Miroslav Provod (centrum1@ipnet.cz )


Cosmic Energy

A famous skeptic, James Randi, tested eleven well-known dowsers in Australia in 1980. Under the ground there were ten water pipes and at any time during the test, water could randomly flow through one of them. Although the dowsers had confidently predicted a high rate of success, the actual results were surprisingly low and it may well have been a coincidence.

The failure of the Australian test very likely stems from incorrect evaluation of reactions. During our research we have determined that dowsing-rod reactions show a certain pattern, which must be respected in order to mark exactly the correct place searched. In an example similar to the Australian experiment I will try to acquaint you with new findings when working with a dowsing-rod.

A plastic pipe laid under the surface of earth, connected to a water piping, will serve as a substitution of water spring. We will use alternately two metal divining rods, shaped at Y, held between the thumb and the forefinger of the right hand. The first rod is shorter and the length of its front part is 5 cm. The second rod is longer by 1 cm, the length of its front part being 6 cm.

The assistant proceeds slowly with the shorter divining rod (5 cm), from a distance of about 50 m, perpendicularly to the buried pipe and marks every reaction of the shorter rod with pegs. He stops this activity approx. 50 m behind the buried pipe. I recommend to do the check identification in the opposite direction. Then e replaces the shorter rod by the longer one (6 cm). He walks again along the same route and, using smaller pegs, marks reactions between the bigger pegs from the initial measuring, where the shorter rod does not react. There are usually four of them, five in some cases. In all cases, they are located nearer the peg directing toward the buried pipe. The longer rod reacts also as the shorter rod reacts, but we easily lose orientation in this quantity of unordered reactions.

From a simple view of the line of pegs, it is apparent that their spaces are nearly equally long, with a single exception, the space in the middle of the line is much bigger. The searched pipe is located in the middle of this big space at the point where the divining rod gave no reaction. We will now repeat the experiment in the same way, with the only difference that we will increase water flow rate in the hose and we will mark the reactions of both divining rods with pegs of different colours. We will find that the searched pipe is again located in the middle of the big space, which became bigger for the higher flow rate, similarly to the other spaces which also became bigger. By repeating the experiments with various water flow rates, we will discover direct proportion between increasing distances of the marked reactions (spaces of the pegs) and increasing water flow rate in the pipe. The searched pipe will always remain at the same point, in the middle of the big space, where the divining rod gave no reaction.

The divining rod reactions we describe have never been published and are unknown for the science. The divining rod reacts to three unknown phenomena, for which we have determined the following names. We have designated the reaction points of the shorter divining rod as "Energy layers", the reaction points of the longer divining rod as "Energy interlayers", and the big space, in the middle of which the buried pipe is located, as "Energy space". We have further designated the source producing all the three energy components as "Charge", the water flowing through the hose representing the charge in our case. The data on the reactions of divining rods, as well as on the other two phenomena unknown for the science, are a result of experiments with big capacity capacitors. Using two easily reproducible experiments, I will try to acquaint you with them. They will require several capacitors with capacity approx. 50,000 μF and an assistant with a divining rod.

We connect one of the capacitors to voltage 10 V, then we slowly approach it with the shorter divining rod (5 cm) and mark its reactions in the same way as for the water flow charge. The result will be the same, only the spaces will be much smaller. On a diagram scaled 1:10, the energy space will look as a circle with diameter several times greater than the spaces between the energy layers.

We will identify the energy interlayers by the longer divining rod (6 cm), in the same way as for the water flow charge. By repeating the experiment with various voltages, we will record direct proportion between the voltage on the capacitor terminals (its charge) and the size of the energy components (energy space, energy layers and energy interlayers). All the three energy components for all kinds of charges copy the shape of charges and are three dimensional. When calculating the volume, we will consider capacitors as having a spherical shaped energy space and the energy layers and interlayers as having a shape of shells and copying the shape of the energy space.

For another experiment, we will use any number of capacitors, and connect them to any voltage. The following phenomenon is not known to the science. We will be slowly moving two of the capacitors closer together, until their energy spaces come in contact. At that moment, their two charges merge and create together a single common charge, with a bigger energy space, with bigger spaces between energy layers and bigger spaces between energy interlayers. This phenomenon of merging into a single common bigger charge will be repeated, provided a contact of the energy spaces is created, for any number of capacitors, and also for all other charges.

Another phenomenon unknown for the science is transfer of energy between charges. An experiment concerning a contactless transfer of energy from the charge of a group of capacitors to the charge of a human body is described in detail in the article "Stone Spheres in Costa Rican Primeval Forest". The transfer of energy between charges is always directed from the bigger charge to the smaller charge and is applicable to all kinds of charges.

The additive effect of charges when their energy spaces are in contact offers a hypothesis for the physical basis of the whole phenomenon. It is probable that also atoms function as capacitors. Each atom has its charge, similarly to a capacitor. If the science has omitted the fact that capacitors and some elements (we do not have all the elements available) have the energy components, the science may also have omitted their existence in the atom.

In which case, the water flow charge could be explained as follows. The charges of the three atoms of water meet the condition of contact of their energy spaces, therefore the molecule of water creates an independent common charge with an independent energy space, energy layers and energy interlayers. The charges of molecules also meet the condition of contact of their energy spaces, therefore every agglomeration of water creates an independent common charge with independent energy components. A water drop has its own charge, as well as a glass of water or a stream.

The additive effect of charges when their energy spaces are in contact can be easily verified for the charges of human bodies. If two or more people get close together enough to bring their energy spaces to contact, their charges merge and create a single common charge with common energy components. From this moment on, gradual transfers of energy take place in their common charge, from bigger charges to smaller charges.

It has become a fact that the function principle which hides space energy unknown to us, which had to be re-discovered at the end of our millenium. Space energy was already known to primeval people and they utilized to their benefit. In order to find our way in the primeval ages, first we have to invalidate misleading hypotheses and acknowledge that people of the megalithic culture superseded us in one aspect of technical development. It sounds unbelievable but I will try to prove it.

Using the drowsing-rod, our ancestors discovered the energy of water flows and their energy components. In the same way they discovered that a stone placed in an energy layer accumulates energy, which may be similarly transferred to a human body. On all continents, almost at the same time, they used to place stones in energy layers of water flows, we then called the stones menhirs. Very likely, they discovered another method of energy utilization when individual stones were no more sufficient for them, and they started to build greater sources - rows of menhirs, big round structures and pyramids. Another finding of theirs was the fact that clay has the same accumulation property. More than one hundred thousand clay bulwarks were built in North America, more followed in England and China. In order for a stone or clay bulwark to function as an energy accumulator, it has to insulated from the solid rock bed with a layer of suitable soil or other natural materials. From the above it follows that all structures built up to the present time, which are not built on a rock bed and have a layer of soil or other "insulation material" between the rock bed and the pit base can function as menhirs, they can accumulate energy in their matter.

Menhirs were continuously enhanced. An area with clay bulwarks, underground channels and lakes in San Lorenzo was a big menhir with a controllable charge. The builders already knew that water could accumulate energy. By regulating the water flow rate in the underground channels, they were able to charge water in the lakes as well as the clay bulwarks. Underground water channels in the Nasca Plateau, which in several places lead under the Rio de Nasca river, suggest that the builders wanted to control the water flow rate in the channels. Otherwise, they would welcome water sources being interconnected. From the above it follows that the Nasca Plateau may have been an energy structure. Line in the plateau may be highlighted energy layers of water flows, sea streams etc.

Menhirs were constructed on all continents almost at the same time, therefore, it must have been coordinated action that can be by no means called a coincidence. If we consider that primeval people used energy that we are going to learn about, we may even assume that we will probably learn even more. Water flow energy layers form a dense three-dimensional grid around our planet, which is conductive for space energy, therefore, we cannot exclude its use for communication. In case of Däninken's astronauts with aerials on their helmets, they did not necessarily have to be astronauts, they may have been our ancestors.

In Western Europe, approximately sixty fortresses have been built using the melted stone technology. Arthur C. Clarke has proved through experiments that no combustible material available at that time could be used to reach the necessary temperatures. Therefore, we may assume that the necessary temperature may have been acquired through transformation or accumulation of space energy.


Stone balls in a Costa Rica forest

In the 1930s, during the clearing of the Costa Rica forests for banana plantation, many giant stone balls were found, which were geometrically perfect and as smooth as a mirror. Some of them had a diameter of over 2 m and a weight in excess of sixteen tons. Their number was estimated to be in the thousands and they were distributed all over the forest. In the past decades, many of the stone balls were removed from the forest and used as garden decorations. Nobody is able to say now which structures were used to create them. The question of which technology could have been used to produce them, how they were transported and for what purpose they were placed in the forest was discussed.

Research into charge interaction allows us to enter discussion with an opinion on the purpose for which the balls could have been used that has some underpinning evidence. The composition created a power construction that allows the transfer of power over large distances. The balls were distributed in the power spaces and power layers of smaller charges (springs, brooks) in such a way that their conducting power elements intersect. In a case where one ball is placed in the power layer of a strong charge (for example, a coastal gulf) the increase in power values was reflected in all the balls. Power elements copy the shape of the charge and that is why a ball is an ideal shape for the creation of a three-dimensional power grid, and why only circles are used in the design.

I believe that it would be helpful if we first try to penetrate the technology of the primeval age. As a sample of my further procedure, I cite information obtained from Fata morgana by Professor Helmuth Tribusch. On the Dolau hills close to Halle, there is a 5,5 metre high granite menhir - when there is a storm and the stone goes soft, the betrothed drive a nail into the rock so as to guarantee fertility. The stone is subject to two power influences and so it is not immediately possible to exclude a change in its characteristics. It would be interesting to verify whether any nails really have been driven info the menhir.

The primeval ages left us with many questions which we cannot provide the right answer to simply because we try to fit everything into the known facts. This won´t change until we complete our knowledge of information about the primeval age which remains unknown to us.

Research into the interaction of charges, which is still only just beginning, allows us to explore in the right direction. It allows us to put together what seemed impossible and it shows us how to proceed. It will state an example: dance obsession in Nairobi hit only those people who had metal objects: coins, keys, etc. Mahabharata, the largest work in world literature (400 BC) describes with fear a terrible weapon, able to kill all warriors who have metal on their bodies. "If they learn in time that this weapon is to be used, they tear off all the metal objects they have on them, they jump into river and carefully wash themselves and all the things they touched." Those people who have never been engaged in interactions between the human body and metal can easily omit such information - it does not say anything to him/her - but in the opposite case the person immediately notices increased tension in their cells and a possible further increase in tension.

As another example we can use Moses´ ark of the covenant. In the second chapter of 25:10 Moses describes in detail the construction of the ark. Several constructors produced an ark according to Moses´ description, but with no results. They made the same mistake as was made in other experiments, which were performed using electricity and magnetism. The ark of the covenant could have been intended only for the power which people used at that time, i.e. space power. So it is not possible to exclude in advance the possibility that continuing research into charges interaction will allow the ark of the covenant to become functional again after thousands of years. I do not mean that Moses could speak to God - these could have been priests from Egypt who wanted top control the Jewish nation. Nobody doubts their technical maturity - it id coded in the construction of the Great Pyramid.

Around the year 600 AD, for incomprehensible reasons, the entire nation of Mayas suddenly and without any reason departed from their strenuously constructed cities with rich temples, laboriously constructed pyramids, squares surrounded by statues and magnificent stadiums. They moved several hundred kilometres further to the north and nobody ever returned to the original dwelling place. Several hypotheses were published about why this had happened but they are not convincing and are inconsistent with logic.

On the basis of the research into interaction of charges, we present a hypothesis why the Mayas left their cities. Let us first remind that when the Mayas were selecting a place for construction of a city, they preferred such a place where there was enough energy, even at the cost of having to ensure supply of water laboriously. They accumulated energy in a great number of pyramids; there were more than seventy pyramids constructed in the capital city of Tikalu. It is still unknown for that purposes they needed such a great quantity of energy, but there are some hints that they were exploiting it. In those places, where the pyramids were constructed, energy layers of charges produced by large water streams and sea currents intersected and accumulated their energy in the material of the pyramids.

The arrangement of the pyramids was not coincidental. Similarly as the stone balls in Costa Rica, the pyramids formed a complex energy system which could have been, through natural charges, connected with other, even remote, pyramids and with numerous natural charges. The connection between the individual "energy accumulators" was reliably ensured by the energy components - energy space and energy layers. The entire system was designed for an optimum energy overvoltage and worked in this way for centuries. Unknown phenomena might have caused excessive overvoltage in the entire energy system of the Mayas, which negatively affects the cells of a human body and can cause a number of health disorders.

When specialists show interest in our research, we first experimentally demonstrate to them the interaction of various charges, both natural and artificial ones, their mutual influence and transmission of energy between them through the energy components. We regard large-capacity electrolytic capacitors as the most conclusive means of demonstration of the process of working with energy. With these capacitors, it is possible to conclusively monitor the direct proportion between voltage and the size of energy space. In addition to that, it is possible to reliably monitor the interaction of their charge with other charges. We incidentally discovered the transmission of energy from the capacitors to the human body. The experiment can be easily repeated and the result will not leave anyone in doubts.

This experiment requires a number of capacitors with the total capacity of 10,000 µF for the voltage of min. 400 V and a number of capacitors with the total capacity of 1.5 F for the voltage of min. 15 V. The capacitors must comply with the condition that their energy spaces must intersect, therefore we place them close next to each other. We connect the first group of capacitors through a four-way rectifier to the mains voltage of 220 V and on the terminals, we can read 320 V. We connect the second group of capacitors to the power source and place it in the proximity of the first group. The charge placed on the edge of the table is ready to transmit energy. If we sit close to the capacitors at a distance smaller than 40 cm, transmission of energy will take place.

I recommend carrying out all this under medical supervision for the max. time intervals of 10 minutes after which a medical examination will follow. It is necessary to realise that energy layers are just as aggressive as energy space, particularly every third layer which is approximately ten times wider than every first and every second one. I recommend that the individuals present at the experiment should stay in the space between the layers. In this case where we work with high voltage, it is further necessary to respect energy intermediate layers, which I have not mentioned earlier on purpose in order to simplify the whole matter. There are four, in some cases five, energy intermediate layers between the energy layers. They are situated closer to that layer which is directed to the charge and they have the same properties as the layers but in a weaker version. They can be identified with a dowser's rod which is longer by one cm. Before carrying out the experiment, it is necessary to realise that the energy layers penetrate through soil, construction materials and metals without any losses and are just as aggressive even at large distances. Their range is unknown to us; we recorded them at the distance of several hundred meters.

Whoever does not have sufficient trust in a dowser's rod, he/she has the possibility to use selected capacitors, which have perfect insulation, to check on the rod's function each time the rod reacts. These capacitors have only insignificant losses between the electrodes and the energy gain shows on them more markedly. These capacitors represent only a small percentage; we can identify them by the fact that in the process of selecting such capacitors, we read at least the voltage of 1 V at their connectors. With regard to the movement and small width of some energy layers, we use more capacitors to create an approximately 50 cm row; we interconnect the accordant connectors and then we can start measuring. We eliminate voltage from the connectors; we place them into an energy component for one hour - and the voltage on the connectors will rise. The voltage will not rise on the capacitors placed outside the energy component. This is only a relative measurement because losses also occur simultaneously with the occurrence of energy gain. This only provides us with information of the yes or no type.

Our articles bring many new pieces of knowledge and they are also sometimes regarded with distrust. For this reason, I dilated upon the method which makes it possible to verify the transmission of energy easily and which makes it easier to understand that excessively intensive energy pulses produced by pyramids - energy capacitors - can cause such conditions which make the stay in a city unendurable for health reasons. This could have been one of the reasons why the Mayas left their cities.

Speaking of space energy, we have to divide the life on the Earth into two periods. From the ancient ages to the nineteenth century and from then on. In the nineteenth century, when the electrification began, electric grids disrupted the natural energy balance formed by water flows and sea streams. When we look at a map showing high voltage and very high voltage lines, we will easily find out that there are many more energy grids than water flows. Energy grids generate similar energy in layers copying their location and direction in the same way as water flows do, they also interact with each other. In some places there is a permanent energy overload.

Energy layers of energy grids, contrary to water flow energy layers, are not mobile, they may be called static, their gaps are determined by the voltage irrespective of the amount of current flowing through, they are more aggressive. The science still does not pay attention to the negative impacts of energy overloads on organisms but statistics does. The Health Information and Statistics Institute (HISI) has published a map of the country which shows highlighted places with different occurrence of oncologic diseases. Great woodland areas are marked as places with the highest occurrence of cancer. Places with no woods show a lower number of cancer occurrences. The question why it is so may be answered through research of charge interaction.

The whole area of the Sumava Mountains forms one common charge with a common energy space. The Danube, flowing along the Bavarian Wood, and other water flows on both sides of the border represent natural energy sources for the Sumava Mountains. Under such conditions, the flora had optimum voltage in the cells even for a part of the nineteenth century, which was beneficial for the fauna. The harmony of energy was disrupted by electrification, energy components of high voltage lines caused energy overload in the flora, which has a negative impact on the fauna.

According to HISI statistics, cities as a whole are a little better off but they show some critical places. This is confirmed by statistics of MUDr. Oldrich Juriska, who for half a century marked occurrences of cancer in the map of Olomouc. In most cases, the patients came from the same streets or individual houses. In terms of energy this is the same issue as in the Sumava Mountains. The energy overload is caused by cables, sewage ducts, water distribution pipes, gas pipes and steam pipes. Engineering grids form one common charge with one common energy space, which reliably intercepts energy of different charge energy layers and creates a permanent energy overload. Place where energy layers cross represent the most aggressive and critical places.

A cell membrane has a capacity (Cm = 1 µF*cm-2), therefore, it also has a charge. A charged capacitor also has a capacity and a charge. Man has an average value of energy space radius of 35 cm, a similar value is shown by 3 capacitors with a total capacity of 2 F charged at 6 V. The same energy space radius will be shown by any number of capacitors with the same total capacity provided that their energy space overlap. It is very difficult to measure the capacity of cell membrane, it cannot be performed in every doctor's office. I am not going to recommend doctors some primeval practices but energy values of man may be quickly determined by measuring the energy space radius. It seems to me a question of the near future that doctors will be equipped with a device that will supersede the drowsing-rod in many aspects. Energy value is one of the crucial factors for man's health. This is supported by measuring sound and ill people. For many centuries, healers have used this fact by passing some of their energy to their patients. However, in some cases in our century this works no more, people sometimes suffer not from a lack of energy but from its abundance. It is more than likely that in the near future specialized research entities will prove that there is a connection between deformation of cell membranes and long-term stay in an overloaded locality. Historical literature states examples how to relieve of abundant energy but this is just for the short run. We live in a permanent overload which must be solved in the whole territory.

Charge interaction research solves unexplainable cases even in other fields. For example, one of nuclear reactors at the University of California switches itself off with unfailing precision when someone in the nearby houses flushes at the toilet. The reason is that the water stream generates an energy impulse. Through their conductivity, energy components of the water stream charge connect energy components of other charges which easily cause a voltage increase in capacitors in the electronics of the reactor, which shuts off the reactor subsequently. It can be easily proved if we place a suitable capacitor (see Research Report - Capacitors) in the energy component of a greater charge, the voltage at its electrodes will rise. If we place the same capacitor outside the energy component, the voltage will not rise. The case of Californian nuclear reactor may be similar in other cases where electronics fails with no explainable reason.

On 24 July 1956 at 3 p.m. a strange phenomenon occurred in the streets of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Approximately two hundred men and women danced in the main street of Nairobi. The dancers had deplorable expressions in their faces as if they were forced to dance by someone. One hour later there were already twenty thousand men, women and children dancing. It was not possible to communicate with the dancers, they paid attention to nobody. Gradually, approximately fifty thousand people joined the dance in a strictly limited circle, the radius of which was three and a half kilometers. However, not everybody submitted to the dance in the magic circle - only people who had coins or other metal objects in their pockets. At 8 p.m. everything stopped abruptly. Nobody got injured, nobody died. This is a very rare phenomenon, which was documented with some different attributes during the spring equinox in Rhineland in 1374.

Charge interaction research offers explanation of the "dance obsession". The strictly limited circle of three and a half kilometers, in which the dance marathon took place, was the energy space of a big charge, which are frequent in big cities. Through influence of energy components of other big charges the energy space gained abundant energy, which showed as increased charges of the "dancers", which was furthermore strengthened by metal objects with permanent charges. Body charge may be raised artificially using a group of capacitors at a high voltage. When experimenting with such a charge we were able to cause hands to shiver and it may be assumed that other combinations of capacitors and voltages may be used to cause the shivering of other organs.

However, the question of what combination of energy charges caused the dance marathon remains unexplained. In view of the great time distance between both cases of dance obsession it may be assumed that the decisive influence on the size of the Nairobi charge may have come from energy components of extraterrestrial charges. A similar explanation may be used for several hundred documented cases of self-ignition of human bodies, the leaving of the ship of Mari Celeste, unexplained airplane accidents etc.


Research of Charge Interaction - Car Crash

Unknown characteristics of condensers emerged from multiyear experiments with a large number of large-capacity condensers. In our records, the course of an experiment is noted in relation to which we have met health disorders for the first time. Using an increased voltage of a charge on a condenser we tried to speed up the power transfer. One group of condensers - which was to supply power - had a total capacity of 5 F and the average voltage reached 120 V. The other group consisted of 24 flat condensers and power was transferred to them on the basis of a contact-less relation from the first group in the power space. After several hours in the course of which I repeatedly went to the condensers to measure their power profit (voltage increase) I started to feel a sudden tiredness and an increasing pain between my shoulder blades. Then followed total weakness, visual problems characterised with oscillation of the subjects I was watching and assessments of dizziness with shivering of my left hand forced me to immediately leave the power space of the charge. I had significant problems moving to my bed a distance of 15 m, where my health problems started to eliminate after approximately 30 minutes. But tiredness and a feeling similar to intoxication remained. At that time I did not realise that it was all related to the condenser charge and that is why I consequently returned to the power space. But the above described health problems returned a short time after performing the power profit measurement. We met similar health problems (like for example sore neck paralysis, inner heart pains persisting until the next day in the case of any movement) several times during our experiments with higher voltage of condensers. Cells of organisms have the same charge as condensers and the power transfer to cells of organisms (in which the cell membranes have a function of bio-condensers) is performed in the same way as in case of condensers. The bio-physics states an average value of the cell membrane capacity (Cm = l µF*cm-2)

Next, we will describe a situation, in which any person can fall into without their own consciousness and due to power over-voltage. A reputable German scientist Karl von Reichenbach experimented in the 19th century with radiation of a mass and he called the radiation “Odium radiation”. He included the chemical reaction between sources emitting the radiation described by him. Non-traditional procedures, which our research is based on, are easy to prove that Reichenbach was not wrong. In the same way as charges of water streams, condensers or other charges, we can identify even the charge of fire and other chemical reactions. On a graph of fire charges of one up to ten burning candles it is possible to show direct dependence between the volume of power space of the fire charge and the number of candles.

In the course of the burning process in ignition and diesel engines, there occurs a chemical reaction, inducing a charge with a power space, layers and inter-layers. It is interesting to evaluate the joint charge of a vehicle, which consists of charges of the metal mass, chemical reactions in the engine and accumulator, flowing liquid in the cooling system and air conditioning, fuels, electric appliances, electric devices, air pressure in tyres, the driver and co-drivers.

One of the experiments which we present to those interested in our empirical research, includes monitoring of a charge increase of a car. At first, we draw the power space onto a graph as well as other power elements of an empty car and an engine at a stand still. Then, we enter onto the graph the power values with passengers, operating engine, increased revolutions, with switched-on electric appliances and a cell phone. It is also very interesting to monitor the power difference of the charge of a car placed into the power layer of a high tension distribution system and out of the layer. In the case of a person standing in a power layer of the high tension of 220 kV, his/her radius of power space immediately increases by approximately four times. If the person leaves the space immediately, everything returns to the original values. In case of a person staying in the same power layer for a period of one hour it takes several hours for his/her power value to return to the original state.

Police all over the world have evidence of places where extreme numbers of street accidents occur for inexplicable reasons. Such a place is located near Prague, in the village of Jesenice. Returning home from a weekend, a fleet of vehicles slowly moves from the side-road, the vehicles gradually enter the main road with a right of way. ”It is a very critical part of the road. Serious accidents with mortal injuries do not occur there, but there are many small accidents”, said the chief of the transport police in central Bohemia.

If we evaluate the increased number of accidents at the above mentioned junction from the point of view of an interaction of charges, an unusual conclusion emerges. The moving fleet of vehicles on the side-road has a joint charge, which is power-amplified by charges from five high-voltage distribution systems crossing the thoroughfare in front of the critical crossroad. The joint charge of the fleet exceeds several times the standard charge of a human body, which causes an increasing power value of the charge of driver’s and co-drivers’ bodies. In the “over-voltage” developed there, there is increased tension (voltage) in cells, including the brain cells, which causes faults in correctness and speed of reaction times.

Another place with an increased number of traffic accidents is located - according to the information from the police - in Valasske Meziirici, in the direction from Vsetin. In this case it is not a slowly-moving fleet of vehicles, as cars move smoothly. The power is gradually transferred between charges and the time period for its transfer (for an increase of voltage on cell membranes above the acceptable limit) is not the same for all the drivers. In general it is possible to state that several tens of minutes are necessary. A driver going from Vsetin to Valasske Mezirici has a joint charge with his/her car and the charge merges in the joint charges of the forest, the water stream, the trolley conduit and the high-voltage distribution system. The time, necessary for passing through the critical section, is sufficient for an increase in the power value of the charge in driver’s and co-drivers’ bodies.

In the Czech Republic, an increased number of traffic accidents occur also in the village of Kolesov on the road from Prague to Karlovy Vary, where the unusual shape of a crossroad requires fast and correct reactions by drivers. Cars pass through the road, which is bordered for a length of 30 km by a high-voltage distribution system 400 kV - in other words the charge of the power space of a car is increased by a contact-less transfer with a high-voltage charge of higher values (or its layers respectively inter-layers). As with the cases of the two previous examples, the drivers face negative influences of power elements and - by passing through a long section - the power value in cell membranes is increased in the same way as in the above stated examples. Similar places with frequent car accidents are common - naturally, not only in the Czech Republic.

From the above stated facts one is able to derive that it is possible for a driver to get into a situation similar to conditions after drinking some alcohol, when he / she loses the ability to drive a car without error. The road, which the driver passes may be a “power trap”. This is supported even by accidents of professional drivers. About 1800 truck drivers have an accident in Europe every year. In some cases it is difficult to state the correct reason of the accident and the case is concluded with a statement that the driver had not mastered the vehicle.

It is possible to answer the question, why passing-through a power-critical section of a road is shown only in case of a small number of drivers, stating that the decisive factor is the power value of driver’s body at the moment of entering the critical section. One “drop” is always the last one, when the power cup starts to overflow. In the situation of power over-voltage, the “bio-computer” of our brain faces similar problems as a standard computer in case of a significant over-voltage. In the case of a human body being exposed to a prolonged stay in power elements of large charges, it is possible for its body power to be increased several times. This can be reached even while sleeping, if the bed is crossed by a power layer of another charge. Alcohol and probably even drugs represent a very negative element from the point of view of over-voltage increase in cell membranes. After a certain time period, when mobile detection devices do not encounter any alcohol, the radius of a power space warns of an increased value of human body charge for a much longer time.

From the commercial point of view there is no doubt, that for an electronic concern, which will be the first to develop a device for measuring of power elements (power space, layers, inter-layers), which usually very negatively influence our health due to an over-voltage on our cell membranes, this invention will show a significant economic effect. In the case of such a device reaching the price level of pocket calculators it is possible to expect production and respectively sales of the same numbers of the devices as pocket calculators. No doubt that these devices will become decisive “flat architects” for positioning beds, chairs and working tables in our flats and offices. It will be easy for them to identify “cancer houses” and it is also possible to suppose that they will become a part of the equipment in every vehicle.

In case any electronic firm shows an interest in the development of this measuring device, we will inform their designers about further necessary knowledge.


Spontaneous human combustion

For serious researches, spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is one of the most controversial phenomena. The term spontaneous combustion expresses the means by which the human body is able to ignite without any optically recorded extraneous source. An unbelievably high-intensity localized fire transforms most of the human body into ashes. In many cases, some parts of an appendage, e.g. foot or sole of foot, remain unaffected. Some parts of clothing or surrounding objects also remain undamaged. Nothing similar to these fires exists in nature and the accompanying phenomena mock the laws of physics and medical knowledge. One may doubt about records of spontaneous human combustion from the past, but not about photo documentation of such cases in the twentieth century.

All hypotheses explaining spontaneous combustion, including the wick effect, are cast into doubt by the fact that bones were not incinerated in any case when the human body was exposed to fire. When cremated, human bodies are burned at temperatures from 600 OC to 950 OC for one and a half hours, during which time a large quantity of air is forced under pressure into the cremation furnace. Large bones like the pelvis or thigh bone remain distinguishable. They are then pulverized with eight iron balls.

When spontaneously combusted, human bodies directly explode by heat identified as tepid compared to a normal fire. This explosion is short, intensive and concentrated because not even anything in near proximity ignites. In some cases, the incinerated corpses were entirely clothed, leaving the clothing undamaged.

Knowledge gained from the study of charge interaction makes it possible to put forth a hypothesis about spontaneous human combustion. As an example, I will again use a condenser whose voltage we will gradually increase. After we exceed the voltage limit for which the condenser is designed, the insulation material is breached, all energy is released at once, and the condenser is destroyed. Human cells can also behave in a similar manner. Each cell (even bone cells) gains sufficient energy from external influences to be able to destroy itself. The cause of spontaneous human combustion is likely to be the enormous growth of energy on cell membranes, subsequently destroying their insulation characteristics and releasing all the energy at once.

The passage of energy in a much smaller scale can easily be demonstrated by our tracing one energy layer. The charge and length are of no consequence. We seat an assistant at one end and place at the other end a group of condensers with a capacity of several Farads and a voltage of approximately 15V. When the condensers are uncharged, the assistant has an energy field with a radius of approximately 45 cm. If we connect the condensers to voltage, the radius of the energy field by the assistant is considerably enlarged. After the condensers are discharged, the radius of the assistant´s energy field returns to the original value..

Spontaneous human combustion is a very interesting phenomenon. However, of no less interest is the fact that human matter can be incinerated using the energy embodied in it and that only the charge of the cells need be increased to the "combustion point" to do so. That implies that gas furnaces will soon be able to be replaced by much more energy-saving "condenser furnaces". It cannot be ruled out in advance that this phenomenon will be utilized in waste incinerators, etc.



During a one-month strike of physicians and surgeons in Israeli hospitals such a small number of people died as never before. The same situation arose in Bogota and in England. In each case the mortality rate recorded was lowered by 35 % during the course of the strike.

The Health Minister of the Czech Republic does not think that the information regarding the mortality of patients in individual hospitals and fields should be made public, even though the differences in some of the hospitals are as much as fivefold. He said this to journalists in reaction to a reproach made by the Association for the Protection of Patients saying that the information of this nature is kept secret. According to the Minister it is necessary to see to a remedy and not to appall the public.

There are many factors that can influence the different mortality rates in hospitals, however, the fact that some authorities are seriously concerned about it suggests that not everything may be explained in this sphere. In case it is not possible to demonstrate definitely the issues regarding different mortality rates, our research into the interaction of charges on the basis of experimentally verified information offers a solution. In the both cases the unsuitable construction of buildings, their inconvenient location and improper equipment may be involved.

The hospitals with higher patient mortality rates are probably modern buildings with steelworks, with aluminum and glass sheathings and equipped with air-conditioning. The sickbeds as well as other internal equipment are largely made of metal as well. All metals have a permanent charge that increases the energetic value of the charge of a human body in all and any cases. Another crucial factor for the value of the charge of the hospital’s building may also be the foundation of the building. If there is a layer of earth between the foundation gap and firm rock, the building is not sufficiently ”grounded” from the point of view of cosmic energy. In such a case the energetic profit exceeds losses and the hospital is in a state of permanent energetic overvoltage.

The steelwork of the building with other metal equipment creates one common charge, which is further increased by charges from electrical installations, operational and medical equipment, heating distribution systems, air-conditioning, water supply and sewerage. Also the placement of a "trafostation" in a hospital causes negative energetic phenomena as well. A hospital obtains the most undesirable energy through the medium of the energetic components from the charges of the distribution of very high tension, watercourses and other charges.

In such a case the charge of the hospital building exceeds the usual value of the charge of a human body several times, which will be manifested by an increase of tension on a cell membrane. We describe the negative influence of the increased tension on cells in materials sent to you earlier. The reduced mortality in those hospitals where the strikes of physicians and surgeons took place can be explained by the fact that the activity of the operational and medical equipment was reduced, which was manifested on the common charge of the hospital and thus its smaller energetic components changed the connection with other charges.

The same energetic situation, which has a negative influence on the health of a human being can appear in other buildings as well. However, in most cases people don’t spend the whole day in those buildings as patients in hospitals. In the area surrounding me I have been drawing the energetic components mainly of the electrical distributions of a very high tension into layouts for several years already. Five energetic layers intersect the building of a primary school. In many cases children may be reproached for worse results although it is not their fault. The activity of their cerebral cells may be reduced by the energetic overvoltage.

We have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that it will take some more time before further research finds a way that will enable us to regulate the energetic overvoltage. But I am convinced that the time, when the first measuring devices that will indicate the critical places to us appear in the market, is not that far away.