Can I use an insulation tester to do the same
No. This is a common error. Field operators are often issued a MEGGER ®
instrument from stores, without its being checked to determine whether it's
an insulation or ground tester. Insulation testers are designed to measure
at the opposite end of the resistance spectrum from a ground tester. No
one wants grounds that measure in megohms Insulation testers use high test
voltages in the kilovolt range. Ground testers are limited, for operator
safety, to low voltages. Insulation testers do commonly have low-voltage,
low-resistance continuity functions and these are frequently misused to
make jiffy ground tests. However, a continuity test can only make an arbitrary
measurement between an installed electrode and a reference ground, which
is assumed to have negligible resistance. This does not afford a reliable
measurement of the resistance the earth offers to a ground fault current.
Even this arbitrary measurement may not be reliable, since a dc continuity
test can be influenced by soil transients, the electrical noise that is
generated by utility ground currents trying to get back to the transformer,
as well as other sources.
The required measurement is of resistance; why can't I use a multimeter?
For the same reasons that a continuity range on an insulation tester should
not be used. Measurements made with a dc multimeter are subject to distortion
by electrical noise in the soil. A multimeter offers no means of verifying
that the resistance displayed represents anything other than an arbitrary
measurement between two convenient points. With a multimeter, one can measure
the resistance of the soil between a ground electrode and some reference
point, such as the water pipe system, but a fault current may encounter
a higher resistance. Genuine ground testers are amenable to field-developed
standard procedures that have built-in cross-checks that expose insufficient
test conditions.
What is the difference between a two-point, three-point, and four-point
Literally, the number of points of contact with the soil. More specifically,
these commonly used terms refer to dead earth, fall of potential, and Wenner
method tests, respectively. In the dead earth method, contact is made at
just two points: the ground electrode under test and a convenient reference
ground, such as the water pipe system or a metal fence post. In the fall
of potential method, a genuine ground tester makes contact via the test
electrode, plus the current and potential probes. With the Wenner method,
no ground electrode is involved, but rather the independent electrical properties
of the soil itself can be measured using a four-probe setup and a recognized
standard procedure.
Can't I simply make a measurement to a reference ground?
This common method often uses an instrument other than a dedicated ground
tester. It is referred to as the dead earth method because the reference
ground is only being used for the test and is not normally part of an electrical
system. It can be the water pipes, a metal fence post, or even a rod driven
just for the test. The method is popular because of its ease and generality,
but is not recommended. Since the reference ground happens to be located
by a combination of convenience and chance, it is only a matter of luck
if the soil resistance to it actually represents the true electrical ground
resistance. Furthermore, the measurement has to be accepted on faith, because
there is no way to validate it, as there is with accepted standard methods.
The method has no independent recognition from standards authorities, and
so is of no use in establishing the reliability of results or in liability
How do I know if my ground is good?
The most widely used specification is that of the NEC, which mandates for
residential grounds a resistance of 25 or less. This is not a particularly
difficult specification to meet. Others are more demanding, and may be specified
by the engineer designing an electrical system, or by a client, or may come
as part of the warranty requirements for advanced equipment. The most commonly
encountered specification for industrial grounds in general is 5 or less.
Computers and process control equipment may demand as little as 1 or 2 .
How often should I test my grounds?
Odd intervals of 5, 7, or 9 months are recommended so that the various seasons
will all be encountered in succession. This is because the quality and effectiveness
of a ground are profoundly affected by weather and seasons. If quarterly
or semiannual testing schedules were used, certain months would consistently
be missed, and these could be the ones in which the grounding is most stressed
by the weather. Adopting irregular intervals, on the other hand, ensures
that worst case seasons will be revealed. Since a ground fault, potential
fire or accident, can happen at any time, your protection is only as good
as the ground condition in the worst time of year.
How do I go about designing a good ground?
Traditionally, the trial-and-error method was used and could be enhanced
by an individual's experience. This consists of designing the ground during
the process of installation, and repeatedly testing it in progress, until
the desired spec has been met. For example, a rod can be driven then tested.
A second rod can be coupled to the first, driven deeper, and tested again.
This procedure is repeated until spec is met. Similarly, a second rod can
be added in parallel (driven into the soil separately and connected by a
conductor rather than coupled end-to-end) and tested. Additional rods can
then be added to form a ground bed until a sufficiently low resistance is
obtained. The trial-and error method is still frequently used and often
works well. But its limitation is that it is subject to the Law of Diminishing
Returns: more and more work for less and less reward. In optimal soil conditions,
a satisfactory ground can be achieved with only a few retests. But in more
difficult environments, one can end up wasting the day without realizing
the goal.
A more ordered approach is available and begins with the manufacturers of
grounding materials. They will commonly provide, at little or no cost, engineering
programs to calculate the best theoretical design in advance. These are
usually available on computer disc and require the input of some data, which
include resistivity measurements of the available area, and the ground resistance
specification that must be met. From this data, the program calculates a
design which can be installed as a unit rather than the piecemeal approach
of trial-and-error. A single resistance test should then verify that the
spec has been met and, if not, only a simple addition or adjustment should
be sufficient.
How do I hook up my leads?
With a three-terminal model, the common is connected to the ground being
tested. The shortest available lead is used for this connection because
the test ground should be close at hand and the lead resistance will be
part of the measurement. If the tester is a four-terminal model, the operator
has some discretion. The C1 and P1 terminals can be jumpered or not. If
jumpered electronically by means of the appropriate test button (newer models
have separate test buttons for three- or four-terminal operation), the lead
should be taken from the C1, not the P1. The internal connection made by
means of the test button is resistive, not a dead short. If the test lead
is run from the P1, this internal resistance will show up in the measurement.
If both terminals are to be used, two leads are run to the test ground.
In this genuine four-wire bridge configuration, no lead resistance enters
the measurement. So the choice is resolved between time and accuracy. Three-wire
is quicker because it requires less hookup. If the test spec isn't unusually
low, the little bit of lead resistance doesn't hurt. Four-wire requires
a bit more work, but if you must meet one or two W , it may be helpful to
make the accuracy as sharp as possible.
The longest lead is connected to the C2 terminal, and normally, or in the
absence of any other specifics, stretched out to its full length. The P2
receives the lead of intermediate length and this will probably be moved
several times between the tested ground and the current probe, according
to the dictates of the specific procedure being used.
How do I know how far to extend the leads?
Unfortunately, there's no failsafe method of determining this in advance
without the possibility of some trial-and-error. That's because soil conditions
are infinitely variable. In highly conductive soils, the resistive volume
surrounding the test ground is comparatively small and acceptable measurements
may be made from as little as 25 ft away. As soil type and conditions worsen,
and/or the resistance spec goes down, the resistive field enlarges and can
become quite extensive. Then, extremely long test leads may be required
in order to get out of the resistive field of the electrode being tested.
How can this very important consideration be approached?
First, industry rules-of-thumb exist and are often seen reproduced in tables
in the literature. These vary somewhat depending on the disposition and
experience of the issuing agent, but in general it can be said that the
current lead is extended four to five times the length of the maximum dimension
of the ground being tested (some more rigorous authorities recommend ten
times). For example, with a driven rod, the current probe would be placed
five times (or whatever multiplier is being used) the depth; with a ground
bed, five times the diagonal; for counterpoise, five times the diameter,
and so on. Just remember, these are only rules of thumb. They are not strict
requirements. The underlying concept is that the practice will provide a
reasonably good likelihood of getting an acceptable test on the first try.
But this is neither guaranteed nor mandated. If the calculated distance
is impractical or impossible, there is nothing wrong with testing at whatever
distances are available. The only thing being risked is the increased possibility
that the result won't qualify, and the test will have to be repeated; i.e.,
more trial-and-error.
Secondly, you may just use whatever is available. If it is not inconvenient
to run the leads out to the maximum (100 ft or more), there is a good chance
that most tests will be adequate. As long as an acceptable test procedure
is followed, bad results caused by insufficient probe spacing will be recognized
and thrown out. The more you can live with trial-and-error, the less concern
there need be about getting it right the first time. And, operator experience
is invaluable. Familiarity with local conditions and previous tests are
often all that is needed for the experienced operator to make a practical
decision on the first try.
And thirdly, the test procedure being used has something to do with the
amount of lead length that will be needed. Some methods (e.g., Slope Method)
tend to require less distance than others (e.g., fully developed Fall of
Potential) for a given test ground. Just remember, as far as lead length
is concerned the ends justify the means. If an acceptable test result (that
is, coherent and repeatable) is obtained, the leads were long enough.
What is the significance of the provided lead lengths?
As a generalization, they are long enough to yield an acceptable test on
the first try in most common environments. The one false conclusion that
must not be inferred is that they are the exact lengths needed in all situations.
That is to say, do not merely stretch the leads out to their full lengths,
conduct a test, and leave. You may, and most likely will, have a good test
but there is no certainty. There are many atypical environments in which
the provided lead lengths are not enough. Any attempt at a universal lead
set would be highly impractical, inordinately long, and a nuisance to work
with in most routine test situations. The provided leads will be adequate
in most instances,\ but a margin must be allowed for situations in which
longer lengths will have to be used. No lead set design can serve as a preordained
substitute for good fundamental practice.
Do I just go out 62 feet and take my measurement?
This practice does have limited applicability, but should not be relied
upon. It frequently appears in the literature as the "62% Rule"
(more specifically, 61.8). It is based on calculations that have shown that,
under ideal conditions, a Fall of Potential graph will encounter the value
that represents the theoretical true ground resistance at a position that
is 61.8% of the distance to the current probe. The theoretical true resistance
is the value for that ground electrode in that location if the resistance
of the entire planet could be measured. Of course, it cannot but fortunately
for practical considerations all but a miniscule amount of that resistance
is determined by the conditions in the immediate area which can be measured.
Because resistance rises well above theoretical true in the vicinity of
the current probe, the total graph therefore will include the value equivalent
to theoretical true.
The limitation of the "62% Rule" is that it assumes ideal conditions.
These include adequate probe spacing and homogeneous soil. Soil is rarely
entirely homogeneous (of a thoroughly consistent nature) and around graded
construction sites, it will be particularly disturbed. Therefore, by pure
misfortune, the potential probe at 62% of the total distance may be driven
into a localized hot spot where the soil in a small area is not representative
of the prevailing condition. This could cause a reading to be too high,
resulting in unnecessary improvement of the ground. Conversely, it could
make the reading low, resulting in the facility being left without the intended
protection. And unlike other standard test methods, the result of the 62%
test has to be taken on faith; i.e., there is no built-in safety check to
toss out readings taken with inadequate spacing. Again, unless the probes
happen to be separated by sufficient spacing, a reading could be taken on
the rise of the resistance vs. spacing curve, and falsely indicate that
the ground has met spec.
So, where can this method be successfully used? It may be that in some non-critical
applications, the speed and ease of this test may make it attractive to
risk the occasional bad test slipping by. Unless thoroughly justified, however,
that is not a recommended idea. Utilities may sometimes scour an area with
these abbreviated tests for a line of pole grounds, for instance. But there
is always a back-up team that performs a second test by a more rigorous
means on any locations that aren't in agreement with expectations from previous
records. The most advantageous use of this method, then, is where the assumptions
have been met; that is to say, where previous thorough testing has established
the distances, points of probe placement, and so on, and they are recorded
in a maintenance history. In such cases, subsequent maintenance testing
can be performed without as great an expenditure of time and effort by using
the "62% Rule".
Ground Testing FAQs
Category: Applications