On the Ark of the Covenant 'the Ark of the Covenant, in the
holy-of-holies, was effectively a microcosm of Mount Sinai, the 'cosmic mountain', for it had been designed specifically as a mobile substitute for Mount Sinai, enabling the Israelites to continue their face to face
meetings with God.' (When The Gods Came Down p. 283)'When we think about the Ark of the Covenant in this way, the rituals of Atonement Day literally explode with significance. For example, did not the smeared
blood of the animals on the kapporeth re-enact the sacrifice of the creation, on the top of the fallen 'cosmic mountain'? Did not the kapporeth
(the cover of the Ark) symbolise the covering-over of the 'Word' of God (i.e. the tablets of testimony inside the Ark)? Did not the two cherubim above the kapporeth
symbolise the cherubim which were placed to the 'east' of the underworld, thereby preventing access to the forbidden Tree of Life? Did not the whole ceremony atone for the inherited sins of the Israelites - the sins which they brought up out of the darkness of the underworld, into the world above?
The answer to all of these questions, I suggest is "Yes!". Moreover, it is especially significant that Atonement Day was also known as the 'Day of the Coverings', and the 'Day of Ransoms'. Did not the
Day of the Coverings allude to the covering over, within the Earth, of the fallen 'mountain', and indeed to the covering over, within the Earth, of the fallen 'people'? Did not the Day of Ransoms allude to the ransoming
of the Israelite first-born from the underworld with a lamb, or a ram? Once again, I suggest that the answer to both of these questions is an affirmative "Yes!".' (When The Gods Came Down pp. 283-84) '...
it is possible that the Ark was a capacitor, but it is unlikely to have been a hi-tech communication device.' (www.eridu.co.uk, Mysteries of the World, March 2000) 'One can say, with a fair degree of confidence,
that the Ark of the Covenant would have contained a meteorite.' (www.eridu.co.uk, Mysteries of the World, March 2000) |