MTNet: Downloadable Source Codes

- These codes are made freely available to the academic community for
non-commercial use only.
- If you wish to use any of these codes for commercial purposes, you are
obligated to contact the author and negotiate with him/her for the use of
the code.
- If you download any source code, please inform the author so that your
name will be placed on an update and bug report list.

Data Formats:-
For Time Series
For Spectra and Impedance Estimates

Format Conversion Codes:-
- J-to-EDI converter code: Version 2.5: March 2, 2001
Chave-to-J --- Converts the output from Chave's rrrmt program to J-format
Compressed tar file, 8.7 Kb
J-to-RRI --- Converts J-format responses to input file for RRI (old version)
Compressed tar file, 49 Kb
J-to-Rho+ --- Converts J-format (and Egbert format) responses to input
file for Rho+
Compressed Fortran file, 8.7 Kb

Other Useful Codes:-
- mtmap
--- Reads a list of J-format files and composes input files for plotting responses with Paul Wessel's freeware GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) package:
Version 2.1

Time Series Processing Codes:-

Decomposition Codes:-
Strike: multi-site, multi-frequency MT tensor
decomposition code (from Gary McNeice and Alan Jones)
(from Alan Chave) -- needs rrrmt

1D Codes:-

2D Codes:-

3D Codes:-
- 3D forward modelling code of Randy Mackie with John Booker's updates
- MTD3FWD: Forward code
- MTD3TEST: Test model and output
Send an email to Randy Mackie
- Klaus Spitzer's 3D DC & IP forward modelling codes for surface and
borehole applications:
- 3DDC: version 4.3
- 3DDCXH: version 6.3
- 3DIPXH: version 2.3
Codes include grid-independent electrode positioning.
Send an email to Klaus Spitzer

MTNet Home Page

Alan G Jones / 27 April 2001 /