Buccaneer IB Metal Detector by Andy Flind This project comes from the July, 1987 issue of Everyday Electronics. This is strictly an amplitude-type detector and does not look at phase information, thus it cannot discriminate between precious metals and junk, although it does differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous targets. The entire kit was available (and may still be) for the cost of £54.99 (about $85 US?) from Magenta Electronics 135 Hunter St. Burton-on-Trent Staffs, England DE14 2ST Tel 01283 565435 Everyday Electronics is now known as Everyday Practical Electronics , a popular electronics magazine that is owned by UK publisher Wimbourne Publishing, Ltd. I would like to thank Wimbourne Publishing for giving me permission to post this online version. Buccaneer IB Metal Detector (PDF-504K) Comments from people who have built this project: None