Bay Advanced Technologies(BAT) Ltd can supply custom built air sonar systems to meet customer's requirements for research into robot guidance sensors and the development of pre-manufacture prototypes.
The key component is the very wide bandwidth transducer for which (BAT) Ltd holds special expertise, and the high energy ultrasonic radiation code used in conjunction with the transducers.

multi element transducer

Twenty element ultrasonic transducer used for beam scanning and focussing.
Available operating frequency band 50 - 200 KHz.
(ruler scale in centimeters)

Illustrations of an early in air scanning sonar MAP picture using a very wide band transducer.

Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 3 Figure 4

The scanning sonar was mounted on the stool which is represented as the centre of the curved images The beam angle of the scanned beam was 2.5 degrees. Note the sharp image of the wood telegraph pole in figure 2. The pole echo in figure 4 is suppressed because of the poor dynamic range of the display.

Click here for viewing a wide angle sensing system used to enable the Blind to See with Sound. The system models the dual functions of the eyes - the foveal and the peripheral fields of view. The human auditory sensing system has been modelled for use on a robot using a dual channel FFT processor and imaging software. A system schematic is given.

Video clips demonstrate the acoustic stereo sensation of Seeing with Sound in different situations. The fine nuances in object discrimination can be heard. A brief history of development is given.

KASPA KASPA's transducers
KASPA: a sensory aid for the Blind to SEE with SOUND

Selection of transducers
Selection of special custom built transducers for fitting into sensor head.
Frequency 50 - 200 kHz supplied with electronic driver and demodulation receiver

For further inquiries e-mail:

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