*** Contents *** Mode matching program calculating the SCATTERING PARAMETERS OF A WAVEGUIDE CROSS-SECTION JUMP. Fairly well tested to this point (measurements, comparisions with results obtained with Finite Differences). Fortran77, single precision. cpp is used to convert automaticly to double precision before compiling. It is assumed, that you have a compiled library of LAPACK and BLAS ready on your machine. Both are freely available from NETLIB, e.g.: elib.zib-berlin.de:/pub/netlib/lapack *** How? *** All of this is included in the shell archive kdps.shar. If you have gnu zip (gzip) available, do retrieve the *.gz file. If the file was damaged during transfer, you'll get notified during extraction. To extract the code do the following: make a new directory; cd new dir gunzip kdps.shar.gz sh kdps.shar After extraction the following files should be present: AUTHOR COPYRIGHT Makefile README arndt.f arndt.in blas.h dble.h err.f kdps.f kdps.shar kdps1.f kdps2.f kdps3.f lapack.h maxmod.f xerlap.f Assemble machine-readable code and run a sample: read README-file edit Makefile (path of cpp, name of Fortran compiler,...) type make type arndt < arndt.in > out The file out will then (hopefully) contain some selected scattering parameters aligned in plotmtv-compatible format. When plotted you should see the same curves as in: Hartmut Patzelt, Fritz Arndt, "Double-Plane Steps in Rectangular Waveguides and their Application for Transformers, Irises, and Filters", MTT-30 (Microwaves Theory and Techniques Vol.30), 1982 If you don't have plotmtv, you can get it by anonymous ftp from: ftp.edvz.univie.ac.at:/unix/systems/hpux/hpux9/X11R5/Graphics -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bengt W Littmann littmann@tetibm1.ee.TU-Berlin.DE na.blittmann@na-net.ornl.gov