Weird Research, Anomalous Physics


Thanks to Bob Shannon, Boston MA

[SCHEMATIC,4 OpAmps, 2 meters, 2 9v cells]
Please leave COMMENTS!

The Scalar Electrostatic Gradiometer.
Robert A. Shannon ,     November 1995

The Scalar Electrostatic Gradiometer is a device which measures the 
interaction of environmental electrostatic fields and gradients with an 
artificially generated electrostatic field.  This interaction is displayed
on an analog meter, along with a separate electromagnetic field strength 
meter, so that the user may compare the relative activity of electromagnetic 
and electrostatic phenomena.

The user may control the polarity and magnitude of the artificially generated
electrostatic field, which is used to sense environmental fields and phenomena
by direct electrostatic field to field interference.  By noting the response
to changes in this reference field, a great deal of information about the 
environmental fields may be deduced.  Normal electromagnetic phenomena are 
indicated separately, to clarify the nature of the electrostatic effects.

By mapping non-linearities in the ambient environmental electrostatic fields,
an area may be scanned for "congruences" of bioelectric and exotic fields, and
anticipate probable sites for future activity as well as locations of present
or past events.

This surprisingly simple device has proven to be highly sensitive and 
accurate.  By noting environmental non-linearities in the electrostatic field
interactions, a broad range of formerly subjective phenomena now becomes 
hard, cold, objective data. New patterns of interaction between environmental
field sources can shed some light on the nature of these phenomena.

This device is suitable for the study of an enormous range of subjects, such 
as: investigations into Paranormal phenomena of all types, geomantic and 
divination studies, study of standing wave phenomena, both electromagnetic 
and scalar, and the detection and mapping of telluric currents.

In a short time, users with no technical understanding of the device are able
to detect and collect useful data in practical studies.

Notes on Component Selection:

By convention the electromagnetic field strength meter is a standard meter 
movement, while the electrostatic meter uses a zero centered meter that 
deflects right for positive and left for negative currents.  Full sized meters
in the 0 to 5 milliamp (-2.5 to 0 to +2.5 ma. for the electrostatic meter)
range are recommended.  The meters selected should be rugged, and have easily
readable faces and good mechanical damping.  Use the highest quality meters
available, as the nature of the meters' actions convey a great deal of 
information in most situations.

It is possible to use a normal meter movement for both sections without 
circuit modifications other than selecting the correct value for the series 
resistor. The value of the current limiting resistors in series with each 
meter must be selected so that full range deflection occurs one to two 
volts below the positive supply voltage.

If you prefer to use a LED or LCD bar graph type display, substantial circuit
modifications will be needed to prevent false readings induced by power line
frequencies.  These have no effect on the mechanical meter movements in the 
circuit as presented.  Several stages of active filtering may be needed.

Digital displays should not be used, as the trend of the meter reading is 
often important.  This is an analog device in nature, and should remain so.
If computerization is mandatory, a graphical display should be used.


Assemble the circuit according the schematic diagram.  Use proper 
component layout techniques to minimize stray capacitance. To minimize
microphonics, use either "pad per hole" copper clad breadboard, or fabricate
a printed circuit board.  Pay close attention to grounding.  As the circuit 
is quite simple, the board may be mounted directly to the connections on the 
rear of the meters, using the electrical connections as the mechanical 
mounting for the circuit board as well.

The Gradiometer MUST be built in a metal box to prevent the user's body 
capacitance from severely limiting the sensitivity and performance of the 
unit.  All connections for the three sense antennae should use BNC or similar

By convention, the two meters are placed side by side, with the RF sniffer on
the left, and the "Delta Es" or electrostatic meter on the right.  The 
sensitivity control for the sniffer should be located on the left, under the
meter or on the left hand side of the unit.  The sensitivity and bias 
controls for the electrostatic meter circuit are placed under or beside the
meter on the right hand side of the unit. The two electrostatic antennae 
connect on the top side of the enclosure.

The antennae themselves should be simple straight antennae. Telescoping 
sections may be used, so that the operator may control the field interaction 
area. The electrostatic antennae should be parallel, or slightly divergent.  
The RF sniffer antenna may take any reasonable form, but should not intrude 
between the electrostatic antennae. 

To wind L1, select a small toroid core with high reactance at lower 
frequencies.  Twist a foot or so of small diameter insulated wire, and then 
wind this twisted pair onto the core in the normal manner for a toroidal 
coil. Use two different colors of insulated wire, and make sure the correct 
connections and phasing are used.

If you cannot locate a 100 megohm resistor, use a small number of the largest
value resistors available.  This resistor provides a path to ground for excess
charge deposited onto the collector antenna by electrostatic field interaction
and greatly enhances the stability of the device.  The exact value is not 
critical, but it should be as high as practical.

The "gimmick" is a short length of the same twisted pair as is used in L1.
This forms a small value capacitor to stabilize the electrostatic meter 
amplifier.  Start with five inches or so.  This will be trimmed in the 
checkout and calibration section.  Do not substitute a variable capacitor 
here, use the old fashioned "gimmick" from the old days of radio.

As always, verify that there are no wiring errors, check that all grounding 
points and connections are of good quality. 

Checkout and Calibration:

With the unit fully assembled, and fresh batteries in place, verify by 
moving the bias control that the "Delta Es"`meter will move throughout its 
full range.  If the meter will not deflect evenly in both directions, check 
that both batteries are in good condition and that the bias potentiometer is
working correctly, and does not have any non-linearities or other problems.

Check that the sensitivity control also works well.  If the electrostatic 
meter "pegs and sticks" easily, and cannot be brought back by changing the 
bias control alone, trim a few millimeters of the "gimmick" device, and repeat 
the testing.  This must be dome by trial and error.  Be comfortable with the
operation of the device before each interaction of the trimming and testing
process. If you have trimmed too far, tighten the twisted pair just a bit.

Verify that the RF sniffer section and its sensitivity control also work 
correctly. Use a radio source such as a small wireless mike or garage door 
opener for testing.  The RF sniffer should be able to detect low powered RF 
signal sources at a good range, and CB transmitters many tens of yards away.  
Background electromagnetic radiation levels should be easily visible at the 
highest sensitivity settings. This value should be noted first in each field 
survey or measurement.

Note the effect of RF transmissions on both meters. There should be only a 
small electrostatic effect unless standing waves are present.

If you travel with the device, it may be wise to make allowances to alter the 
gain of the sniffer amplifier stage itself.  Ambient RF levels vary over a 
wide range; make sure that this background level may be measured in "quiet" 
areas.  At full sensitivity, there should always be a reading on this meter.

Local effects which produce a lowering of this background level and anomalous
electrostatic effects deserve special attention, as do higher than usual EM
signal areas, with and without electrostatic anomalies.

The combination of such EM nulls with electrostatic-effect anomalies, along 
with localized endothermic effects (such as cold spots, or high heat loss 
zones) confirms "exotic" phenomena.

If the device is built in a humid environment, allow the unit to stabilize in
an air conditioned area before calibration of the gimmick.  Seal the unit well
and include a small packet of dessicant inside the unit, secured so that it 
will not move about.  New England winters are ideal times for gradiometer

Theory of Operation:

The electrostatic section consists of a differential electrometer and an 
associated electrostatic field source designed to have high rejection of RF
and ambient electromagnetic signals. The high gain configuration limits the
frequency response to a few Hertz only.

The bias control presents a DC voltage to C3, and the electrostatic leakage 
through this capacitor charges the emitter antenna until C3 has reached
equalibrium.  RFC1 prevents ambient RF from entering the power supply. The
two capacitors shown on the bias potentiometer should be physically on the
bias control itself to minimize lead length.

L1 and its associated capacitors form a pi network RF filter.  The bifilar
winding of L1 helps common mode RF signal rejection, and enhances the 
electrostatic field interaction.

IC-1 forms a differential electrometer, and produces an output in proportion 
to the electrostatic differential between the antennae.  This first stage is 
kept stable by the electrostatic "gimmick".  The second stage of IC-1
forms a simple meter driver and integrator.

The RF sniffer is conventional in its operation.  A simple detector drives
an amplifier stage.  The 1 megohm resistor from output to inverting input may
be changed to alter the gain. If the ambient RF levels in your area are low, 
you may wish to raise the value of this resistor to increase the maximum 
sensitivity of the RF sniffer section.

Operation and Use:

Once you have completed and calibrated your gradiometer, spend some time 
familiarizing yourself with its operation and behavior. In a dry environment
try moving different types of plastics around the antenna area and note the 
reaction.  Try this with differing amounts and polarities of charge on the 
emitter element by adjusting the bias control and watching the meter.

Watch how fast the electrostatic meter reacts to changes in the bias control,
note any differance, or preferance to one polatiry or the other.  Watch the 
reaction of the meters as you move along the electorstatic gradients. Be aware 
that large concentrations of ions will also be detected.

Try placing insulators with large free electrostatic fields some distance 
from the unit, and move the unit around the bit of plastic.  Repeat this
with a conducting electrostatic shield near the plastic object, and note how
the electrostatic "shield" effects the readings.

Once familiar with your gradiometer, take it out for a walk.  Note how 
objects effect the electrostatic field locally, and note any patterns of 
interaction.  Pay attention to areas with higher than ambient RF fields, as
there may be electromagnetic standing waves present with associated 
electrostatic fields.

If possible, take your new gradiometer to a site with known "exotic" phenomena
activity.  You will find that the gradiometer is quite sensitive to a wide 
range of effects.  If at times the gradiometer appears to be suffering from 
some form of external interference, not electromagnetic in nature, shut the 
unit off for a few minutes.  Shorting the electrostatic antenna briefly may 
also help.  Wait a few calm minutes, and then resume your measurements. If 
this becomes common in a specific location, check for the presence of any
ionizing radiations.

This gradiometer design has been used sucessfully in measurements of neolithic
sites. It detected faulty reconstruction at the site, as well as standing 
stones not shown on maps of the site, and the original locations of stones 
which had moved due to frost-thaw cycles.  Measurements of anomalous 
electrostatic fields associated with quartz crystals which had been "charged" 
by shamantic processes have been made.  Areas reported to have experienced
paranormal phenomena, also verified by "sensitives", have been independently 
found and measured by gradiometer survey.

In more than one case, hidden objects were found by use of a gradiometer. 
The person who owned and hid the objects was present during the test, and
as the operator moved closer to the hidden objects, the owner of the objects 
would experience some anxiety. Electrostatic anomalies would then be 
manifest around the objects, givng away their position.  There was no way 
for the owner of the hidden objects to cue the gradiometer operator.

If in doubt, try it yourself.  Objective experience expands the mind.

Objects that had been "protected" from detection by alleged psychic means were
also easily detectable without the hider being present.  This should be tested
with lost objects as well!

I hope this starts a few lines of inquiry into any of the many apparently 
different types of reported exotic phenomena.  The general utility of this
device might suggest that these apparently different phenomena may actually
all be quite closely related.  This simple device allows us to open the door 
to a much larger world.

I look forward to hearing of your adventures with this device. For years I've 
wanted to see what readngs might be collected from a "genuine" crop circle, as
well as several other such subjects.


Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at:
If you are using Lynx, type "c" to email.