Your use of the software is governed by the following conditions.:
(1)    GRASP8W-SE is a FREEWARE product that neither requires licensing nor registration. The software may be freely distributed, provided the original packaging is not altered. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or rgquesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission of TICRA.
(2) The software is provided "AS IS". Your use of the software is at your own risk. TICRA shall not be held liable for consequential, special, indirect or other similar damages or claims, including loss of profits or any other commercial damages. TICRA specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness to a particular purpose. TICRA is not obligated in any fashion to provide technical assistance or other support with regard to your use of this product.
(3) The software is copyright (c) TICRA and protected pursuant to Danish Law as well as International Law.
(4) The software may not be altered in any way, including changing, obscuring or removing any copyright notice, messages, windows, or files in the release package.
(5) The software may not be decompiled, disassembled, reverse-engineered, or otherwise reduced to a humanly perceptible form in an attempt to recreate the source code.

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