPush3D1.Height = (command1.Height) * 1.5

GroupPush3D1.Left = command1.Left + 50

GroupPush3D1.Top = 3600

GroupPush3D2.Width = (command1.Width) * .4

GroupPush3D2.Height = (command1.Height) * 1.5

GroupPush3D2.Left = GroupPush3D1.Left + GroupPush3D1.Width + 120

GroupPush3D2.Top = 3600

Text1.Width = command1.Width

Text1.Height = (command1.Height)

Text1.Left = Graph1.Left + Graph1.Width - command1.Width

Text1.Top = Graph1.Top + Graph1.Height - Text1.Height

End Sub

Sub GroupPush3D1_Click (Value As Integer)

If Value = False Then

GroupPush3D2.Enabled = False 'Configure so that

timer1.Enabled = 1 'one can't print unless

Else 'we are not running.

GroupPush3D2.Enabled = True

timer1.Enabled = 0 'Freze the image

End If

End Sub

Sub GroupPush3D2_Click (Value As Integer)

If Value = True Then

GroupPush3D2.Enabled = False 'Disable Buttons

GroupPush3D1.Enabled = False

Graph1.DrawMode = 5

GroupPush3D2.Enabled = True 'enable buttons

GroupPush3D1.Enabled = True

GroupPush3D2.Value = False 'set correct value

End If

End Sub

Sub HScroll1_Change ()

HScroll1.LargeChange = 100

HScroll1.SmallChange = 10

hs = HScroll1.Value

Graph1.NumPoints = HScroll1.Value 'Adjust time scale

Graph1.TickEvery = HScroll1.Value

End Sub

Sub HScroll2_Change ()

'This scroll bar is to adjust triggering.

HScroll2.LargeChange = 10

HScroll2.SmallChange = 1

hs2 = HScroll2.Value

timer1.Interval = hs2

End Sub

Sub scal ()

'd is scaling factor

If Vmax > 2 And Vmax < 4 Then 'Vmax between 2 and 4

GoTo 20 'do nothing

End If

If Vmax < 4 Then 'Vmax greater than 4

timer1.Enabled = 0 'Stop sampling to adjust hardware

OutByte Val("&H301"), Val("&Hff") 'output divided by 256

For t = 1 To 10000 'delay to alow hardware response

For s = 1 To 1

Next s

Next t

timer1.Enabled = 1 'wait for data to be updated

GoTo 30

End If

If Vmax < 2 Then 'Vmax less than 2. 2 is our threshold

timer1.Enabled = 0 'Disable old data processing

If d * 2 > 250 Then 'This IF statement protects us

d = 255 'from overflowing the value of

Else 'd when a very, very small

d = d * 2 'signal is at the input.

End If

OutByte Val("&H301"), d 'Output scale factor

timer1.Enabled = 1 'Enable new data processing

mult = d

GoTo 30

End If

20 d = 1 'reset multiplier


End Sub

Sub scope55 ()

'The function scope55 is executed as long as timer1 is enabled.


'hi = 128

'lo = 128

For j = 1 To hs Step 1

InVal = InByte(Val("&H300")) 'Get data Register A.

If InVal > hi Then 'Find min and max for graph.

hi = InVal 'I believe this is not the best

GoTo finish 'idea of doing this, since it

ElseIf InVal < lo Then 'slows down the sampling rate.

lo = InVal

End If


Graph1.GraphData = InVal * mult 'Store Data to be graphed

Next j

Graph1.DrawMode = 3 'Graph Data

' Next, find Vmax which will be used in our decision box (see flow-chart)

'(ideally we should be looking for a median value in order to eliminate

' errors caused by noise spikes in the signal)


' (*) In this part we also calibrate the output of the A/D such that a FF means 4.2

' and 7F = 0.

If Abs(hi - 128) > Abs(lo - 128) Then 'we substract 128 to achieve (*)

Vmax = hi


Vmax = lo

End If

Vmax = Vmax * .032813 '0.0328 = 4.2/128. So FF -> 4.2

scal 'Call the decision function (decision box)

ali 'Call the function ali to check alias

End Sub

Sub Timer1_Timer ()


End Sub

Sub VScroll1_Change ()

VScroll1.LargeChange = 10

VScroll1.SmallChange = 1

vs = VScroll1.Value

End Sub

Private Sub wave (j, i)


For k = 0 To 1000 Step 1

Graph1.GraphData = j * Cos(k / 40)

Next k

Graph1.DrawMode = 3


GoTo recos

End Sub