Ultra-fast Timing Plastic Scintillator

General Description

BC-422Q premium plastic scintillator is intended for use in ultra-fast timing and ultra-fast counting applications. It is quenched with various weight percentages of benzophenone (specified at time of order) to improve timing properties. The faster timing comes at the expense of total light output, however.

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General Technical Data

Base Polyvinyltoluene
Density 1.032
Refractive Index 1.58
Coefficient of Linear Expansion 7.8 x 10-5, below 67°C
Atomic Ratio, H/C ~1.1
Light Output At +60°C = 95% of that at +20°C; independent of temperature from -60°C to +20°C
Vapor Pressure May be used in a vacuum
Solubility Soluble in aromatic solvents, chlorine, acetone, etc. Insoluble in water, dilute acids, lower alcohols, silicone fluid, grease and alkalis.

Physical Constants

Weight % Benzophenone
Constant None* 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0
Light Output, % Anthracene 55 19 11 5 4 3
Rise Time, ps 350 110 105 100 100 100
Decay Time, ns 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Pulse Width, FWHM, ps 1300 360 290 260 240 220

* BC-422

Emission Spectrum

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