You can obtain all the files you need by ftp through your web browser by selecting the links below. Alternatively, you can use anonymous ftp to and go to directory pub/steve/Occam/
Inversion code:
The files you need to perform any inversion:
With the right skills, you can add your own forward code to the above files and invert anything you want.
One-dimensional Magnetotelluric Inversion:
Otherwise, add these files to make the 1D MT package:
- mt1D.f -forward, derivative, I/O and roughening matrix calculations
- -include file for 1D MT commons
This file will make the input files you need to run the 1D MT code:
- makemodel1DMT.f
Occam does not currently keep a copy of the final model response (I need to fix this). If you link this file with mt1D.f, you can produce a model response and misfit table from any ITERxx file:
These files are a test run: Using the startup, data (copstd), and model files you should be able to replicate the ITERxx and LOGFIL:
- copstd -the data file
- INMODEL -input model structure
- ITER00
- ITER01
- ITER02
- ITER03
- ITER04
- ITER05
- ITER06
- ITER07
- startup - Occam startup file with initial halfspace resistivities
Two-dimensional Magnetotelluric Inversion:
Add these files to the Occam code to perform 2D MT inversion:
To make simple model and other input files, run this code after you have built a data file:
If you want a postscript image of your models, use this program:
Occam does not currently keep a copy of the final model response (I need to fix this). If you link these files, you can produce a model response and misfit table from any ITERxx file:
(mt2Dforward.f is simply mt2D.f with the large matrices needed for derivative calculations removed).
Here's an example that you should be able to replicate: