PIC-FAQ from the TCJ Web Page

From: Tom Kellett <tom@takdsign.demon.co.uk>

Subject: microcontroller-faq/PIC

Followup-To: poster

Date: 04 Dec 1995  02:49:36 GMT

Archive-name: microcontroller-faq/PIC

Posting-Frequency: Monthly

Last-Modified: 04 Dec 1995  02:48:36 GMT


Summary:       This article is a collection of information sources

               for the MicroChip PIC series of microcontrollers

This Version Produced: 04 Dec 1995  02:49:39 GMT

Last Modified: 04 Dec 1995  02:48:36 GMT

The following topics are addressed:

            0  )  Index <You're reading it>

	    1.0)  ABOUT THIS FAQ

	    1.1)  Who put this FAQ together?

	    1.2)  How can I contribute to this FAQ?

	    1.3)  What newsgroups will this FAQ be posted to?

	    1.4)  Mailing lists of interest to PIC wranglers

	    1.5)  Other FAQs of possible interest

	    1.6)  Can I distribute this FAQ or post it somewhere else?

	    2.0)  ABOUT THE PIC 

	    2.1)  The PIC micro controller

	    2.2)  PIC variants

	    2.3)  PIC contacts and representatives

	    3.0)  PIC Utilities

	    3.1)  FTP sites for the PIC

	    3.2)  BBSs that support the PIC

	    3.3)  Programming languages (3rd Party)

	    3.4)  Programming hardware  (3rd Party)

	    3.5)  Programming Hardware (D.I.Y.)


	    4.1)  Periodicals that cover the PIC

	    4.2)  Books on the PIC

	    4.3)  Miscellaneous documentation on the PIC

	    5.0)  Notes for programmers

	    5.1)  Useful Code Routines [Index]

	    6.0)  Attributions

*                                                                              *


*                                                                              *

1.1)  Who put this FAQ together?

	Tom Kellett




	[the above is not a postal address, merely a locator]

	If you like this FAQ; tell people that usenet is a good place.

	If not, tell *me* what changes you would like to see.

*                                                                              *

1.2)  How can I contribute to this list?

    Please, if you have any suggestions corrections or additions,

    notify me by E-MAIL.  :  Tom@takdsign.demon.co.uk   Thank you.

*                                                                              *

1.3)  What newsgroups will this FAQ be posted to?

This FAQ will be posted to the following newsgroups:





And will soon be, once again, archived at;

Archive:  rtfm.mit.edu :  <plus all mirror sites>




    The schedule for posting will be monthly

*                                                                              *

1.4)  Mailing lists of interest

	To subscribe to the PICLIST mailing list;

	Mail to:	listserv@mitvma.mit.edu

	Header:		() leave blank, not used.

	Text:		SUBscribe PICLIST	to subscribe

		or	UNSUBscribe PICLIST	to un subscribe

		or	HELP		to get help

		or	INFO REFCARD    for a listserve reference card

	The pic list address is: PICLIST@mitvma.mit.edu

	To receive the mailing list as a digest, send a message to the


In the body of the message have the single line:


*                                                                              *

1.5)  Other FAQs of possible interest

Other Microcontroller FAQs

      Subject:  8051 microcontrollers

      Newsgroups:  comp.realtime



      Archive:  rtfm.mit.edu :  <plus all mirror sites>




      Maintainer:  Russ Hersch

		Email:  sibit@datasrv.co.il

      Subject:  68hc11 microcontrollers

      Newsgroups:  comp.realtime



      Archive:  rtfm.mit.edu :  <plus all mirror sites>




      Maintainer:  Russ Hersch

		Email:  sibit@datasrv.co.il

      Subject:  Microcontroller primer and FAQ

      Newsgroups:  comp.sys.intel





      Archive:  rtfm.mit.edu :  <plus all mirror sites>




      Maintainer:  Russ Hersch

                Email:  sibit@datasrv.co.il

    Additional FAQs of interest

      Subject:  Robotics

      Newsgroups:  comp.robotics

      Maintainer:  Kevin Dowling


                   Email:  nivek@ri.cmu.edu

                   Smail:  Carnegie Mellon University

                           The Robotics Institute

                           Pittsburgh, PA 15213

      Subject:  Electronics

      Newsgroups:  sci.electronics

      Comments:  There are a number of FAQs available in this newsgroup

                 on various subjects.  Among some of the subjects covered

                 are:  LCDs, stepper motors, etc.

      FAQ subject:  Real-time

      Newsgroups:  comp.realtime, comp.answers, news.answers

      Archive:  rtfm.mit.edu : pub/usenet/comp.realtime

      Maintainer:  Mark Linimon

                       Lonesome Dove Computing Services

                       Roanoke, Virginia

                   Email:  linimon@nominil.lonesome.com.

      Subject:  Motorola 68K microprocessor line

		Newsgroups:  comp.sys.m68k

      Archive:  bode.ee.ualberta.ca : pub/motorola/general

                ftp.luth.se : /pub/misc/motorola/faq

                file name of archive is m68kfaq?.zip (? is version)

      Maintainer:  Robert Boys - Ontario, Canada

                   Email: r.boys@genie.geis.com



For more information on various microcontrollers and their features,

refer to the Microcontroller primer and FAQ listed above.

*                                                                              *

1.6)  Can I post this FAQ to my local BBS?

    I am putting no restrictions on the use of this FAQ but please, 

* * * * * * * * *  SEE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AT END OF FAQ * * * * * * * * * * * 

	REMEMBER ! If you choose to upload this FAQ to any BBS or ftp site, 

	then *YOU* are responsible for updating it regularly.

*                                                                              *

2.0)  ABOUT THE PIC micro controller

    The PIC series are eprom based 8-bit micro controllers

	developed by Microchip Technology

*                                                                              *

2.1)  The PIC micro controller

Back in 1965, GI formed a Microelectronics Division, and indeed used this 

division to generate some of the earliest viable EPROM and EEPROM memory 

architectures. As you may be aware, the GI Microelectronucs Division were 

also responsible for a wide variety of digital and analog functions, in the 

AY3-xxxx and AY5-xxxx families.

GI also generated a 16 bit microprocessor, called the CP1600, in the early 

70s. This was a reasonable microprocessor, but not particularly good at 

handling i/os. For some very specific applications where good i/o handling 

was needed, GI designed a Peripheral Interface Controller (or PIC for short), 

in around 1975. It was designed to be very fast, since it was i/o handling 

for a 16 bit machine, but didn't need a huge amount of functionality, so its 

microcoded instruction set was small. Hopefully, you can see what's 

coming....yes, the architecture designed in '75 is substantially the PIC16C5x 

architecure today. Granted, the1975 version was manufactured in NMOS, and was 

only available in masked ROM versions, but still a good little uC. The 

market, however, didn't particularly think so, and the PIC remained designed 

in at a handful of large customers only.

During the early 80s, GI took a long hard look at their business, and 

restructured, leaving them to concentrate on their core activities, which is 

essentially power semiconductors. Indeed they are still doing this very 

successfully now. GI Microelectronics Division became GI Microelectronics Inc 

(a wholly owned subsidiary), which in 85 was finally sold to venture capital 

investors, including the fab in Chandler, Arizona.  The venture capital 

people took a long hard look at the products in the business, and got rid of 

most of it - all the AY3- and AY5- parts and a whole bunch of other stuff, 

leaving the core business of the PIC and the serial and parallel EEPROMs and 

the parallel EPROMs. A decision was taken to restart the new company, named 

Arizona Microchip Technology, with embedded control as its differentiator 

from the rest of the pack.

As part of this strategy, the PIC165x NMOS family was redesigned to use one 

of the other things that the fledgling company was good at, i.e. EPROM - the 

concept of the CMOS based, OTP and eraseable EPROM program memory PIC16C5x 

family was born.

Contributed by Alex R. Baker <alex@microchp.demon.co.uk>

Actually, the PIC architecture was first integrated by Signetics for a

company in San Jose (Scientific Memory Systems as I recall) using Bipolar

technology and dubbed the 8X300.


Prior to that, the architecture had been a scientific curiosity since its

invention by Harvard University in a Defense Department funded competition

that pitted Princeton against Harvard.


Princeton won the competition because the MTBF of the simpler single memory

architecture was much better, albeit slower, than the Harvard submission.

With the development of the transistor and IC's the Harvard Architecture is

finally coming into its own.


Microchip has made a number of enhancements to the original architecture,

and updated the functional blocks of the original design with modern

advancements that are in concert with existing architectural processes and

enabled by the low cost of semiconductors.

Contributed by  Len Umina <umina@kirk.mchip.com>

*                                                                              *

2.2)  PIC Variants

PIC processors are available in three families, which Microchip refers to as

the PIC16C5x, PIC16Cxx, and PIC17Cxx families.

PIC16C5x: 12 bit program word size, 33 instructions, 2 level stack,

          no interrupts

            Program    Data              Max.   Voltage   Typical   Digikey

            memory     memory     I/O    freq.  Range     Current   Price  

            (words)    (bytes)    pins   (MHz)  (Volts)   (mA)      (US $) 

----------  ---------  ---------  -----  -----  --------  -------   -------

PIC16C54     512       25         12     20     2.5-6.25    2        4.39

PIC16C54A    512       25         12     20     2.5-6.25    2        

PIC16CR54    512 ROM   25         12     20     2.0-6.25    1        

PIC16CR54A   512 ROM   25         12     20     2.0-6.25    1        

PIC16C55     512       24         20     20     2.5-6.25    2        5.44

PIC16C56    1024       25         12     20     2.5-6.25    2        5.03

PIC16C57    2048       72         20     20     2.5-6.25    2        6.24

PIC16CR57A  2048 ROM   72         20     20     2.0-6.25    1        

PIC16C58A   2048       73         12     20     2.5-6.25    1        

PIC16Cxx: 14 bit word size, 35 instructions, 8 level stack

            Program    Data              Max.   Voltage   Typical   Digikey

            memory     memory     I/O    freq.  Range     Current   Price  

            (words)    (bytes)    pins   (MHz)  (Volts)   (mA)	    (US $) 

----------  ---------  ---------  -----  -----  --------  -------   -------

PIC16C61    1024       36         13     20     3.0-6.0      ?         ?

PIC16C64    2048       128        33     20     2.0-6.0     3       11.05

PIC16C65    4096       192        ?      20        ?         ?         ?

PIC16C71    1024       36         13     16     3.0-6.0     2       14.38

PIC16C73    4096       192        ?      20        ?         ?         ?

PIC16C74    4096       192                                          

PIC16C84    1024 EE    36 + 64 EE 13     10     2.0-6.0     2       10.15

PIC16C61 (18 pin DIP, 18 pin SOIC) available now?

PIC16C65 (40 pin DIP, 44 pin PLCC) under development

PIC16C73 (28 pin DIP, 28 pin SOIC) under development

PIC17Cxx: 16 bit word size, 55 instructions, 16 level stack:

            Program    Data              Max.   Voltage   Typical   Digikey

            memory     memory     I/O    freq.  Range     Current   Price  

            (words)    (bytes)    pins   (MHz)  (Volts)   (mA)	    (US $) 

----------  ---------  ---------  -----  -----  --------  -------   -------

PIC17C42    2048       256        33     25     4.5-5.5     6       15,15

PIC17C44    8192       480        33     25                         


1.  Program memory is EPROM unless otherwise noted.

2.  Data memory is number of usable bytes, not including special function


3.  Digikey prices are quantity 10 prices for 4 MHz DIP packaged OTP parts

    with RC oscillator option (where applicable), except that the 16C84 uses

    EE PROM program memory, and the slowest speed 17C42 is rated at 16 MHz.

4.  Prices are from Digikey catalogue number 943 for May/June 1994.

    Other distributors often have lower prices, but typically also have

    high minimum order requirements.  Digikey also usually has plenty of

    parts in stock.  Windowed EPROM parts cost substantially more.

*                                                                              *

2.3)  PIC contacts and representatives	

I don't know what Country these are in for sure.

    ED Teck. Pubs                                       tel:407-454-9905

    Fred Eady                                           BBS:407-454-3198

    Writes articles for popular magazines.

    Has a PIC programmer kit for $70.

    Protel                                              tel:1-800-544-4186

    Builder of EASYTRAX, which is a free-ware           bbs:1-408-243-0125

    PCB drawing Package

    Call Ext 225 ask for Louise Markham.   



    Microchip Technology                                tel:61 03 890 0970

        Product information

    HarTec Limited                                      tel: (03) 268 9000

    205a Middleborough Road                             fax: (03) 899 0819

    Box Hill, Victoria



    MicroZed Computers                                  tel:61 67 722 777

      296 Cook's Road                                   fax:61 67 728 987

      Armidale, NSW


        Stamp Products

    Technology Affair                                   tel:61 9 246 4810

    Carine, WA                                          fax:61 9 246 4809

        Pic Tools



    Wilke Technology                                    tel:49 241 15 4071

    Aachen                                              fax:49 241 15 8475

        Stamp products



    G.S.E.                                              tel:32 41 77 51 51

    Soumagne                                            fax:32 41 77 53 53

        Stamp Products



    Aerosystems International                           tel:514 336 9426

    St. Laurent Quebec                                  fax:514 336 4383

        Stamp Products


    AP Circuits                                         BBS 1-403-291-9342


    Can download EASYTRAX(V2.06), various utilities, GERBER file 

    proofers, etc. You can upload PCB files and they will make 

    boards and ship to you in about week. (about $100)


Czech Republic

    MITE                                                tel:42 49 5813 252

    Hradek Kralove                                      fax:42 49 5813 260

        Stamp Products




    High Tech Horizon

    Asbogatan 29 C                                    tel: +46 431 41 00 88

    S-262 51 Angelholm                                fax: +46 431 41 00 88

    SWEDEN                                            e-mail: cj@algonet.se

    WWW   : http://www.algonet.se/~cj/catalog.html

        Stamp Products



    High Tech Horizon

    Asbogatan 29 C                                    tel: +46 431 41 00 88

    S-262 51 Angelholm                                fax: +46 431 41 00 88

    SWEDEN                                            e-mail: cj@algonet.se

    WWW   : http://www.algonet.se/~cj/catalog.html

        Stamp Products



    Arizona Microchip Technology SARL                   tel:33 01 6930 9090

    2, Rue Du Buisson aux Fraises                       fax:33 01 6930 9079

    F-91300 Massy, France

    Product information    

    Selectronic                                         tel:33 20 52 98 52

    Lille Cedex                                         fax:33 20 52 12 04

        Stamp Products



    Arizona Microchip Technology GMBH                   tel:49 089 609 6072

    Alte Landstrasse 12-14                              fax:49 089 609 1997

    D-8012 Ottobrunn, Germany

    Product information    

    Arizona Microship Technology GmbH                   tel:~49-89-627-144-0

    Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 125                           fax:~49-89-627-144-44



    Sales Office for Central + Eastern Europe.

    Area Sales Manager is Mr. W.R. Hollon.

    Wilke Technology                                    tel:49 241 15 4071

    Aachen                                              fax:49 241 15 8475

        Stamp products

    Metronik GmbH

    Leonhardweg 2                                       Tel: +49 89 61108 0

    D-82008 Unterhaching                                Fax: +49 89 6117686

    Rutronik GmbH

    Industriestrasse 2                                  Tel: +49 7231 8010

    D-75228 Ispringen                                   Fax: +49 7231 82282

    Semitron W. Roeck GmbH

    Im Gut 1                                            Tel: +49 7742 8001 0

    D-79790 Kuessaberg                                  Fax: +49 7742 6901

    Future Electronics Deutschland GmbH

    Postfach 1152                                       Tel: +49 89 95727 0

    D-85765 Unterfoehring                               Fax: +49 89 95727 173



    Peter Caritato + Associates                         tel:30 1 902 0115

    Athens                                              fax:30 1 901 7024

        Stamp Products



Hong Kong

    Microchip Technology Inc.                           tel:852 410 2716

    Unit No. 2520-2525                                  fax: 852 418 1600

    Tower 1, Metroplaza

    Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong

    N.T., Hong Kong

    Product information



    HUMANsoft                                           tel:36 1163 2879

    Budapest                                            fax:36 1251 3673

        Stamp Products




    AL Systems                                          tel:91 422 232 561

    Coimbatore                                          fax:91 422 213 849

        Stamp Products




    Elina Electronic Ltd                                tel:972 3 498 543

    Tel Aviv                                            fax:972 3 498 745

        Stamp Products




    Microchip Technology                                tel:39 039 689 9939

    Product information

    No further information is available at this time



    Microchip Technology International Inc.             tel:81 45/471-6166

    Shinyokohama Gotoh Bldg. 8F, 3-22-4                 fax:81 45/471-6122

    Shinyokohama, Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama-Shi

    Kanagawa 222 Japan

    Product information        

    Akizuki Denshi Tsusho Ltd                           tel:81 3 3251 1779

    Tokyo                                               fax:81 3 3432 4492

        Stamp Products



    Microchip Technology                                tel:82 2 518 8181

    Product information

    No further information is available at this time



    Antratek                                            tel:31 1803 17666

    Nieuwerkerk A/D ljssel                              fax:31 1803 16664

        Stamp Products



    High Tech Horizon

    Asbogatan 29 C                                    tel: +46 431 41 00 88

    S-262 51 Angelholm                                fax: +46 431 41 00 88

    SWEDEN                                            e-mail: cj@algonet.se

    WWW   : http://www.algonet.se/~cj/catalog.html

        Stamp Products



    DIGICONTROLE                                        tel: 351-1-80 57 30

    Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 5 2D                         351-1-848 4542

    OLAIAS 1900 LISBOA                                  fax: 351-1-849 0373

    Electronic Distributor, including PIC's



    Microchip Technology                                tel: 65 222 4962

    Product information

    No further information is available at this time


South Africa


   PACE Electronic Components                           tel:011-9741211 (JHB)

    Microchip  (official agent)

    Jakanaka                                            tel:27 11 907 8475

    Alberton                                            fax:27 11 907 9426

        Stamp Products



South Korea

    Prochips                                            tel:82 2 849 8567

    Seoul                                               fax:82 2 849 8659

        Stamp Products




    Wilke Technology                                    tel:49 241 15 4071

    Aachen                                              fax:49 241 15 8475

        Stamp products




    High Tech Horizon

    Asbogatan 29 C                                    tel: +46 431 41 00 88

    S-262 51 Angelholm                                fax: +46 431 41 00 88

    SWEDEN                                            e-mail: cj@algonet.se

    WWW   : http://www.algonet.se/~cj/catalog.html

        Stamp Products



    Microchip Technology                                tel:886 2 760 2028

    Product information

    No further information is available at this time

    United Tech Electronic Corp.                        tel:886 2 647 1978

    Taipei Hsien                                        fax:886 2 648 1895

        Stamp Products




    Arizona Microchip Technology Ltd                    tel:44 062-885-1077

    Unit 3, Meadow Bank, Furlong Rd                     fax:44 062-885-0178

    Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5AJ

    Product information        

    Eiger Technologies Ltd.,                            tel.44 0928 579009

    14 Howard Court,                                    fax.44 0928 579123

    Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1SJ

    Microchips 'Official' UK Distributors

    Hawke Components Ltd.,                              tel.44 0256 880800

    26 Campbell Court,                                  fax.44 0256 880325

    Bramley, Nr Basingstoke, Hants RG26 5EG

    Microchips 'Official' UK Distributors

    Milford Instruments                                 tel:44 977 683 665

    South Milford, Leeds                                fax:44 977 681 465

        Stamp Products


    Polar Electronics Ltd.,                             tel.44 0525 377093

    Cherrycourt Way,                                    fax 44 0525 853070

    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire    LU7 8YY

    Microchip 's 'Official' UK Distributors

    Contact for details of the PIC Owners Club



    Bell Industries                                     tel:1-800-525-6666

    Maryland,                                               1-800-274-6953


       Electronic Distributor, including PIC's 

    Digi-Key                                            tel:800 344 4539

    Thief River Falls, Minnesota                        fax:218 681 3380

        Stamp Products and general parts

    FAI                                                 tel:1-800-303-5701

    Ask for Chris

    Electronics distributor, carry PIC's,

    Link Computer Graphics                              tel:301-994-6669

    Programmer    CLK-3100    

    No further information is available at this time

    Micro Engineering Labs                              tel:(719) 520-5323

    makes PIC-Proto boards

    Myriad Development                                  tel:(303) 692-3836

    CCS - C compiler

    tel: (414) 781-2794 extension 30

    Micro Engineering Labs                              tel:719-520-5323

    Box 7532 Colorado Springs, CO 80933

    Has proto-type boards and demo kits,

    Good source of info, can do manufacturing, etc

    Microchip Technology Inc.                           tel:(602) 786-7200

    2355 West Chandler Blvd.                            fax:(602) 899-9210

    Chandler, AZ 85224-6199

    Product information        

    Needham Electronics                                 tel:(916) 924-8037

     I don't know if they make PIC stuff,               fax:(916) 972-9960

    but they make an EPROM programmer, the PB-10        bbs:(916) 972-8042

    Their emp-20 is great for Pics,Pals,Gala,EEproms etc but is ~$500

    It can be set to auto program on start up. It takes about 4 seconds

    for a bat file to reassemble the source with new EQU's from the

    command line, recompile and program a part.

    Parallax Inc. <ftp.parallaxinc.com>

    3805 Atherton Road, Ste. 102                        fax:(916) 624-8003

    Rocklin, CA 95765 USA                               bbs:(916) 624-7101

    Stamp Products                                      Help 916-624-8333

	A selection of development tools for PIC microcontrollers,

	including assemblers, simulators, C compilers, programmers, in-circuit

	emulators.  All tools run on IBM PC computers.

	Also the "RC"and "JW" versions of the PICs and prototyping boards.

    e-mail address, info@parallaxinc.com


    FTP URL ftp://ftp.parallaxinc.com/pub/

    WWW URL http://www.parallaxinc.com.

*                                                                              *

3)  PIC Utilities





        Supports only 16C5x, 16C71, and 16C84

        comes with chips to play with.

        has a zif socket


        software includes an assembler with powerful macro capabilities

        and a powerful debugger (both support INHX8M, INHX8S, and INHX16

        file formats)






        Same as 16B except *only* for 16C64 and 16C74.





	Parallax's own instruction set  Their assembler takes either the

	standard instructions or parallax 's 8051-like pseudo instructions.

	needs only a 360k floppy, MS DOS 2.1, 128K RAM, mono.

	simulator software.

	These assemblers work with many other programmers.

    PASM (5x), PASMX (xx), and PSIM, the emulator, are available free,

    via the BBS, FTP and WWW sites.

*                                                                              *

3.1)  FTP sites for the PIC

	FTP  SITE		            Directory

	ftp.ultranet.com	        /biz/mchip

	alias ftp.ultranet.com      /microchip

	This is Microchip's own  FTP site

The web address is http://www.ultranet.com/microchip

	http://www.ultranet.com/biz/mchip also works

Parallax's ftp site for stamp and pic files


WWW URL http://www.parallaxinc.com.


	ftp.funet.fi (nic.funet.fi)	/pub/microprocs/PIC

	wpi.wpi.edu	                /stamp

	ftp.luth.se                 /pub/misc/microchip




	[ /mounts/epix/public/pub/Multimedia/VideoCrypt

	/microcontroller/microchip.bbs ]

	Maintained by:

        Markus Kuhn <mskuhn@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>

A new www page has been established by Andrew M. Errington;


The PIC page can be accessed directly or from:


Both pages are 'under construction' and may include references to things

that don't exist, as yet.

Eric Smith <eric@goonsquad.spies.com> Has a www PIC page at:


*                                                                              *

3.2)  BBSs that support the PIC

	Microchip BBS

		Contact by dialling the same number you would use to get to

        Compuserve at 19200,n,8,1, except that you press +<CR> at the

	(garbage) prompt, followed by MCHIPBBS as the host (instead of CIS).


	Don Lekei BBS

	    (Canada)    (604) 597-3479

    Parallax BBS,

        (U.S.)      (916) 624-7101.

*                                                                              *

3.3)  PIC programming languages (3rd Party)

Host m/c        PC

Prog. Name    ASPIC    Shareware PIC assembler  (reg = $100 CDN ($69 US))

        **DESIGNED** for embedded controller design

        the shareware license has an unusual clause absolving 

        those who only use it for non-commercial purposes

Supplier/Author    Don Lekei  < 72677.2623@compuserve.com >

        BBS at (Canada) (604) 597-3479 

Features    - One assembler for 16c5X, 16c6X, 16c7X, 16c8X, 17c42

        - Compatible with PICSIM (MPSIM)

        - Compatible with MAKE, and with auto-error tracking editors

        - Many times faster than PICALC (MPALC)

        - Standard base notation (Intel and Motorola format)

        - CODE and FUNCTION macros

        - Auto register bank management

        - Text/data translation

        - Automatically generates RETLW tables for text / data tables

        - Built-in version management and assembly control functions

        - user command-line switches

        - many other features

        -character set translation (eg. for LED,LCD,On Screen Displays)

        - bit labels, environment labels, etc.


Host m/c    PC i386 /MS DOS/SunOS 4.1.1/NeXTSTEP 3.0.

Name    B.LO.C release 1.0, version 4.0

        Available for the PIC16CXX and PIC17CXX


        Butterfly Signal Processing Inc.

        131 Bloor Street West #200-154

        Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1R8

        TEL: +1.416.929.5754 

        FAX: +1.416.968.7492


        `C-like' syntax

        Locally optimal code generation

        Superfast, one-pass compilation

        Zero stack and memory space used

        Produces fully annotated, easy-to-read assembly code to facilitate


        Regular and in-line functions supported

        B.LO.C and assembly routines can be mixed 

        In-line assembly code inclusion

        For more information contact Anees Munshi

        asm@kalam.butterfly.com <may bounce>




Host m/c        PC ?

        C5x compiler C5x series

        C71 compiler


        -libraries for RS232 serial I/O and precision delays

        -allow call trees deeper than the hardware stack


        CCS                                           414-781-2794  ext.30

        PO Box 11191

        Milwaukee, WI  53211

        (you leave your message on an answering machine)

Also from

    Parallax Inc. <ftp.parallaxinc.com>                 fax:(916) 624-8003

    3805 Atherton Road, Ste. 102                        bbs:(916) 624-7101

    Rocklin, CA 95765 USA                               Help 916-624-8333

Byte Craft Limited supply a C compiler for the PICs. A demo version for

the 17C42 is available ( assembly file generation only ).

MPC.ZIP <ftp.parallaxinc.com>


        GBP 695 / GBP 660 for members of the PIC owners club.



        Byte Craft Ltd.,                             tel. (519) 888 6911

        421 King Street North,                       fax (519) 746 6751



        Canada N2J 4E4


In UK   Pentica Systems Ltd.,                        tel. (44) 0734 792101

        Oaklands Park,                               fax  (44) 0734 774081


        Berkshire RG11 2FE


Also from

    Parallax Inc. <ftp.parallaxinc.com>              fax:(916) 624-8003

    3805 Atherton Road, Ste. 102                     bbs:(916) 624-7101

    Rocklin, CA 95765 USA                            Help 916-624-8333


Host m/c        PC

name:       PSIM

Software Simulator:     Simulate the PIC's internal operation on the PC.

Supports:   16C5x, 16C71, 16C84.


    Set breakpoints

    Single-step through code and modify registers

    The simulator also controls the Parallax in-circuit emulators

    [if present]

Filename is PSIM.EXE. on ftp site. <ftp.parallaxinc.com>

Also available PASM and PASMX assemblers.

Real-time, in-circuit emulators

PIC specific and universal programmers

Cross-Assembler, Cross-Compiler

    Emulation Technology, Inc.                          tel: (408)982-0660

    2344 Walsh Avenue                                   fax: (408)982-0664

    Bldg. F            

    Santa Clara, CA 95051                    Email: et@pmail.emulation.com

    WWW: www.emulation.com

    FTP: ftp.emulation.com


*                                                                              *

3.4)  PIC Programming Hardware (3rd Party)

Product     programmer

Model       Microburner 512

Supplier    Baradine Products Ltd,                        tel:604 988-9853

            PO Box 86757,

            North Vancouver, BC CANADA V7L 4L3

Contact     Garry Anderson   <baradine@mindlink.bc.ca>


        RS-232 terminal serial port compatible programmer

        Supports communications up to 38,400 baud,

        stand-alone or host operation, which can be from a 12VDC battery,

        ie. if you're out at a remote site, standard 6 or 12 volt

        batteries will do (even a car battery, but that's overkill!)


Product:   emulators from GBP 350

           programmers from GBP 200 


        SMART Communications,                        tel:44 (0)81 441 3890

        2 Field End,                                 fax:44 (0)81 441 1843

        Arkley, Barnet, Herts EN5 3EZ



Product    Dataman Softy 4


      With optional PIC module supports entire PIC16/17 range

      Programs all chip specific features

      Supports PICSEE

      Programs from 1 word to whole memory

      Disk of PIC support utilities included

      Supports EPROMS, EEPROMS and Flash upto 8Mbits

      Supports 16 bit EPROMS, EEPROMS and Flash upto 4Mbits

      Supports serial EE 93 and 24 series

      Easy to use

      Free Support via Dataman BBSs in UK and USA

      3 year warranty

Product Information:

The Dataman Softy 4 is the world's best selling handheld programmer. 

With up to 4Mbit of internal memory, S4 can program EPROM, EEPROM and 

FLASH devices of up to 8Mbit and 32 pins without adapters.  The onboard 

serial port can transfer files at up to 115200 baud from a host computer.

S4 also emulates memory devices of up to 4 MBit without additional hardware.

Using the optional PIC adapter set, all current members of the PIC16/17 

family can be programmed. The Softy 4 is compatible with files produced 

by Microchip and third party assemblers. Adapters are also available for 

40 pin EPROMs, serial EEPROMs and 8751.

Others are in preparation.

Contact: Internet: Nigel@dataman.demon.co.uk

Dataman Programmers Ltd                              Tel:44 1300 320719

Station Road,                                        Fax:44 1300 321012

Maiden Newton                                        BBS:44 1300 321095

DORSET DT2 0AE                                       Telex:418442 DATAMN G

United Kingdom

Dataman Programmers Inc.                             Tel: (407) 649-3335

22 Lake Beauty Drive                                 Fax: (407) 649-3310

Suite 101, ORLANDO                                   BBS: (407) 649-3159

FL 32806, USA 


Product    M2L EZ-EP Programmer and EP-PIC Adapter

Features: Inexpensive - base unit is only $149.95

    PC Parallel port operation With optional EP-PIC adapter,

    supports 16c54,55,56,57,58 16c71, and 16c84

    Programs almost all chip specific features

    Programs from 1 word to whole memory

    Supports EPROMS, EEPROMS and Flash up to 8Mbits

    Adapters available for other microcontrollers and 16bit


    Free demo software and software updates via      BBS (310/837-7818)


Product Information:

The EZ-EP is the world's best programmer for less than $200 (US).  The

base unit programs E/EE/Flash EPROMs from 2716-27080.  The EZ-EP is small

(3" x 6" x 1.5") and light (8 oz) so it is quite portable.  It hooks to a PC

parallel port and adapters are available to do various microcontrollers

and etc. (68hc11, PIC, 8751, 16bit eproms, plcc eproms, serial eeproms).

Fastest programming modes are fully supported.  Programs 27c010 in 23



EZ-EP base unit   $149.95

PIC adapter        $49.95  (16c54,55,56,57,58,71,84)

EPLD adapter       $59.95  (ICT 18v8,20v10,22v10)

8751 adapter       $39.95

PLCC adapters      $49.95

16bit adapter      $49.95

8748 adapter       $44.95

Contact: Internet: loving@cs.ucla.edu  -or-


M2L Electronics             (voice 9am-1pm PST)      tel:310 837-7818 

3526 Jasmine #4             (BBS/FAX other hours)

Los Angeles, CA 90034


PIC16C5x Real-time Emulator        List Price: $599.00US

Advanced Transdata Corp.                             tel: (214) 980-2960

14330 Midway Road                                    fax: (214) 980-2937

Suite 104

Dallas, TX 75244

They also advertise gang programmers, etc. and may have a PIC17C42

product. It's worth a try, maybe, but if no-one tells *me* ? <shrug>


The Parallax Range

PIC16Cxx Programmer

Supports:       16C5x, 16C64, 16C71, 16C74, and 16C84.

Comes with Parallax and Microchip assemblers, a software simulator

and 18 and 28 pin LIF sockets.


    Programmer (with docs. on disk only)    $99    


    All cables, psu, and printed docs.      $100 


    18/28-pin ZIF                           $69           

    40-pin ZIF (use with 16C64/74)          $49     

    18/28-pin SOIC                          $129        

    20/28-pin SSOP                          $109        

The BackDraft 17 Programmer

Supports:       17C42.

Comes with Parallax and Microchip assemblers, a software simulator

and 40 pin ZIF socket.


    Programmer                   $199    


    PLCC adapter                 $129.


The  ClearView '5x Supports:  16C5x  

The  ClearView 'xx Supports:  "newer" PICs (via "personality" modules)


    Both emulators allow the user to run code in-circuit at speeds

    from 32-kHz to 20-MHz.

    The user can set breakpoints, step through code and modify registers,

    all while the code runs in-circuit.

    The user interface is the same as the software simulator

    but all execution occurs in hardware in real-time.


ClearView '5x           $499

ClearView 'xx           $499

Personality modules     $100-$150



            PEP.EXE (16C5x)

            PEPX.EXE (16Cxx)

            PEP17.EXE (17C42)



All are included with the hardware products, and all

are available on the BBS and ftp site.

    Parallax Inc. <ftp.parallaxinc.com>                 fax:(916) 624-8003

    3805 Atherton Road, Ste. 102                        bbs:(916) 624-7101

    Rocklin, CA 95765 USA                               Help 916-624-8333


Serial Programmer/Demo board for $99 (US) [+carriage]

    Simon Bridger Design; <s.bridger@auckland.ac.nz>    tel:(64) 9 623 4081

    Box 8128 Symonds St                                 fax:(64) 9 623 4082

    Auckland, New Zealand.

    Production Programming (3 voltage) Algorithm

    Serial In-system programming/reprogramming or socket on bd

    Supports 2 different pieces of target hardware from single

        programmers for easy master/slave project development

    Hardware programs any 16cXX parts

        (software currently for 16c84)

    As well as being programmers, they also perform as

       demo-boards with an rs232 port, and come complete with 16C84,    

       preprogrammed, and running a demo program

    Circuits, overlays, code, demos, and BLOC demo etc from: 

    FTP site : ftp://ftp.std.com/pub/simon.bridger


PIC Specific Products;

Real-time, in-circuit emulators

PIC specific and universal programmers

Cross-Assembler, Cross-Compiler

    Emulation Technology, Inc.                          tel: (408)982-0660

    2344 Walsh Avenue                                   fax: (408)982-0664

    Bldg. F            

    Santa Clara, CA 95051                    Email: et@pmail.emulation.com

    WWW: www.emulation.com

    FTP: ftp.emulation.com


    Logical Devices Inc                                 tel:800-331-7766

    Programmer    ALLPRO 88                             tel:305-974-0967

    No further information is available at this time


    Elan Digital Systems Ltd                            tel:(408) 946-3864

    Programmer    EF-PER 5000 Series Gang Programmer    

    No further information is available at this time

    ADVIN Systems Inc                                   tel:408-984-8600

    Programmer    PILOT U40    

    No further information is available at this time

    BP Microsystems                                     tel:800-225-2102

    Programmer    CP-1128                               tel:713-461-4958

    No further information is available at this time

    Data I/O Corp.                                      tel:800-288-4965

    Programmer    Unisite with Site-48 module    

    No further information is available at this time

    Stag Microsystems                                   tel:44-707-332-148

    Programmer    PP39    

    No further information is available at this time


    Maple Technology Ltd                                tel:44-666-825-146

    Programmer    MQP-200    

    No further information is available at this time

    Application Solutions Ltd                           tel:273-476608

    Programmer    PIC Programmer

    No further information is available at this time

    Citadel Products Ltd.                               tel:44-819-511-848

    Programmer    PC-82    

    No further information is available at this time

    HI-LO    Taiwan ?                                   tel:(02) 7640215

    Programmer    ALL-03    

    No further information is available at this time

    Data I/O Corp. Japan                                tel:(03)  432- 6991

    Programmer    Unisite with Site-48 module    

    No further information is available at this time

    SMS    Germany                                      tel:49-7522-4460

    Programmer    Sprint Expert    

    No further information is available at this time

    Data I/O Corp.     Europe                           tel:31(0)-6622866

    Programmer    Unisite with Site-48 module    

    No further information is available at this time

    Advanced Trans Data   ????                          tel:(214) 980- 2960       

    Programmer    PGM16 and PGM 16x8 Gang Prog.           fax:(214) 980-2937

    No further information is available at this time

*                                                                              *

3.5)  PIC Programming Hardware (D.I.Y.)

PIC16C84 Programmer using PC parallel port.

		Schematic, C and QBasic

		source available from:

	Microchip BBS:

		In 3rd party library as PIC84PGM.ZIP





	Contact: david.tait@man.ac.uk Author/Designer


A programmer designed by Henk Schaer.

	Host: faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de



          FILE -rw-r--r--      24693  Apr  7 1994  picprog.zip

	Complete with software (EXE only).


A  design by Mark Cox:

	Host ftp://baldrick.eia.brad.ac.uk:




A design by Russ Reiss appeared in the article "Programming PICs on a Budget" 

in the June 1994 issue (i.e. #47) of "Circuit Cellar Ink".


A Design published in ETI (Electronics Today International) magazine

By: Robin Abbott

    37, Plantation Drive


    Dorset,  BH23 5SG

SPEC: Reads, programs, and verifies PIC 16C54, 55, 56, 57,

    58, 64, 71, 74, 84 and any other upcoming 18, 28, or

    40 pin PIC device which conform to the current PIC

    serial programming specification.

    Reads and programs EEPROM device data areas.

    Fully supports user data area and configuration fuses.

    Serial interface to host PC.

    Windows host software available.

    Loads and saves Intel hex , hex text and binary file

    formats produced by Microchip Assembler (MPPASM).

    Host software supports automatic device serialisation.

Cost to build Approx 35 GBP

This PIC programmer article was published in two parts:

    ETI JUNE  '95 : PIC Programmer Hardware.

    ETI JULY  '95 : PIC Programmer Software.

	ETI (Electronics Today International)

        - programming and construction articles

        - ARGUS SPECIALIST PUBLICATIONS:            tel. : (0442) 66551

        - Argus House, Boundary Way,                fax. : (0442) 66998

        - Hemel Hempstead HP2 7ST,

        - England.

    Overseas and non-newstrade sales by Magazine Sales Department:

    Back Issues available

    Subscription Rates:   (Published Monthly)

    US Dollars Overseas $56.00    Sterling Overseas   31.00GBP

	USA Subscription:

    Wise Owl Worldwide Publications,                tel. : (310) 375 6258

    4314 West 238th Street,                         fax. : (310) 375 0548

    Torrance, CA90505 USA

    Visa/Mastercard orders in USA:

    Pacific Time:   9am  - 9pm Weekdays  10am - 6pm Weekends


(If you (can) order the article alone (not the entire magazine) bear )

( in mind that the PCB foils are usually at the back of the magazine,)

( and not in the article itself.                                     )

If you send a blank 16C57XT/16C57JW and a cheque for the sum of 20GBP,

together with a SAE, the author will return the PIC programmed and a

3.5" high density floppy disk with the host software suitable for

Windows 3.1 or 3.11.



Proto-typing boards from MicroEngineering Labs.

    These boards have a large prototyping area,

    With provisions for a PIC,oscillator circuit, and power supply.

   For 18-pin PIC16Cxx devices       $10

   For 18/28-pin PIC16Cxx devices    $15

   For 40-pin PIC16Cxx devices       $17

   For 40-pin PIC17C42               $17

Available from Parallax inc.


PIC Experiment Board from Depew Engineering.     $199

    The Experiment Board supports 18 and 28 pin PICs, includes a solderless

    breadboard area, clock generation circuit, RS-232 port,

    I/O port status on LEDs and 7-segment displays,

    5-volt power supply, and reset button.

    The board has support circuitry for 8-pin EEPROMs and BASIC Stamp circuits.

Available from Parallax inc.


Chris B. Sakkas

ITU Technologies

3477 Westport Ct.

Cincinnati, OH  45248-3026

ITU Technologies is proud to introduce the ITU PIC Programmer Model

PIC-1, the first truly low-cost and versatile programmer for the

Microchip Family of PIC microcontrollers. 

This programmer is designed for programming Microchip's popular

PIC16C6x/7x/8x family of microcontrollers. 

The programmer is approximately 3.3" x 3.7" in size and features a

built-in 18 pin DIP socket and an expansion header. The expansion header

is provided for programming adapters and in-system programming of

EEPROM-based PICs. A variety of adapters will also be available to

support 28/40 pin PICs and various packaging forms. 

The PIC-1 programmer comes complete with an interfacing cable to connect

to your PC parallel port, programming software, and power supply. The

included power supply is for US use only, foreign customers must provide

their own converter/power supply.

The programming software included is designed to program all of the

supported PICs mentioned above. 

Software updates will be available electronically free of charge. 

The software allows programming of the PICs program memory, setting of

configuration fuses, program verification and the ability to read PIC

memory to a file. 

The software also allows data memory programming, reading of data

memory, and bulk erase of EEPROM-based PICs.

An UNREGISTERED shareware version of Don Lekei's Macro+ Assembler for

Microchip PIC Microcontrollers (ASPIC) is included with each programmer

for your evaluation.


For a limited time, this special introductory pricing is available:

ITU PIC Programmer (Model PIC-1)        KIT $29

This kit includes:

* an easy to follow instruction manual for building your programmer

* a high quality printed circuit board with silkscreen

* all components needed to build the programmer

* PIC Programming Software for IBM PC-compatible Computers

* a cable to connect the programmer to a PC's parallel port

* a power supply for the programmer (for US use)

* a User's manual introducing the PIC-1 programmer and software

ITU PIC Programmer (Model PIC-1)        Assembled/Tested $49

As above, but assembled and tested.


PIC-N-GO packages are designed for the microcontroller novice.  

They include the ITU PIC Programmer Model PIC-1, as above, plus a

PIC16C84-04/P microcontroller. 

This EEPROM-based microcontroller is ideal for the novice and the PIC-N-GO

packages are the most attractive programmers available for the beginner. 

You can program and erase the PIC16C84 many times without the use of an EPROM

eraser, making it the best choice for those starting out with microcontrollers.

These packages are great for students and hobbyists looking to acquaint

themselves with microcontrollers.

PIC-N-GO KIT only $39

* includes PIC-1 programmer kit and PIC16C84-04/P microcontroller (w/

data sheet)

PIC-N-GO Assembled/Tested only $59

* includes assembled and tested PIC-1 programmer and PIC16C84-04/P (w/

data sheet)

Quantity discounts are available, making these packages the perfect choice for

schools and clubs wishing to teach introductory microcontroller usage.

All products include a 30-day money back guarantee and a 90-day warranty. Due to

the nature of kit building, all kits must be returned unassembled to qualify for

a full refund.

Please e-mail us at ITUTec@aol.com with your questions or if you would

like ordering information.


ITU PIC Programmer (Model PIC-1)

Kit                     $29 + $5 Shipping/Handling

Assembled and Tested    $49 + $5 Shipping/Handling

PIC-N-GO Packages (ITU PIC Programmer and one PIC16C84-04/P)

Kit                     $39 + $5 Shipping/Handling

Assembled and Tested    $59 + $5 Shipping/Handling

Ohio Residents please add 5.5% sales tax.

Please note that the above is for prepaid orders. COD orders are available, but

must include an additional $5 service charge. Please contact us if you require

second day or next day delivery.

Foreign orders must be prepaid in US funds and include an additional $5

Shipping/Handling fee. Please contact us if you require air parcel or express


We will gladly accept your personal check or money order for payment. Your

package will be shipped upon receipt of your payment. Please make your check

payable to ITU Technologies.

You may place your COD order via e-mail or phone.  You must include your

phone number along with your address.  You can e-mail us at

ITUTec@aol.com or phone us at (513) 574-7523 from 9AM to 5PM EDT Monday

through Friday.  We do prefer orders via e-mail since this allows us to

focus our phone use towards technical support.

Our web address is:


and our anonymous ftp address is:


We also have some files on PC-interfacing and general electronics-related

material available via ftp. The support directory will always contain the latest

versions of our PIC programmer software.

We welcome any user contributed programs to our site. If you would like to share

your PIC-related code or utilities with the Internet community, just upload them

into our incoming directory and send me an e-mail message with a description of

your upload.

We would appreciate any comments and suggestions, especially additions or

corrections to links on our page. Please keep in mind that we have just added

this page and will continue to make updates!


*                                                                              *


*                                                                              *

4.1) Periodicals that may cover the PIC.

    The Computer Applications Journal (Circuit Cellar Ink)

        - programming and construction articles

        - POB 7694, Riverton, NJ  08077-8784

        - FAX: (203)872-2204

        - Voice orders: (609) 786-0409

        - On-line orders (BBS): (203) 871-1988

        - Email orders: ken.davidson@circellar.com

        - $21.95, $31.95 surface Canada and Mexico,

          $49.95 air all other countries

    Computer Design

         industry announcements and trends

        One Technology Park Drive,

        P.O. Box 990, Westford, MA  01886


    The Computer Journal

        - programming and construction articles

        - PO Box 3900

        - Citrus Heights, CA 95611-3900

        - (800) 424-8825 / (916) 722-4970

    Dr. Dobbs Journal

        - programming articles, concepts and designs

        - 411 Borel Ave., San Mateo, CA  94402

        - (415)358-9500

    Electronic Engineering Times

        - industry announcements and trends

        - 500-B Bi-County Boulevard, Farmingdale, NY  11735

        - (516)293-3000

	ETI (Electronics Today International)

        - programming and construction articles

        - ARGUS SPECIALIST PUBLICATIONS:            tel. : (0442) 66551

        - Argus House, Boundary Way,                fax. : (0442) 66998

        - Hemel Hempstead HP2 7ST,

        - England.

    Overseas and non-newstrade sales by Magazine Sales Department:

    Back Issues available

    Subscription Rates:   (Published Monthly)

    US Dollars Overseas $56.00    Sterling Overseas   31.00GBP

	USA Subscription:

    Wise Owl Worldwide Publications,                tel. : (310) 375 6258

    4314 West 238th Street,                         fax. : (310) 375 0548

    Torrance, CA90505 USA

    Visa/Mastercard orders in USA:

    Pacific Time:   9am  - 9pm Weekdays  10am - 6pm Weekends

    Electronics Now

        - construction articles

        - Box 55115, Boulder, CO  80321-5115

        - $19.97 one year

    Elektor Electronics

        - programming and construction articles

        - World Wide Subscription Service Ltd

          Unit 4, Gibbs Reed Farm, Pashley Road

          Ticehurst TN5 7HE, England

        - 27 UK pounds


        - Old Colony Sound Lab,

        - P.O. Box 243, Peterborough, NH 03458

        - Tel. (603) 924-6371, 924-6526

        - Fax: (603) 924-9467

        - $57 USA and Canada per year

    Embedded Systems Programming

        - programming and systems design articles

        - Miller Freeman Publications

        - 500 Howard St., San Francisco, CA  94105

        - (415) 397-1881

    Microcomputer Journal (formerly Computer Craft)

        - programming and constructions articles

        - 76 N. Broadway, Hicksville, NY  11801

        - $18.95 one year, foreign $23.00, foreign air mail $76.00

    Midnight Engineering

        - 1700 Washington Ave., Rocky Road, CO  81067

        - (719)254-4553

*                                                                              *

4.2)  Books on the PIC

A Beginners Guide to the Microchip PIC     Nigel Gardner

	ISBN: 1 899013 00 8	Printed in the UK by Character Press Ltd.

	Software (on floppy) and hardware guide.  Debugging techniques...

	Available from Polar Electronics in UK  19.95 UK Pounds

		This is suitably titled as a *beginner's* guide. For those

	with no previous microcontroller experience.

The PIC Source Book:

        Curious about the inner workings of the BASIC 

	Stamp?  Programming the PIC in assembly language?  This book/disk 

	combination provides assembly-language source code cloned from more 

	than 30 BASIC Stamp instructions.  Shows how to perform serial I/O,

        read resistance, generate sounds, measure pulses, perform 16-bit 

        math, and more.  The package costs $39 S+H.

Contact:Scott Edwards Electronics    72037.2612@compuserve.com

	964 Cactus Wren Lane                Tel: 602-459-4802

	Sierra Vista, AZ  85635             Fax: 602-459-0623

	                                    CIS: 72037,2612

*                                                                              *

4.3)  Miscellaneous documentation on the PIC

 MicroChip Technology Incorporated - application notes

ED Teck. Pubs

Fred Eady


BBS 407-454-3198

Writes articles for popular magazines.  Has a PIC programmer kit for $70.

BBS available, good source of information, very helpful.


Stamps and programmer, etc.

BBS 916-624-7101

Help 916-624-8333

AP Circuits

BBS 1-403-291-9342 (Canada)

Can download EASYTRAX(V2.06), various utilities, GERBER file proofers, etc.

*                                                                              *

5.0) Notes for programmers:

All PIC instructions are a single word.  The equivalent of the 

immediateaddress mode of other processors is the literal mode, used by 

instructionsending in "LW", such as MOVLW, ADDLW, SUBLW, ANDLW, IORLW, XORLW, 

and RETLW.The byte of data used by these instructions is directly encoded in 

theinstruction itself.

All PIC instructions take a single instruction cycle (four oscillator cycles) 

to execute, unless a conditional test is TRUE or the program counter is 

changed as a result of an instruction, in this case the execution takes two 

instruction cycles.  For example:

	movlw	37

	goto	next

next:	movwf	porta

The goto instruction takes two cycles (1 to get the value of label "next" and 1

to load that value into the program counter) This is useful as a two-cycle NOP,

and is often written as "goto .+1" to avoid the need for a label.

The W register is equivalent to the accumulator on other processors.  Almost

all data movement, arithmetic, and logic operations use W.

Instructions that operate on W and a register (i.e., instructions ending in 

"WF", like ADDWF and MOVWF) allow the result to be placed in either W or the 

register (but not both).  This is specified by a ",W" or ",F" after the 

operand.  The default is ",F", which will place the result in the register. 

This can cause a lot of confusion if you're not careful, so I recommend 

always specifying the destination explicitly.  An example of a confusing 


	incf	foo,w	; w := foo+1  note that foo is unchanged!

If you want the result in both W and the register, you can use either:

	incf	foo,w

	mowwf	foo


	incf	foo,f

	movf	foo,w

The stack is not accessible to the programmer in any way other than the

call and return instructions.  There is no way to push or pull data, or even

to examine the stack pointer.  On the 16C5x family the stack has only two

levels, so it is frequently necessary to write code in a different style than

would be used on a typical processor; you can only call subroutines from your

main code, or from a subroutine called from main, but no deeper. If you try

to make a 3rd CALL, the 2nd return address is over-written so that the return

from the 3rd CALL is OK but the return from the 2nd CALL ends up where the

1st CALL should return to.

The 16CXX parts which implement an 8 level stack do so in a circular fashion,

so that the 9th CALL over-writes the return address for the 1st CALL.

The 16C5x family doesn't have a normal return instruction; instead it has

RETLW, which stands for RETurn Literal Word.  RETLW loads an eight bit

constant into W (just as a MOVLW instruction would), then returns from the

subroutine.  This can be useful, but is aggravating if you want to return a

computed value.  On the newer PIC families there is a normal RETURN


With the exception of the 17Cxx family, there is no way for software to read

an arbitrary location of program memory.  In order to implement lookup tables,

it is necessary to combine the use of the ADDWF and RETLW instructions.  For

example, the following code implements a lookup table of the first four odd

prime numbers:

primes:	addwf	pcl

	retlw	3

	retlw	5

	retlw	7

	retlw	11

To use the table, load the appropriate index (in this case, 0 to 3) into W,

and "call primes".  The addwf instruction adds the contents of W to the PC,

which has already been incremented to point to the "retlw 3".  The table will

return with the value in W.  The total time taken is 6 instruction cycles, or

24 oscillator cycles.

Note that while on most processors the use of an out-of-range index will

result in the use of incorrect data, but the program execution will continue

normally, on the PIC a bad index value will cause the execution of arbitrary


 i.e. the computed address must be in the top 1/2 of page.

Normally the index would range from 0 to the size of the table minus one,

but it is possible to use other ranges by putting the retlw instructions

somewhere other than immediately following the "addwf pcl".  It is also

possible to implement tables using a "subwf pcl", or perhaps other 

instructions with pcl as the destination.

The subtract instructions (SUBWF and SUBLW) work differently than most people

expect.  SUBWF subtracts W *from* the contents of the register, and SUBLW

subtracts W *from* the literal.  (SUBLW is not available on the 16C5x family.)

If you want to subtract a literal from W, it is easiest to use the ADDLW

instruction with the two 's complement of the literal.  For example:

	addlw	0feh	; w := w - 2

Some assemblers allow this to be written as:

	addlw	-2

There is no instruction to take the two 's complement of W (like the NEG

instruction on Motorola processors), but because of the way the subtract

instructions work you can use:

	sublw	0

On the 16C5x family, the CALL instruction can only address the first 256 words

of a bank of program memory.  It is common practice to use "call extenders",

which are simply GOTO instructions in the first 256 words with a target in

the last 256 words.

On the 16C57 and 16C58, if you plan to use indirect addressing (via the FSR

and IND registers), it is vitally important that your reset code clear FSR

before using any other RAM locations.  Otherwise you may start up in an

arbitrary bank, and as soon as you change FSR all your carefully set up

variables will effectively disappear.

Contributed by  Eric Smith <eric@goonsquad.spies.com>

URL  http://www.spies.com/~eric/pic/

*                                                                              *

5.1) Useful Code Snippets

	5.101)  ZERO THE 16C57 RAM

	5.102)	LONG CALL Macro

	5.103)	LONG GOTO Macro

        5.104)  DATA SWAP TRICK


*                                                                              *

5.101) ZERO THE 16C57 RAM

; The following code was written by Andrew Warren and is

; copyright (C) 1992 by Fast Forward Engineering.  Permission

; is hereby granted for any non-commercial use so long as

; this copyright notice is retained.





        ANDWF   FSR,W           ;

        SKPNZ                   ;IF NOT, SKIP AHEAD.


                                ;STATUS, PC, RTCC, FSR, PORTA, PORTB,

                                ;PORTC, AND THE GLOBALLY-ACCESSIBLE FILE




        INCFSZ  FSR             ;HAVE WE DONE THEM ALL?



*                                                                              *

5.102) LONG CALL macro

; The following code was written by Andrew Warren and is

; copyright (C) 1992 by Fast Forward Engineering.  Permission

; is hereby granted for any non-commercial use so long as

; this copyright notice is retained.

; "Long Call" macro.  Invoked by "XCALL any_address".

; Thanks to Chris Dalla for pointing out the need for the "+2" and

; "+1" sums in the last two lines of the macro.


        DATA    010010100000B+STATUS+256*((LABEL>>9)&00000001B)

        DATA    010011000000B+STATUS+256*(LABEL>>10)

        LIST    W=1            ;For MPALC/PICALC, make this an "E=2".

        CALL    LABEL

        LIST    W=0            ;For MPALC/PICALC, make this an "E=1".

        DATA    010010100000B+STATUS+256*((($+2)>>9)&00000001B)

        DATA    010011000000B+STATUS+256*(($+1)>>10)


*                                                                              *

5.103) LONG GOTO Macro

; The following code was written by Andrew Warren and is

; copyright (C) 1992 by Fast Forward Engineering.  Permission

; is hereby granted for any non-commercial use so long as

; this copyright notice is retained.

; "Long Goto" macro.  Invoked by "XGOTO any_address".


        DATA    010010100000B+STATUS+256*((LABEL>>9)&00000001B)

        DATA    010011000000B+STATUS+256*(LABEL>>10)

        LIST    W=1            ;For MPALC/PICALC, make this an "E=2".

        GOTO    LABEL

        LIST    W=0            ;For MPALC/PICALC, make this an "E=1".


*                                                                              *


    by: Mike Keitz <mkeitz@bev.net>

Swapping W with a File (RAM) register (PIC 16Cxx) Sometime you need to swap 

the data in W with that in RAM, a port, or a special purpose register (i.e. 

W<->F).  This may appear to be easy with a few MOV instructions and a

temporary RAM location, but when you sit down to code it you'll see that 

it'll take *two* temporary locations and 6 instructions to shuffle the data 

around using only MOVs.  So, like many things with a PIC program, an 

unconventional technique can be really useful...  like this:

        XORWF   file,w

        XORWF   file,f

        XORWF   file,w

Try it on paper until you're convinced it will work.  Remember that XORing 

the W+F+F leaves a result of the original value of W (the two xors with the 

same data cancel out, so the final result is W xor 0 = W).  The sequence 

affects the Z flag, of course (one that had a MOVFW in it would as well), but 

not in a particularly useful way.

This will work as-is with a port which is set for all output.  The port will 

be read 3 times, but written to only once during the second instruction. If 

the port has some bits set for input, the result left in W for the input bits 

is probably going to be wrong. (I'll leave it to you to analyze the 

situations when it happens to be right)  A correct read of the input bits can 

be done with a conventional MOVFW after the routine is used to update the 

output bits.

Understanding this, I now present the logical extension: swapping two file

registers.  This is tremendously useful to indirectly index two data sets at

the same time (didn't think that was do-able, eh?)

First, a conventional solution is worth considering:

        MOVFW   FSR         ;(the special purpose register)

        MOVWF   tmp         ;(a temporary location)

        MOVFW   fsr2        ;(a location defined to hold the alternate index)

        MOVWF   FSR

        MOVFW   tmp

        MOVWF   fsr2


This is 6 instructions, and requires a temporary location.  If RAM is scarce

in your design (and it probably is, since you want to indirectly index two

data sets at once), consider using the W<->F method above...

The obvious approach is to use the routine above three times, assuming

you wrote it as a macro:

        swapwf  FSR

        swapwf  fsr2

        swapwf  FSR

So this is 9 instructions, but W is not affected, and no temporary RAM is

required.  If you can tolerate losing the value in W while swapping the

files, then this shorter version will also work:

        MOVFW   FSR

        swapwf  fsr2

        MOVWF   FSR

This is a total of only 5 instructions, 1 less than the conventional method.

Allocating a temporary location to store W during the swap would add 2 more.

Everything is a trade-off, I suppose.

*                                                                              *


    by: Mike Keitz <mkeitz@bev.net>

This trick concerns multiple precision addition (i.e. 16, 24, etc. numbers)

The ADDWF instruction adds two numbers, and sets the C flag if there is a

carry out.  But there is no instruction that adds W+F+C to carry the carry

throught the higher bytes.  There is an easy work-around for 16 bit numbers:

simply increment one of the numbers before adding if the C bit is set.  This

is adequately detailed in the Microchip application notes, but I'll show it

here for reference:


add16   movfw   datal       ;Adds 16 bit number in datal and datah

        addwf   resultl,1   ;to resultl and resulth,

        movfw   datah       ;leaving the result in resultl and resulth

                            ;Following 3 instrs. are a primitive add with

                            ;carry W+F+C -->F.

                            ;C flag may not correctly represent

                            ;carry out of W+F+C

        skpnc               ;If no carry...

        incf    resulth,1   ;If carry, add 1 to result.

        addwf   resulth,1   ;Done.

The problem with this technique is that it cannot be used for numbers larger

than 16 bits because the C flag will not be set properly at the conclusion

of the last 3 instructions.  In particular, if resulth is FF and C is set

going in, C will be incorrectly clear at the conclusion of the operation.

(Don't you wish it was YOU and not your customer who was the first to try

that?) No big problem with the 16 bit add, the result will still be correct,

but the overflow won't be indicated.

The best way around this I could think of was to use this 4-instruction

sequence instead of the 3-instruction one above.  I think there are other

4-instruction sequences that do essentially the same thing. Then a 24, 32,

etc. bit add can be carried out (pun intended?) by using this sequence for

the "middle" bytes.  The faster skpnc/inc/add above can be used for the last

byte if having a proper carry out of the whole operation is not required.  

;     Add W to F with proper carry in and out.


	  incfsz f,1

	  addwf  f,0

	  movwf  f

Although this has 2 conditional instructions, the execution time is always 4

cycles, if you're counting.  (Another PIC rule of thumb: a skip instruction

and the one after it will always take 2 cycles, unless the instruction

possibly skipped is a goto or call)

*                                                                              *

6) Attributions

Thanks are due to the following who have contributed to this documention.

    Jory Bell             <jory@mit.edu>

    Don Lekei             �.2623@compuserve.com>

    Eric Smith            <eric@goonsquad.spies.com>

    Jeff Dague            <jpdague@iastate.edu>

    Steven M. Davidson    <davidson@its.bldrdoc.gov>

    Ian King              <iek@arrc.salf.ac.uk>

    kalam ?               <asm@kalam.butterfly.com>

    David B. Thomas       <davidson@its.bldrdoc.gov>

    Martin Vuille         <martin.vuille@synapse.org>

    Alasdair MacLean      <alasdair@aifh.ed.ac.uk>

    Andrew Tucker         <ast@halcyon.com>

    Nigel Ballard         <Nigel@dataman.demon.co.uk>

    Timothy McDonough     <timmed@ns.cencom.net>

    Len Umina             <Umina@Kirk.mchip.com>


    Hank Riley            <h1riley@umassd.edu>

    Siegfried Grob        <siegfried.grob@student.uni-ulm.de>

    Andrew M Errington    <a.errington@lancaster.ac.uk>

    Henri Schultze        <henri@fscz-md.boerde.de>

    Tom Mornini           <tmornini@parallaxinc.com>

    Lance Walley          <lwalley@parallaxinc.com>

    Christer Johansson    <cj@aristotle.algonet.se>

    Ed Meyer              <Ed_Meyer@mindlink.bc.ca>

    Simon Bridger         <s.bridger@auckland.ac.nz>

    Fernando Soares       <Fernando.Manuel.Ramos.Soares@uninova.pt>

    Chris Madden          <maddenc@itd1.ul.ie>


NOTE: .......If your name should be here, apologies. Let me know !

*                                                                              *

Disclaimer: Inclusion of any code samples in this document does NOT imply 

any approval or guarantee as to the suitability of said samples for any 

purpose whatsoever other than as a self-training aid.  I.E. If it blows your 

ICE, trashes your hard disc, wipes your backup, burns your building down or 

just plain don't work, #### IT AIN'T MY FAULT #### In the event of judicial 

ruling to the contrary, any liability shall be limited to the sum charged on 

you by me for the aforementioned document OR nothing, whichever is the lower.


Except where otherwise stated, this document Copyright (c) 1994,95 by  

T.A.Kellett, [T.A.K.DesignS Warrington UK ]  all  rights  reserved.

This FAQ may be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service, or BBS as 

    long as it is posted in its entirety including this copyright statement.

This FAQ may not be distributed for financial gain.

This FAQ may not be included in commercial collections or compilations

    without express permission from the author(s).


Tom Kellett                                     < Tom@takdsign.demon.co.uk >
