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The Tribulation and God's People

by Ron Wyatt

There are an endless number of statements in Scripture that, if followed, will prepare us to live a successful and rewarding earthly life and an endless eternal life with a loving God. We wish to share several of these with you that we think support an important insight into what we can expect to take place in the near future.

Learning from Scripture -"rightly dividing the word of truth"-. (2 Tim. 2:15) is especially important to us who live at a time in history when thousands of "voices" are shouting to get our attention, insisting that this or that "smooth thing" is truth. 1 Thes 5:3 tells us

The Bible nowhere predicts smooth sailing for the faithful followers of God.

This is not a popular idea! Truth seldom is! God has entrusted us with His last (show and tell) warning message. We have no choice but to tell it like it is.

"Will God chastise His bride?" has become the rallying cry for those who want us to join them in believing their "no tribulation" doctrine.

It appears to me that those who have, or will, die before the Lord comes, who were committing sins of ignorance though striving to serve God and calling upon Him for forgiveness and cleansing in the Name of Jesus, will be saved. However, those who are alive to see the Lord's coming must be "without spot or wrinkle " (sin) or they will suffer the same fate as the "man of sin" spoken of in 2 Thes. 2:8

There are two texts that indicate this:

Another revealing text says:

Everything Changes- But God

We all have become accustomed to change. Few are the things that do not change. Love often changes to hate. Youth changes to agedness. Happiness changes to mourning. How refreshing. In our lives filled with change, is the realization that God never changes!


In the ninth century B.C., Jeroboam had taken the ten northern tribes of Israel from Rehoboam, the son of Solomon. He set up two golden calves, one in Bethel in the south of his kingdom and one in Dan in the north of his kingdom. He instructed his subjects to worship these instead of traveling to Jerusalem to participate in the worship of God. He placed vile and corrupt men in the offices of priest and led the people away from the true God. He was offering incense upon the altar in Bethel when a "man of God delivered a prophecy against him and the altar". The entire drama is recorded in 1Kings 13:1-32.

The king didn't like the prophecy and ordered the arrest of the man of God. The king's arm was withered and restored by the power of God. Knowing not to fight against the power of God, he invited the prophet to his house for food, water and refreshment. The prophet responded:

All was going well; God's power had been displayed, none doubted the power of God or that this prophet was truly a man of God. He had resisted a "reward" offered by one whom he knew to be an enemy of God. Now comes one who claims to be a prophet:

The "man of God" disobeyed God and paid with his mortal life and probably with his eternal life. Only God knows about his eternal life. Yet, the Bible calls him "a man of God". He disobeyed once, and he never had the chance to disobey again.

False Prophets Say God CHANGED His Law

Some false shepherds and false prophets point to the Mosaic (sacrificial) laws and say; " these are no longer in effect, does this prove that God changes His instructions?" They also quote Paul's comments to the Galatians whom unconverted Jews had influenced to perform animal sacrifices according to the law of Moses- and this after Christ ,"the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world." had been sacrificed, ending the blood sacrifice system. They tell us that the law here spoken of is the Ten Commandments spoken by the mouth (lips) of God (Exo. 20:1) and written in stone by the finger of God! (Exo. 24:12).

If Paul was speaking of the Ten Commandments, God's reason for adding it could not have been " because of transgressions" (Rom 4:15) because "the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression." (1 John 3:4). "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." In simple terms, there would have been no such thing as "sin" or "transgression" if God's Law had not already existed. The "law" Paul spoke of was "added" because the people WERE continually breaking God's Law.

Paul was referring to the sacrificial law and not to the TEN COMMANDMENTS about which it was said of Abraham; "because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws." Paul clearly states that the law he was speaking of "came four hundred and thirty years after" God gave the promise to Abrahan because he "kept my commandments, my statutes, and my laws." Abraham kept God's Law. But the "sacrificial and levitical law, or the Mosaic Law, wasn't even in existence at that time. What "law" could Abraham have kept except God's Great Law.

 Next Page: Those Who Enter New Jerusalem are Without Sin

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