README for GRASP8W-SE Ver.8.2.0


GRASP8W-SE (GRASP8W Student Edition) is a software package for analysing single or double reflector antenna systems. It provides a module, GRASP8-SE, for performing the electromagnetic computations and a graphical interface in the form of a pre-processor. The pre-processor assists the user in setting up the geometry of the problem to be analysed and provides a means for visualising the system. Also, the pre-processor contains simple plotting facilities for calculated patterns.

The GRASP8W-SE/GRASP8-SE tools have limited functionality compared to the professional GRASP8W/GRASP8 tools available through TICRA. As an example, the Student Edition is restricted to analyse a maximum of two electromagnetic scatterers, and only a limited number of feed models are available. Apart from the limited functionality the software follows the same high standard and computes with the same accuracy as the professional version.

The software is copyright (c) TICRA and protected pursuant to Danish Law as well as International Law.

Terms of Use:
GRASP8W-SE is a FREEWARE product that neither requires licensing nor registration. The software may be freely distributed, provided the original packaging is not altered. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission of TICRA.

The software is provided "AS IS". Your use of the software is at your own risk. TICRA shall not be held liable for consequential, special, indirect or other similar damages or claims, including loss of profits or any other commercial damages. TICRA specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness to a particular purpose. TICRA is not obligated in any fashion to provide technical assistance or other support with regard to your use of this product.

The software may not be altered in any way, including changing, obscuring or removing any copyright notice, messages, windows, or files in the release package. Also, the software may not be decompiled, disassembled, reverse-engineered, or otherwise reduced to a humanly perceptible form in an attempt to recreate the source code.

No support is provided with the freeware version.

Computer Configuration:
Win9x/2000/NT, Linux

Distributed Package:
For Win9x/2000/NT :
The software package is distributed as a zip file "" containing an install program, "setup.exe", which is used to install the files needed for GRASP8W-SE.

The install program prompts for the destination folder and the user decides if an entry in the start-menu should be created.

The GRASP8W-SE program is started via the entry in the start-menu or by double-clicking on the file "grasp8w-se.exe" in the destination folder. The use of the program is explained in the on-line help (press "F1" and choose "Getting Started") as well as in the documentation located in the "documents" subdirectory of the destination folder. The program is distributed with a number of test-cases located in the "test_cases" subdirectory of the destination folder.

For Linux :
The software package is distributed as a compressed tar-file "grasp8w-se.tar.gz", which should be unpacked to a suitable directory. The software has been developed under the RedHat Linux environment but should be compatible with other versions of Linux. It uses X-windows and Open Motif 2.1 (downloadable from

Included in the distributed package are three files used for the documentation of the program.

GRASP8W-SE.HLP contains a help facility for the pre-processor with information about how to a) create antenna geometries, b) define analysis objects, and c) set up commands for calculating the performance of the antenna system.

GR8SUM.PDF contains the GRASP8 Manual, which describes the general reflector and antenna farm analysis program GRASP8. An overview of the capabilities is given in the manual, together with some examples of input and field calculations. The manual also contains a reference section describing in detail the available user input to the program.

TECHDES.PDF contains the GRASP8 Technical Description. This document describes a) the mathematic and electromagnetic models used in the program to set up antenna systems, b) the analysis methods used to calculate the performance of the antenna system, c) the file formats used in the program, and d) a number of applicational examples.

The Help file is specially tailored to the GRASP8 Student Edition whereas the Manual and the Technical Description are the same documents as for the professional GRASP8 software.

The Help file can be accessed from the pre-processor using the F1-button. The Manual and the Technical Description are supplied as pdf-files which may be viewed using the Acrobat Reader by Adobe (downloadable from

History of Versions:
Version 8.2.0

  • This is the first release of GRASP8W-SE.
  • Back to GRASP8-SE main page.