A new version of the OSU robust MT data processing programs is now available via anonymous ftp to ftp.oce.orst.edu in dist/egbert/EMTF . Source code, documenataion and data for compiling and testing the OSU robust single station, remote reference and multiple station processing programs are in the compressed UNIX tarfile EMTF.tar.gz. Features of this new release include: * A version of the multiple station program described in Egbert, G.D., Robust multiple station magnetotelluric data processing, Geophys. J. Int., 130, 475-496, 1997. * Significantly improved documentation * Lots of bug fixes, and cleaner, easier to maintain source code. * More flexible definition of channel groupings to make transfer function estimation simpler for a variety of EM data acquisition scenarios (e.g., EM profiling data with multiple parallel E field components. * A common output format for single station, remote reference, and multiple station TF results, including generic cross-power files which can be converted with standard GEOTOOLS utilities into EDI files. * Matlab programs for post-processing and displaying multiple and station station output files. The code has been tested and runs on standard UNIX platforms, and has also been compiled and run on PCs under Windows95 (Whatcom Fortran compiler), and LINUX. If you get the program and encounter any problems, please inform us. Gary Egbert Markus Eisel (541) - 737 - 2947 (541) - 737 - 2426 egbert@oce.orst.edu eisel@oce.orst.edu College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University Oceanography Admin Bldg 104 Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 FAX: (541) - 737 - 2064