Property of: Miranda
Introduction It was in approximately June, 1985, that I first heard of Vesta, Nebraska, a place so obscure and so unknown that it is not on most maps. Yet, it has risen to the forefront of interest as a location of major importance within the energy matrix known as the THE HEART OF THE DOVE in Midwest USA. There are, of course, many dimensions to this that is known as the Merkabah of the Dove and the Heart of the Dove, but we are in this writing to focus primarily upon its influence in a geographical sense. (reference to the map of the Dove on Pg 49 of "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch" by Dr. J J Hurtak) We refer to the Heart or Diamond Body of the Dove as that area which encompasses roughly a 6 state area in the Heartland of North America. In the study of this book, THE KEYS OF ENOCH, the resonance was so strong with certain aspects of the teaching that I would be covered with goose bumps and highly charged when reading it. The inner guidance led me to meditate upon the "descent of the Dove" and certain of the "fire letters" or KEYS. Many many years of deep transcendent meditation, (sometimes 6-8 hours a day for several weeks or months at a time) culminated in the receiving of Divine Revelation ... which then led me on an outer journey in pursuit of the depth of its meaning. At this time (August 1998) ... some ten years later... l am re-transcribing this written Revelation on my computer in order to release this Revelation into the public domain just prior to the Fall Equinox, 1998, when the TEMPLE OF THE SUN will receive ignition from the cosmos. l am in the process of writing a book titled THE REVELATION FROM THE HEART OF THE DOVE that details the miraculous enfoldments that have taken place over the last 10 years as God's Divine Revelation dramatically yet organically began to shift the course of my life. What must be noted here is that the awareness of the importance of Vesta, Nebraska, came PRIOR TO the discovery of the book THE KEYS OF ENOCH ... which places the Revelation within a larger and far more macro frame of reference, placing the cart, as they say, before the horse. The awareness of Vesta carne through a map revealing entrances to the inner earth in the United States. Two entrances fell in Nebraska, and by superimposing them on the Nebraska map one was revealed in Western Nebraska and one near the town of Vesta in SE Nebraska. My immediate interest riveted upon Vesta, as if somehow I had an ancient relationship to it, which now, of course, I know I do. And the story that's evolved since then is so out-of-the-ordinary and so exceedingly divinely miraculous that it reads like fiction and, in many ways, resembles a real life CELESTINE PROPHECY adventure of the most extraordinary discovery. My curiosity led me to keep Vesta in my awareness for several years, for my inner guidance kept referring to it as a supremely important locale, one that I would one day discover physically. Then, in the Fall of 1988, during a personal channeling in relationship to certain of my crystals, this that I am about to share with you came forth in 27 mind-blowing hand written pages. At the time of reception, I was studying the HOLY SEPHIROTH SERIES ...
a kind of follow-up on the KEYS by Dr. Hurtak that focuses on the Kaballah
or Tree of Life as it relates to the KEYS. It was through this study that
I began to chant the SACRED NAMES ... and these chants seemed to have a
very profound effect in activating me to the Light ... for I began to receive
repeated anointing and infusions of Light that permitted me to commune
with the Masters of Wisdom, the angelic realms, and the Lords of Light.
My prayers at that time were focused upon how I might serve the Dove and
the Father's Program of Light in my area, and I directed these prayers
through the Office of the Christ in an effort to make contact the Brotherhood
of Light. As a result, I began to make contact with many of those working
in and through the
This Revelation that I am led to share with you came telepathically
through the lens of a crystal ball as it opened up a higher level of communication
than I could have received otherwise. The Revelation itself could not have
been received without using this crystal as an access code, for this information
had been carefully safeguarded until it became relevant to the times. l
was asked to meditate with this crystal ball held at my heart center. What
was given over a period of several days will be quoted directly, with only
slight editing of those things interjected for my personal enlightenment
during the earlier part of the
Initially I was given this opening statement: "Child of the Light ... You are a crystal caretaker from time immemorial. You have a deep and abiding love for the substance of the Mother Earth. You understand the balance - the relationship between all kingdoms of Earth. Of this shall you later be given much more. You shall not only write of crystal, but of the Whole in relationship together, each Kingdom glorifying all the others in its desire to reflect and serve the Creator. The gifts of understanding have been earned, Child, through selfless service and a deep caring for wholeness, even when living in limitation. Your own journey shall be enhanced by this opening to receive the gifts your Spirit holds for you ... for it is by spiritual attunement that you receive the Love and the Light and the Truth that flows freely between all that exists. Service is nothing but the extension of love into the field of action. It is spontaneous and results in an opening beyond the physical parameters. As you are taken into the Earth's crust to align with huge crystalline energy fields intelligently designed and perfectly attuned with one another and with all crystalline matrices of the physical structure of the Earth, you shall realize your attunement with other star fields and stations of Light that are crystalline in nature, though not physical. Light geometries radiate throughout the Mansion Worlds in exactly the same fashion as the physical fields of Earth operate to sustain the rhythms and balance of a physical planet. The law is identical on all levels, whether on the purest levels of refined white light and pristine sound waves or on the densest star creations where Light vibrates through the pure crystal frequencies of the seven crystalline families and into the color spectrum of the physical worlds of illusion. It is the Song of Truth of the entire creation ... the perfect resonance that sustains order in the Universe ... the music of the Elohim Lords and the harmonics of the Father Himself as He breathes life into His Mansion Worlds of Creation. Certain crystals can serve as access codes into areas of understanding
of which you have no comprehension in this incarnation. Yet, when you receive
this information, you shall realize how much seems familiar, as if you
are merely recalling. It all lies within you, Child. You are merely pausing to go into the depth of your understanding of Light, for you will be called
upon to use it in the service of this world. The Father knows full well
the nature of this world called Earth and the illusion it creates for its
inhabitants as they struggle to understand within the limits of but 3 dimensions.
He shall bring the Light to human consciousness through you and others
like you who walk in the Light."
In order to receive this written Revelation, I was asked to resonate with Sephiroth Tipareth of the Holy Tree of life, the center or "heart" of the Tree. This written Revelation, THE REVELATION OF THE TEMPLE OF THE SUN, was preceded some few months previous by a profound REVELATORY INSTANT... when a laser beam of purest Divine Love zapped my human heart center and inspired AWE. In that instantaneously connection to the Sun's Living Essence, a connection reached forth from the Heart of the Cosmos to implant a Divine Revelation into my heart center. Though I had no way of knowing that these two Revelations were connected to one another, I know now that this extraordinary cosmic heart connection was the REVELATORY INSTANT WHEN THE DIVINE HEART IGNITED THE INNER CHAMBER OF MY HUMAN HEART CENTER ... and through the power of that revelatory connection, the written Revelation that I am about to share with you was given Divine Authorization. This occurred in 1988, and for the past ten years I have been walking into the sequential enfoldment of these two interrelated facets of God's Divine Revelation ... offered to me through two very different yet intricately interwoven revelatory processes, the first heartfelt, the second written ... neither of which could be fully understood without arriving at an understanding of the other. At the time of this recording (August 1998) 1 intend to offer a more complete understanding of the above- mentioned REVELATORY INSTANT in the 2nd Introductory Issue of THE CLARION CALL. Immediate to the completion of this transcription, THE REVELATION OF THE TEMPLE OF THE SUN will be offered as a gift to spiritual humanity through the 1st Introductory Issue of this newsletter ..., for the purpose of alerting spiritual humanity to the time of the COSMIC CONVERGENCE ON THE FALL EQUINOX, 1998. This Convergence will IGNITE THE ETHERIC "PYRAMID OF LIGHT" that was raised high above the Heart of I AM America on the Fall Equinox 1996. This Cosmic Convergence, as an INVERSE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE, is destined to unite both human and cosmic consciousness in this etheric pyramid to effect the REACTIVATION of the ANCIENT TEMPLE OF THE SUN. Since the implications of both Revelations are not only profound and multifaceted but also highly interwoven into the evolution and expansion of my own consciousness, they are somewhat difficult to convey to those who are not sufficiently prepared to receive cutting edge information. Much like THE KEYS OF ENOCH which can only reveal themselves to a highly devoted heart through prayer, meditation, and a consistent intuitive focus, you who seek to receive this Revelation will have to seek your own witness of it and follow the resonant pathways that promise to open to the sincere and pure of heart. My forthcoming book is devoted to the full explanation of this remarkable revelatory journey and sets itself within the larger frame of reference that has opened to receive it, allowing THE REVELATION OF THE TEMPLE OF THE SUN to be more readily received and comprehended. Know, Beloved People of the New and Everlasting Covenant, that the Revelations given me by the Heart and Mind of God are in total harmony and synchrony with the Direct Revelation given to Dr. Hurtak at the Throne of the Ancient of Days. THE REVELATION OF THE TEMPLE OF THE SUN can be viewed as the "heart of the Macrovision" given to Dr. Hurtak ... revealing the CELESTIAL UMBILICAL ... the primal heart connection ... that anchors the Dove's descent to the Heartland of North America ... giving the hub of the Father's Program a contactable "living heartbeat" pulsating with the heart or core of this Earth as she synchronizes with the Heart of God through rhythms of the Universal Heartbeat. It is with supreme pleasure that I, a humble servant, who, having received Divine Authorization, can lay claim to nothing more than the title of Appointed Messenger, accept my destiny in the offering of a profoundly important teaching to humankind. It is offered within the evolution of the timing, that spiritual humanity might be drawn into alignment with the Dove's descent over North America ... and then go forth from the power of that alignment to accomplish a wholly united and divinely coordinated effort from the hub of the Father's Program in the Omega Cycle. In the offering of my greatest gift first, with many more to follow,
may I request your support of both the Message and the Messenger, for they
are one in the same. LISTEN FOR THE "CALL OF THE RETURN" and gather yourselves
unto the "land set aside for your inheritance" ... unto the "new grid of
unity" the great land of ZION ... from which all things went forth
in the very beginning and to which all things are again gathered up into
oneness at the end of the cycle.
(given through Miranda as Messenger) "Before we begin, sit and meditate on Tipareth, that you might come into perfect resonance with this Center of Consciousness ... for you are naive and innocent, and the journey shall not be as you suspect it, though you hardly know how it might proceed. It is a greater wisdom that shall enter you as guide, Dear Child of Light ... let it move you into expression. Your innocence will assist you to see that what is transmitted be beyond you to a scale that you are unprepared to see at present. It is a new level of Revelation, given forth by the Earth herself. You ask for attunement, and you are to receive. Go forth to the Earth in gratitude for her gifts unto you, and you shall receive even greater things than this. Let her teach you directly as you sit upon her and walk upon her. Sephiroth Tipareth exists as a model within the Holy Tree of Life. It is not the purpose of this exposition to delineate the Tree in an academic manner. Your journey is beyond the academic. Your journey is one of the mystical ... for Sephiroth Tipareth is the mystical Center of Consciousness, and you are journeying into it because it is your home upon the Earth. You came to Earth via this Sephiroth, and you shall leave by Sephiroth Tipareth. Within the mantle of Earth's crust are electromagnetic fields of energy which control and balance the hyper spin of its orbit. This means that Earth's gravitational rotation cannot exist without this matrix of electromagnetic energy. Earth's orbit is highly calibrated and controlled, from both within and without. Nothing is left to chance, for there is perfect order in the entire system of things, solar and universal. Universal law is very simple and ties all levels together within its simplicity, though appearing more complex at the lower dimensional frequencies. Suffice it to say that the interdimensional frequencies which tie the Earth to the matrix are perfectly balanced and fail safe in their reliability. Equally perfect are Earth's frequency bands which pour forth from the Earth and intersect with the cosmic matrix within, at the surface, and in the auric field of Earth. Balance is hindered only by the interference of mind, which tampers with the perfect and orderly flow of energy within, upon, and surrounding Earth. Compound this mental interference with manipulation of incoming force, and you can well imagine the state of imbalance that can be created. This is Earth's story ... conscious and unconscious disturbance of the balance of magnetic and electromagnetic and solar energy. Much is conscious ... much more that humankind would like to begin to believe or imagine. for the forces that thrive on dis-equilibrium control this planet and are sustained by the imbalance of its functioning. Think you that Earth would be a difficult place to inhabit if the pristine balance of functioning were in equilibrium? This is the proverbial garden created for the joy of creation alone ... a garden planet of great beauty in the consciousness time zone of Tipareth. But she is a planet lost amidst a conscious conspiracy to create dis-equilibrium and decay ... promoting the life/death recycling process that is manipulated by those whose interests it serves. You occupy a region energized by a central pyramid known in Atlantean times as THE PYRAMID OF THE SUN. It lies underneath the surface of your area, and you shall be taken to its exact apex where you shall sit and proceed to receive directly from the Great Crystal which resides in the center of this temple. At one time it was regarded as Central Control or the central computer for the grid system on this continent. It is in perfect resonance and harmony with the entire grid system of Earth ... Giza being the Divine Template from which all pyramidal structures take their specific assignments in the balance and functioning of the Whole. The Yucatan is specifically designed to coordinate both North and South America and bring them into a harmonious interaction on this side of the world. You will be brought into total understanding in a non technical manner of the entire grid structure as it is being reactivated upon the Earth. THE TEMPLE OF THE SUN was created by the Brotherhoods for the purpose of restabilizing the Earth after fallen thought forms began to manipulate the natural order. The Earth can be seen to be Tipareth ... a place of beauty and synthesis ... through the 4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict, where the soul is resurrected from the stranglehold of matter ... where the battlefield within is reflected without ... where the mirror of "as above, so below" is perfect in every way ... where perception rules thinking and thinking rules perception ... and where awareness is given to supercede the material laws with the simplicity of the absolute immutable laws of creation. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and Tipareth is understood by the symbol of the Sun. The battle has been waged elsewhere and Earth is now the focus. It has become the Center of Synthesis of the whole system ... the 4th Ray balance of forces ... the heart center ... reflecting the heartbeat of the Creative Force as it breathes through our Sun via the Central Sun. Human consciousness is the battlefield of illusion. Since Earth is perfectly balanced for physical life, the conflict in consciousness can be fought in form here upon her. It is an arena designed specifically for this purpose. It is created by the Source for the stage, so to speak. For it seems that a great portion of the creation chooses to exercise free will in a manner which creates dis-equilibrium within, and this dis-equilibrium is what is reflected outward via thought forms and lower emotional frequencies. The deceptiveness of those who consciously understand the drama has kept the majority of Earth inhabitants asleep to the truth of their choices, captive to a drama where conflict is seen to be external and necessary to life. Yet the Earth can be seen to be a mirror, a perfect mirror, and all that is perpetrated upon her is but the reflection of the inner state of her inhabitants. In Atlantean times the TEMPLE OF THE SUN was used to heal the soul within the body ... to bring the Mother/Father Principle into equilibrium ... much like Giza, of which she is a reflection. Giza was built later on another grid line to rebalance and realign the tremendous negative forces which created the polar shift. The rebalancing returns to Tipareth once again ... etherically until the physical shift occurs as it did in that time period eons ago. With the shifting shall all the Great Truths of Earth's past be revealed for the advancement of the species. Until then, only that which cannot be truned for destruction shall be given forth to humankind. The Secrets of the Ancients shall be given forth to those who have risen above the thought forms of Earth and respatialized their consciousness and their bodies. The lessons of the past shall be repeated on a smaller scale only, and the triumph of consciousness over the vibration of matter shall be the Glory of God upon Earth as it is willed by the free will of her inhabitants. Sephiroth Tipareth must begin as a microcosm upon the Earth ... localized through a Center ... the highest values of Tipareth as the Star of David ... the Holy Marriage completed and the rise or ascent of Godhood. The battle is won in Tipareth. Cleanse the heart and the heart cleanses the rest of the body. Tipareth is centered between the solar plexus and the heart, so as to cleanse both together ... relieving the fear and tension of the third chakra and the lower two and balancing them in the fourth, so that the upper triad can awaken. See you the parallel. Earth is metaphoric... it shall release the whole system, even the whole galaxy, from the lower vibrations ... and the balance in this quadrant of the universe shall be restored. Thus will Sephiroth Tipareth enlarge from your geographical area to encompass the entire Earth. It is the arena which shall lend the understanding to the Whole which is evolving. It is the arena which shall coordinate the arrival of the Brotherhoods, the Masters, and the Lords of Light who shall assist in the respatialization. But do remember, Child, that it is the Earth humanity, the Children of Earth, who shall become Masters of their own destiny. Tipareth shall be the teacher of teachers ... the Center where the Ascension shall occur first on a large scale with the general population. It shall come to pass on a global scale as a result. In the TEMPLE OF THE SUN there remains intact all the resources needed for the consciousness reprogramrning. The Central Crystal contains the sanctified frequencies of the Urim and Thummim energies which hold the White Light in its purest form. It has not been destroyed nor distorted but remains protected. It is the crystals in the Bermuda Triangle that contain the negative programming. The TEMPLE OF THE SUN was created by the advanced priesthoods of Atlantis as a haven from the forces of darkness. It was never located by these forces until just prior to the axis shift. It was, in fact, a primary reason for that shift, for it partially created it by the deactivation of its functioning. Since it is the Will of God that the inner temple be not defiled, this temple was protected and the entire balance of functioning of the energy grid held within its Urim and Thummim frequencies. With the threat of immanent negative overlay of the Central Crystal, did the priests disengage from the grid, by deactivating the Temple and its relationship to the brain center in the Yucatan. The flow was closed off on the N/S axis in the heart of the Earth, affecting her core codings. This shorted the circuitry, so to speak, and the negative imbalances toppled the Earth from her rotational axis. A shift of monumental proportions occurred, submerging the negative force fields and respatializing Earth on a new electro-magnetic axis of rotation. Child, let us take another turn into the deeper aspects of Tipareth, for we have only just begun, and we must go deep deep into the heart of the heart. To penetrate into the inner chamber you will be taken (and soon) to the apex. You will determinedly sense it, for the force field of the temple is dramatic at its apex. It is not a large field, due to its present state of deactivation ... but it will flower and flower with its activation in time. Your journey shall take you to a farming community near Vesta, You have been prepared, and all the preparation is correct. You will locate it by intuition alone. By your will shall the Will of God open from within the crystal and access open to the knowledge there ... and that knowledge shall provide access to the Kether Template in the Yucatan and all understanding of the Higher Tree of Life. You shall give to others information pertinent to their journey and unfoldment, plus to certain adepts will you give the means by which to directly access for themselves. You will not be taken physically into the earth until the shifting occurs and physical access is afforded: You will, however, be taken in Spirit, and you will remember through your dreams. Dreams will reveal to you the chambers of healing and the methods by which the adepts transfigured the body temple in the Light of the Solar Logos as it was transferred from the Cosmic Logos. In the innermost chamber of the heart lies the Holy of Holies ... the inner sanctum ... undefiled and preserved in sanctity. Your journey begins in your own Holy of Holies ... having traversed the dark oceans of despair and returning once again to Grace within thine own heart. Seeing is as undefiled do you now create that inner sanctum upon the Earth ... for you are an intermediary of the above and the below ... a link on the surface for the inner to breathe into the outer and the outer into the inner. See truly the inner temple of Altea and the outer temple of Giza mirrored by the inner and attune perfectly to it. Now see yourself creating Giza above you as you align perfectly with the etheric currents of the Earth which have swung into a new pattern in response to the reactivation of the grids. See how the shift shall again occur when the Yucatan is fully reactivated as the BRAIN CENTER, and the Supernal is the guiding force for the material. Then shall Earth shift or realign once again with the axis established in Atlantis and the grids respatialize the Earth consciousness. It is a time of preparation in joy, child. Crystalline magnetic fields underlie all the time warp areas, artificial time warp areas, and pyramidal grid templates of Earth. It is a perfect structure for the advancement of man ... for the resurrection of the soul. These fields can be seen as vast and highly coordinate in their functioning. There is no randomness in such a perfected system. It was created by the gods for humankind's assistance. It is entirely benevolent and if any malevolent energy eXists it is mankind's own doing, for much of the planet's problems are the result of negative overlay of these crystalline matrices. Reactivation of the SUN TEMPLE shall reveal to you that the Central Crystal can and will remove the negative overlays in the Bermuda Triangle and elsewhere, reducing the tension on the grids and releasing them into the Light. The TEMPLE OF THE SUN was partially desecrated by the battle for supremacy, but the Inner Chamber remains untouched and shall be brought into activation through you as you bio-transduce cosmic energy from your self created "pyramid of Light." The recreation of Giza shall bring about your own transcription, and from that you shall see the higher work unfold before you. But that shall come a bit later. For now let us use the crystal ball as "seer" to unveil some of the
mysteries hidden within the "sphere" of the Holy of Holies. Beneath the
Great Power Generator is a CRYSTAL SPHERE to which yours is attuned. It
is the central computer brain of the Power Generator, and it is held within
a central chamber exactly like the ARK OF THE COVENANT... creating a force
field of electromagnetic energy which is blinding to the visible eye as
it was with the Holy of Holies in the Ark. Access to this chamber can only
be given an adept who is dear enough to hold that vibration and channel
it forth. It is all based upon the
You are volunteering in innocence because a scientific mind would be resistive to this and is not needed at this point. At some point, a scientific mind will be needed, for there is vast quantities of information to be offered to a clear and receptive brain to be translated into scientific language. Attunement to the URIM AND THUMMIM frequencies of certain crystal balls can afford access to the CRYSTAL SPHERE within the Earth and the sphere that is her white fire core. Most of the large generators on the planet are underlaid with spheres, and these spheres are calibrated to the Higher Intelligence that encoded them. These spheres are the access codes to the Earth's core codings. Within the large crystalline matrices are powerful generators and spheres which create the vortices of energy known as the time warps and major grid points upon the planet. These are programmed by URIM frequencies with Divine Intention and hold the planet within the greater energy matrix. It is only by negative overlay the the grids necessitated deactivation and the resulting axis shifts that created the present "wobble effect" reported by scientists. It is this wobble which is increasing as the grid reactivation proceeds in a race to the finish, so to speak. The full reactivation of the TEMPLE OF THE SUN shall coincide with this wobbling off the orbit and shall snap the planet out of hyper spin and into balance. This is known because the earth etheric has entered the transition and is restabilizing along the new grid lines already. Provisions have been made long ago on this planet to monitor the imbalances as they occurred in the auric field and to connect them there also. The drama of the Earth physical is fought only in the mind. Etheric matter vibrates faster than mental matter, revealing the future before it occurs. Thereby can the crystal ball be attuned to the Earth etheric to predict future events with accuracy if the receiver is dear. Child, begin today with an attunement to your heart, for your heart is Tipareth and can lead you into greater understanding. Begin with self first, for all things are contained within Self and extend outward with that understanding. Hold the ball over your heart and breathe deeply. Let your heart expand. There are ANGELS OF DESTINY guiding you. Let them come forth to you and enter your heart ... the holy vibration of Tipareth ... above and below. Listen to the heartbeat ... it is attuned to Source. Ask that the ball bring you into synchrony with the heartbeat of the Universe, and then you shall understand Tipareth. The heart is the link between man and God, and all things must be realized in the heart of knowledge is dead. The heart energizes all ideas and givens them loving substance with which to manifest. Ideas which manifest from the head without feeling manifest as cold, calculating, lifeless forms devoid of feeling and Warmth. The heart warms the body ... it gives life to the body ... feeds and nurtures the body. The Body of Christ is humanity, and Tipareth represents that Body. It is the true expression of Christ Love made manifest in the world of form. When the heart is clear of all karmic residue, then can the heart open between the lower and higher centers, mediating and moderating between them. A pathway then opens for the two to become one through the union of the heart. The Bride meets the Bridegroom in the heart, and the Holy Marriages transfigures the body into the Gematrian Body of Light, aided by the Angels of Destiny and Masters of Light who give Divine Substance to the heart via the crown. When the channel is open and all centers are clear, the Supernal Light of the Above enters the crown and in a flash ignites the base below, arousing the Kundalini to rise up the channel and balance the system with the serpent fire ... burning away the dross and exhilarating the body. The purified heart becomes highly attuned to the whole and leads the spirit to enlightenment or full realization of the Self. Within the inner altar of the heart lies the Holy of Holies, of which the Ark is but a symbol. The true power lies not in the brain but in this inner sanctum of the heart. Though the bridge can be forged by the aspirations of the Higher Mind, it is the heart that leads us across the bridge. Strip away the defenses and the heart opens to its vulnerable lovingness as a channel for Divine Light. Clear Tipareth and the heart can realize the wisdom of Kether... and Divine Manifestation can occur on the earth plane. The TEMPLE OF THE SUN exists on top of a huge crystalline matrix which extends to the center of the Earth. It is an AXIS LINE which holds the Divine Geometry in its perfection upon the Earth. It is the original balancing point where the Holy of Holies was sanctified, and it is through this axis that the earth is resurrected!" Giza was built to restabilize Earth on her new rotational axis after Earth was resurrected nom the destruction of Atlantis. The return to Divine Stasis shall occur through the respatialization to the Pristine State of Balance in the beginning. The restoration of the TEMPLE OF THE SUN shall be its inaugural point. The temple was created to maximize the axis of force and utilize it in conjunction with incoming Cosmic Energy ... much as Giza did later. Activation of the temple shall reestablish it as a power source and generator which shall realign the chaotic forces when the present rotational axis is disturbed by both natural and cosmic factors. Activation shall insure that the new axis is aligned and functioning to bring about the restabilization, so that Earth does not spin off out of control, as she threatens to do. The Plan is perfect in every way The TEMPLE OF THE SUN consists of innumerable smaller temples ... much like to the Nile Valley. It is a large pyramid with a complex surrounding it. But, unlike Giza, only certain aspects of this complex are physical. The large crystal lies within a huge chamber connected by a tunnel system developed by the adepts for the preservation of the Truth and the technology of the Atlantean culture. The PURE ESSENCE OF THE ATLANTEAN EXPERIMENT is contactable here. As stated before, the onslaught of destructive forces met at this temple, and it was deactivated to avoid defilement. Held within this complex are understandings regarding the Earth's relationship to the Whole, for the heart is connected to Wholeness, while the brain stores and organizes information. The Yucatan holds the computer-like information centers which reveal the knowledge of the Brotherhoods and the Program of Light upon this planet as it relates to the vastness of the galaxy and the greater universe. The SUN TEMPLE shall call to her those adepts of old who held their hearts in the pure state of resonance and attunement. They shall enter this temple spiritually and reenact the rituals of activation. Through this activation shall the heart begin to once again beat with that of God and the alignment shall begin to take place which will bring forth the NEW EARTH... as it rises from the old like the Phoenix Bird. The knowledge of how to activate the transfer of information from the brain complex shall result from this activation of the TEMPLE OF THE SUN. Beneath the magnificent Generator Crystal lies a perfect Crystal Sphere. This is considered the inner sanctum or Holy of Holies, for the field around the sphere is in the exactitude of the Ark of the Covenant ... which is a replica of the chamber created with gold and attuned to the inner sanctum of the heart of the Creative Source. This sphere and its consequent field is the POWER SOURCE for which the larger crystal acts as a capacitor/transformer and also a receiver. The large crystal is double terminated and contains information of a galactic nature which only certain adepts of the priesthoods were privy to in ancient times. The information in the Yucatan, being the brain capacitor, relates to the Earth Body in general and to the grid system and knowledge thereof as it was transformed into the mundane physical world at that time. Libraries of information exist on the technical understanding of Earth. It will save your scientists much time and effort to discover this The Holy of Holies was an exchange mechanism whereby higher frequencies were contained for use in the generation of pure raw power. This was transferred via the heart corridor to the great crystals of the Supernal Triangle and its power points of balance. Beneath the crystalline structures superimposed by man lie the great capacitors known as the axis grids in the sea of crystal within the Earth ... that great interdimensional force field that is the main anchor for the Earth's rotation on its primal axis, which, by the way, has shifted more than once due to both natural and the imbalance of external factors. The TEMPLE OF THE SUN was built in exact relationship to the temples on the inner dimensions of the Solar Logos ... which is the physical Sun in Earth's system. These, though non-physical, perform the same function within the Sun as do the Earth temples, though each operates as a step-down mechanism to balance and align the intense Light of the Central Sun as it enters our Sun and from there is transferred to Earth. We have, therefore, a Divine Science of Harmonics as exemplified in the geometric forms those sounds produce that reaches via crystal to the center of our Earth. (At this point I need to interject something that just took place in
present time ... partly because it reached into my home to capture my attention
and cause me to stop transcribing and go outside to take a look at the
CROWS... which were making so much racket that I could not ignore them
but had to take notice ... md partly because of the place that I was in
the transcription (the above paragraph) when their all those crow cries
called me outside. They were all around my house ... more than I have ever
seen or heard in all the time I have been here. Since many, kinds of birds
and in many instances, crows, have been been highly
Giza is the geophysical timepiece for this cycle, and the TEMPLE OF THE SUN is the timepiece for the next. How this relates to certain of the temples in Central Mexico and the Yucatan and South America will be revealed at a later time. (Might I aH at this point that a great deal of information on the Yucatan has, indeed been revealed over the last ten years, ) When the scientific mind finds spiritual entrance into the SUN TEMPLE then shall the galactic wisdom be revealed to .an open scientific heart. The Secrets of the Millennium shall be unfolded from the Heart of the Universe as they were given to humankind and stored in crystal capacitors and libraries for the advancement of the NEW HUMANITY. Earth shall become an intergalactic school and training found for co-creator gods to enter into other worlds of Light on missions of Divine Love and Mercy. And thereby shall the ones of Earth understand the mission of the Brotherhoods upon Earth. For Earth shall become a SCHOOL OF LIGHT of the Brotherhoods who minister to the creation as it was intended in the beginning ... a place of peace and beauty to explore and learn from. The false religions teach of a God transcendent, but they fail to teach of the God which is imminent and interpenetrates His Creation. Nothing is outside of the Godhead. A Personal God can be known within each aspect of His Creation, and thereby may each aspect of His Creation realize itself as God in microcosm, a perfect reflection of a Perfect Creator. One day the Earth shall shine with the brilliance of the Sun. God shall then be glorified by the evolution of matter which shall gather round it new life forms ... created by the Creator Sons of Earth as they join the Hierarchies in the extension of the Father's Love into the mansion worlds of the formed creation. The INNER TEMPLE IN THE EARTH ETHERIC, as it becomes a BRILLIANT SUN STAR, shall be the model for the Temple in the newest creations which shall follow. It is the crystalline fields of the heart center of Tipareth that reflect the Holy of Holies, for they preserve the Sacred Word in exactitude, be it in the human body or the Earth Body, or in the body of the Solar and Cosmic Logos. The birth of the Adam Kadmon, the Divine Image, is merely the love of pure hearts gathering to reestablish that link that has been lost as humankind exchanged love for fear in their willfulness, Jesus, the Christ, knew He was the Heavenly Man incarnate. He also knew that others like him would do greater things than He ... meaning that the Collective Messiahship would create a "Heavenly Man" or Being of Love that could be a guiding force upon the planet as it ascended. As the Christ Light shines in the heart of all matter, so it shines in the TEMPLE OF THE SUN through the crystalline matrices of Light that hold the WORD pristine in form and explain to human consciousness the Glory of the Father's Love as it extends through His Language of Light. The Language of Light is not understood in the mind until it is expressed through the creative interplay of heart and mind as they dance in the world of form. Let scientific minds be led to explore the heart and the SECRETS OF THE ANCIENTS shall become theirs through the Holy of Holies. Let us now explore the crystal sphere as it rotates in perfect attunement to the Earth's rotational axis ... stabilizing it and insuring it like a quartz crystal modulates the seconds in a watch. The Great Sphere is the Heartbeat of God attuned to the Great Central Sphere within the core of the Earth. This Central Sphere calibrates the spin and rotation of the Earth on its axis. The Sphere of Light at the center of the Earth, the White Fire Core, is the Spark Divine. It is this sphere which expands as the hearts of Earth's children expand. All crystal spheres are related in purpose and functioning and relate to the Divine Blueprint and to the balance of functioning as it is stepped down into frequency bands capable of reception at any level. The Great Sphere beneath the Power Generator within the TEMPLE OF THE SUN exists for the purpose of anchoring and holding core codings for the alignment of the primal heart axis as it connects intergalactically. As the RADIANCE OF THE CORE shines ever brighter, so does the radiance of the sphere within the Holy of Holies, and that radiance is projected along the axis line through the Earth and out into the heavens along the curvatures of space until it meets itself in the core of the Central Sun, signaling the release of core codings from that level that will further augment Earth's ascension process. What a perfectly fail-safe Plan! As holograms of Wholeness, crystal spheres augment the perfect balance of functioning unless coded elsewise from the Core Level of the parent body, in this case, the Earth Body. Her core codings are influenced by the core of the Sun or Solar Logos ... that consciousness that steps itself down into the body of the Sun physical for the purpose of transducing Light into this dimension. Our Sun's core codings are affected by any number of Sun Systems responding to core codings from Central Sun Source. (note: science is aware of core explosions that have taken place in the last year - 1998- in the Sun ) This is the way all Sun Systems and their resulting orbiting bodies are easily sustained within the perfect Divine Functioning of the Whole. It is through the heart of matter that Spirit is contacted and radiated. The scientist of tomorrow will not trouble his mind with the pursuit
of increasing complexity when he realizes the SIMPLICITY OF ESSENCE as
his Teacher. The ILLUMINATION OF REVELATION paves the way of the future,
freeing men's minds from the weight and pressure of the complex. In the
SCHOOL OF LIGHT the Brotherhoods assure us that Divine Revelation and the
pathway of DIRECT LEARNING shall supercede and outmode all information
gathering by the brain. The balance of functioning between the heart and
the mind of man will then advance him to his SUPERHUMAN FUTURE as a self-aware
being in
The activation of the TEMPLE OF THE SUN (which we are being advised is taking place on the Fall Equinox, 1998) ... shall sugment humankind in the pursuit of the Higher Work as it would proceed to emanate through the heart center of the individual or the planet. The out manifestation for the TEMPLE OF THE SUN shall be a TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATING GRACE whereby the Revelation of the Divine can be more easily received. Divine Revelation extends on tongues of fire moderated by the flowing currents of His Grace, which insure its perfect reception. Grace is that Quality that brings forth the Power and GLory of the RISEN CHRIST into the field of loving action in a perfectly attuned and perfectly coordinated way. More shall be given regarding the TEMPLE OF THE SUN in accordance with
the breaking of certain hermetically sealed codings held by certain of
the adepts of old. These seals are broken in various ways. Once certain
codings are released, then shall the Sphere beneath the TEMPLE OF THE SUN
become a capacitor for the exchange of information and the release of power
through the generator. It is through the heart center that the level of
purity and clarity is reached to enable our scientist of tomorrow to tap
into the UNIVERSAL POWER SOURCE waiting at his fingertips. All exchanges
occur through the Holy of Holies, which insures the resonance that makes
this aspect of the PLAN fail-safe at this time on Earth. Nothing can interfere
with the radiance of the heart. And as the radiance of the White Fire Core
of the Earth intensifies, her entire magnetic and electromagnetic field
of functioning is radially effected. Thus, is her vibratory field raised
and her ascension assured!