Ground Penetrating Radar
GRORADAR™ by Gary R. Olhoeft, PhD
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Useful Links

Weather    Electronics    Programming    Sanity

Library, Bibliographic and Data Search Links

GPR & EM Links
These are a sampling of the over 500,000 web pages having something to do with ground penetrating radar on the WWW.  The links are provided for convenience.  As the web is a dynamic place, these links may not always work.
  No comment or endorsement is implied by the presence or absence of any link here.  Many of these sites require critical evaluation by the viewer.

Commercial GPR Links
Academic and Research Institution GPR Links
Government Agency GPR Links
Conferences and Meetings

Low Frequency EM Induction Links

(and more to come on a continuing basis) [Under Construction]

General EM Links
    A Gallery of Electromagnetic Personalities
    Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society
    Applied Electromagnetics Links
    Applied Geophysics and related links
    Astronomy Picture of the Day
    Computational Electromagnetics Links
    Computational Electromagnetics Resources
    Doug Lung's R. F. Page @
    Electrostatic Links
    Fachgebiet HFS - High Frequency Sites, All Over The World
    Fragweb Links EOD UXO Mines Bombs
    Internet Resources for Information About EMF
    JPL EMLIB links extensive EM & radar links
    Journal of Humanitarian Demining
    Kilichan's Antennas & Electromagnetic Links
Landmine Who's Who from Lawrence Livermore National Lab  
Mine Clearance 
MTNet Canada
    NDT World Wide Nondestructive Testing
    Professional Organizations and Government Labs for Electrical Engineers 
    RadarLinks J. Lee Blanton
    The Virtual Earth
    Tutorials and working aids on radar! Real Arsenault
    UltraWideband Working Group
Origins of Ultra-Wideband Technology
    Unexploded Ordnance Center of Excellence ATR Data Distribution Site
    World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Geophysics Organizations

EMC Blunders:
(comedy and tragedy from electromagnetic interference)
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins I
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins II
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins III
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins IV
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins V
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins VI
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins VII
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins VIII
UK EMC Journal - Banana Skins IX
UK EMC Journal Banana Skins X


This web site is supported by sales of
GRORADAR™ data acquisition, processing, modeling and display software.
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998-2000 Gary R. Olhoeft. All rights reserved.  Last modified: June 01, 2000.
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