Circuit Archives
Sensors & Transducers/ Pressure
Digital Pressure
Reprinted with permission
from Rudolf Graf.
For this and over 1000 other electronic circuits, review and order Rudolf
Graf's Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits on CD-ROM Vol-1
McGraw-Hill ISBN0078528119

This electronic
pressure gauge uses a Wheatstone bridge-type pressure sensor to drive a 3 1/2 digit A/D
converter and a display. IC1 is a pump (quad) that interfaces the bridge sensor to the A/D
converter. R16 provides zero adjustment and R6 provides full-scale calibration. D1 through
D4 provide temperature compensation. (Reprinted with permission from R-E Experimenters
Handbook, 1992, p.31) From figure FE55-36 from Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits
Vol. 1.