Symbol | Definition |
A | Anterior |
Å | Angstrom (10-10 meters) |
BW | Bandwidth |
Bo | Static magnetic field |
B1 | The radio frequency magnetic field |
B1R | Receive B1 magnetic field |
B1T | Transmit B1 magnetic field |
C | Contrast |
CW | Continuous wave |
dB | Decibel |
DBM | Doubly Balanced Mixer |
E | Energy |
FID | Free induction decay |
FT | Fourier transform |
GBP | Bipolar magnetic field gradient |
Gf | Frequency encoding gradient |
Gi | Field gradient in the i direction |
Gf | Phase encoding gradient |
Gfmax | Maximum value of phase encoding gradient. |
Gs | Slice selection gradient |
g | Gyromagnetic ratio |
h | Planck's constant |
IFT | Inverse Fourier transform |
IM | Imaginary part of a complex number |
I | Inferior |
J | Joule |
k | Boltzmann constant |
k | killo (103) |
k | Proportionality constant |
K | Kelvin temperature |
L | Left |
LUT | Look-up table |
m | milli (10-3) |
m | micro (10-6) |
Mo | Equilibrium magnetization |
MX | X component of magnetization |
MX' | X' component of magnetization |
MY | Y component of magnetization |
MY' | Y' component of magnetization |
MZ | Z component of magnetization |
MXY | Transverse component of magnetization |
MRA | Magnetic resonance angiography |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
n | Resonance frequency in Hertz |
N+ | Spin population in low energy state |
N- | Spin population in high energy state |
Nex | Number of excitations (number of averaes) |
NMR | Nuclear magnetic resonance |
w | Resonance frequency in radians per second |
P | Posterior |
P | Power |
p | 3.14159... |
f | Phase angle |
ppm | Parts per million |
Q | RF coil quality factor |
R | Right |
RE | Real part of a complex number |
RF | Radio frequency |
S | Superior |
s | Second |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
STS | Single-turn solenoid |
SAR | Specific absorption rate |
Sinc | Sin(x)/x |
T | Temperature |
T | Tesla |
T1 | Spin-lattice relaxation time |
T2 | Spin-spin relaxation time |
T2* | T2 star |
T2inhomo | Inhomogeneous T2 |
q | Rotation angle |
Thk | Slice thickness |
TE | Echo Time |
TI | Inversion Time |
TR | Repetition Time |
X | Axis in laboratory coordinate system |
X' | Rotating frame X axis |
Y | Axis in laboratory coordinate system |
Y' | Rotating frame Y axis |
Z | Axis in laboratory coordinate system |
ADC | apparent diffusion coefficient |
AST | arterial spin trapping |
BOLD | blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast |
CSI | chemical shift imaging |
DRESS | depth-resolved surface spectroscopy |
DWI | diffusion weighted imaging |
EPR | electron paramagnetic resonance |
EPS | echo planar spectroscopy |
ESR | electron spin resonance |
FLAIR | fluid-attenuated inversion recovery |
ISIS | Image-selected in vivo spectroscopy |
MR | magnetic resonance |
MRS | magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
DWI | perfusion weighted imaging |
PRESS | point-resolved spectroscopy |
SENSE | sensitivity encoding |
SPRITE | single-point ramped imaging with T1 enhancement |
STEAM | stimulated echo acquisition mode |
STIR | short T1 inversion recovery |
SI | spectroscopic imaging |
VEST | volume excitation using stimulated echoes |
Copyright © 1996-99 J.P. Hornak.
All Rights Reserved.