Joystick Port

When wiring your connections to the Joystick port connector, it's easy to become confused with the pin numbers. Looking at the pictorial below, it should become clear where each pin is located.
If you look at the port on the rear of you PC, you'll notice there is always a 'female'-type connector. Counting from the top row, the pins start at number '8' through to '1'. The bottom rows start at pin '15' and end at pin '9'.
Just remember that the 'male'-type connector has the pin designations inverted.

View of the joystick connector

This table should help you ascertain the Joystick port connections...

Pin Designation
1 Joystick 1 +5v
2 Button 1
3 Joystick 1 'X' axis
4 Joystick 1 Gnd
5 Joystick 2 Gnd
6 Joystick 1 'Y' axis
7 Button 2
8 +5v
9 Joystick 2 +5v
10 Button 3
11 Joystick 2 'X' axis
12 Midi In
13 Joystick 2 'Y' axis
14 Button 4
15 Midi Out

Scrolling line

Best Regards... Pete