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4.7 Discussion If the area charged is known or can be estimated, then the ‘capacitance loading’ can be expressed as a capacitance. If this capacitance is divided by the charge decay time then one has a value that is an effective ‘resistance’ inhibiting charge movement on the surface. It must be noted that this is NOT the same as the conventional ‘resistivity’ that is obtained by applying a voltage to contacting electrodes and measuring a current. The ‘effective resistance’ is a combination of the rate of charge decay and the capacitance loading as experienced by the charge on the surface. It is a convenient ‘Figure of Merit’ to describe the performance of materials. To arrive at this figure it is necessary to use appropriate methods of measurement – such as are described in the present paper. 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 The charge decay time is commonly used to judge if problems and risks are likely to arise from static charge retained on materials. A decay time of ˝s is often quoted as acceptable. The present studies have shown, however, that quite high transient local surface voltages can be generated by tribocharging actions even when charge decay times are as short as 0.2s. Decay time target values hence need to be reviewed and reduced. 5.2 Measurement of the quantity of charge involved in tribocharging and corona charging studies gives a basis for more meaningful comparisons between different tests and between different operators. It provides opportunity for calculation of capacitance loading. 5.3 Capacitance loading values enable the local surface voltages, and hence risks, to be calculated from the charge likely to be available in practical situations 5.4 Comparable results are obtained with tribo and corona charging of a variety of materials. There is thus opportunity that the suitability of materials can be fairly assessed using compact, easy to use test equipment based on corona charging and involving simple test protocols. 5.5 It is proposed: - that materials be assessed by measurement both of capacitance loading and charge decay time. - that these measurements be made by methods as described. - that for general applications the charge decay time shall be below 0.2s and/or the capacitance loading shall be greater than about 100. - that a ‘Figure of Merit’ for materials be calculated from the decay time divided by the capacitance loading expressed as a capacitance.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Paul Holdstock, British Textile Technology Group (BTTG), for discussions and opportunity to use his low humidity test conditions and to Mick Dyer, consultant to Dupont Fibres, for supply of some test fabrics.
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