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To get your comments into this space, write Atlantis Rising, P.O. Box 441, Livingston, MT. Writing is the best way to get your own thoughts on the record.
Moira Timms gives us some entertaining thoughts on the "light bulbs" of Denderah which stem from her visit to the rooms below the temple. I will not argue whether the "bulbs" resemble the form of a lotus, but I think that we must take the lotus to be a symbol of something real. True, the lotus does represent the rising of the sun, but could it not also represent the development of the electrical discharge light in the "bulb".
I have suggested that the electrical lights generated by the ancients came from discharges across electrodes called Cherubim in Ark of the Covenant type instruments. These drew their power from the atmosphere often by way of a pole in the center of the Ark box (like a Leyden jar). In any case the energy of the Ark began as only shocks being possible across the Cherubim. This was depicted by the bite of a serpent. As the energy increased there was a periodic discharge and so a periodic light flashing at the discharge point between the Cherubim which could take any shape and be brought anywhere away from the Ark box if desired. As voltages increased further the periodic discharges came so fast they appeared continuous.
There are thus three definite stages to the build up of the electrical light. The middle one with periodic flashing seems to be called "Ka" by the Egyptians. There are no such distinct stages in the rising of the sun, for instance, yet the rising of the sun could well be compared to the welling up of the electrical light in the Ark apparatus.
While the center of the Ark box needed to have something comparable to a pole (perhaps symbolized by the Djed pillar), the outside layer needed to be grounded in the soil preferably down to the water table so that the electricity from the earth could be better drawn to the outside of the Ark box capacitor. In fact I wonder if the "cables" connected to the "bulbs" were not hoses filled with water which had one end in pools of water under the earth. We thus have the lakes of water pictured on the walls as the source of the hoses.
Besides this it would be nice to have somewhat of a vacuum in the bulbs like those used in experiments today. I wonder if this could be done by the column of water just as is done with a column of mercury to make a vacuum in school experiments today. Anyway, when everything was set up correctly the continuous discharge might occur on several months of a Jubilee. This discharge could be made into a shaft of light by the old hole in the anode trick. I have already mentioned in my books that the two words, noted by Moira near the bulbs, "thousand" and "gold" allude to the continuous electrical charge across the Cherubim.
Jerry Ziegler
Stamford, CT
Author of "In a Beginning"
In issue No. 17, I find one sentence in Kathie Garcia's excellent review 2012 A.D. -The Year of Cosmogenesis-clearly emphatic, states, "When many people from their respective camps bring us the same message it's time to listen!" Leading to this sentence Kathie writes, "The Maya knew that this rare meeting with the cosmic source and center would trigger a time of unprecedented spiritual acceleration, the transition from one World Age to another.... the date of opportunity, AD 2012 as the time when galactic planes would open within the consciousness of humankind." In climax she states, "This is the time for unearthing lost secrets for a new journey which we have already begun. The Mayan understood that we all must return to the womb of the Cosmic Mother. .."
Disclosure of these nuances may be one reason Art Bell chose to announce his final broadcast. Namely because of his involvement in the "Wormwood" incident regarding the Vatican's ultra-top secret interest in tracking the Hale-Bopp comet in late 1996-whereby Bell's life may have been threatened.
According to earliest tradition comets have been the 'sign' and 'omen' for heralding civil unrest, revolution and political change throughout history.
The Vatican's interest lay mainly with the final prophecy given by the 'Lady' to three young Portuguese girls in the tiny village of Fatima. The other prophecies have been filled. The final prophecy directly relates to change in church doctrine as it is known today. In essence it was said, if the church did not change, God would intervene to cause its change.
The puzzle remains-of the many people from their respective camps, none have yet discovered the catalyst for uniting gathered pieces of information and material into a significant lump sum revelation to effect the cause. Most are expecting an automatic quantum-leap into the futurist realm.
World consciousness will not .. cannot .. change in a twinkling of an eye until God deals with the religious question.
The answer to change lies within the very scripture that calls for change and is available to all. Even ancient flourishing civilizations knew of the teaching, but the priesthood then as today have subjected it to abuse.
Bible prophecy predicts a tumultuous earth-shaking. The name "wormwood" is attributed to the star-comet sign described in the Book of the Apocalypse, which merely means bitter or bitterness. Man's heaven and earth concept are bitterness both to himself and to the power on high (Apocalypse 4:11).
Discovered recently within many portions of scripture is a plainly-concealed revelation which is the catalyst that will open a door formerly locked. The term, plainly-concealed is proper, since the material is sealed until time and history had run the predetermined prophetic course. Now it has.
Upon release of this material its content will set in motion a precedence for vanquishing traditional religious formalism and induce growth of world- consciousness. No other authority in the universe except the Word of Scripture has the power or influence to produce this radical transaction. Both Judaism and Christianity are found chastened by the very scripture in which each trust.
Significantly the material is cohesive and bonding while synchronizing with findings of "the many people from their respective camps bringing us the same message for that time to listen!" All camps revealing and witnessing to the same amazing event. Thus bringing to a climax the grand orb of cosmic-design and ushering a New Day.
Andrew Moore
East Moriches, NY
Your "astrology" article in #17 was excellent. I thought you might like to see the results of a recent response to the Archaeology Magazine article, "The New Maya."
You can read a rebuttal to "The New Maya" at /rex1kids/private/maya1/maya1.htm. This rebuttal essay presents the legend of the Divine Twins as it can be read directly from the sky. Your intuition regarding the Maya astronomer priests is very accurate. Take a look at the essay and you will realize why the sun was born in 2012. But, it is not the solstices that describe the birth of the sun, it is the spring equinox. Today, the spring equinox passes through the bottom of the ecliptic path. That is why Hanahpu comes out of a turtle's shell shaped like the constellation Pisces running with a pitcher of water like Aquarius. The "hall of records" has been opened. And it is 1998. Cayce was right.
Rush Allen
Orange, CA
While there seems to be a definitive expose of Tunguska ("The Russian Roswell") I also remember reading the proposed explanation that it was a Tesla experiment gone awry to provide a "light show" for the Czar's birthday. Has anyone noticed any correlation between HAARP having been developed from Tesla technologies and the occurrence of "crop circles"? Are there any coincidences in their technologies?
John Clayton
Eureka, MT
We are aware of no research such as you suggest, but maybe some of our readers are. EDITOR
I would like to tell your readers about our discoveries concerning the tenth planet of the Solar System, which we have named Draco, the subject of a book by myself and Brian Crowley.
In particular, we have established that the orbit of Draco is 892 years, with an error of less than one part in a thousand. The next time it will approach the Sun is 2115 AD. Chet Snow says in AR (issue 16) that his examination of the future lives of his subjects indicates that less than 6% will be alive between the years 2100 and 2200 AD. We also gave a survival rate after the next pass of Draco as about 5%, basing our figure on reported survival rates after two ancient catastrophes that have been inflicted on Earth by this rogue planet.
Draco will not strike the Earth directly, and never will, for if it were possible then such an event would have already happened and there would be no Earth, but Draco might have been responsible for the destruction of the missing planet between Mars and Jupiter, as well as many other cosmic catastrophes; the evidence for which is written all over the solar system.
Using ice core results (Camp Byrd Station in particular) we can see that although recent catastrophes of the last 5,000 years were highly significant to peoples of the day, they hardly rate as doomsdays in comparison with what happened at the close of the last ice-age, some 15,000 years ago. Using this perspective, the drowning of Atlantis at about 9,500 BC (9,481 to be exact) rates as a mere blip in a scenario of rapidly rising sea levels everywhere, and is interesting only because it is the only society to have preserved a memory of its demise in the tenth millennium BC. Maybe it was the only society!
Draco is made of iron compounds and is in the process of fragmentation ever since it hit the missing 5th planet about 3.2 million years ago. The damage it does to Earth and the other planets is caused by its trail of debris, including vast quantities of dust, and this causes massive rainfall and a cooling of the climate, such as occurred after 1223 AD, called the 'Little ice-age'.
While the orbit of Draco is predictable, the question as to exactly what will transpire on each visit depends on the position of the Earth in its annual orbit around the Sun. No exact calculations can be performed due to perturbations in the orbit of Draco, but all indications are that Draco will be responsible for not only a cooling on the next visit in 2115, amounting to the initiation of another ice-age, but that there will be a tilting of the poles. Even a quarter of a degree tilt will result in the destruction of much of contemporary civilization.
A.B. Austin
Findon, UK
I am a Northern California artist and I have a good friend that works at the university (Berkeley). I was there late last night to witness pure insanity. There were four students including my friend. They had two unwrapped genuine Egyptian mummys. They were each laid out on a full length wooden table. Each of the mummys had electrical power cables attached to their feet and tops of their skulls. Above them (6 feet) was a set of cameras.
The doors of the laboratory were locked. The lights were dimmed. Then each of the mummys was given a light spray misting of sterile water, them wham!!! The cameras were turned on and the two unfortunate mummys were blasted with hundreds of volts of electricity. The sight was unbelievable! The mummys were then taken back to whatever department they were borrowed from. After they stopped smoking.
My friend explained that lately he has had some success with Kirlian photography. He then proceeded to show some remarkable images of mummys he had taken showing their complete body and form. The university refused to allow any experimentation on any valued mummy, so he had to proceed after hours with a few trusted students. The few photos he showed me looked like real people superimposed over mummys. Very, very strange.
I just can't imagine that he would go to all that trouble-all the students, the mummys, the electric blast-all just to play a joke on an old friend.
I believe that what I saw was real, and the funny thing is, I feel sorry for all those mummys he's shocking!
Thanks for your time... He told me it's supposed to be a big secret. That's why I'm not a spy.
Chuck Doire
Heraldsburg, CA

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