Post-Processor Tool 


Post-Processor Session Showing Microstrip Patch Antenna
  1. VTK based graphics
  2. easy to use data exploration
  3. Interactive mouse manipulation for pan, zoom and rotate


The plotting facilities of the Post-Processor tool have been constructed using a specialist graphical toolkit called the 'Visualisation Toolkit' or VTK. This toolkit is an extensive data manipulation library and provides high level functionality for scientific visualisation. This toolkit is subject to the Copyright of its Authors (Will Schroeder, Ken Martin and Bill Lorensen). Further information can be found at, or from the text that accompanies this toolkit[1].  

The interface with the data visualisation tool is similar in look to the geometry editor. The feel is somewhat different as the mouse manipulation facilities are provided by VTK specific routines. Functionality is provided by the toolbar on the right of the screen that provides access to the data manipulation and plotting tools. Tools available at the current release are graph plot, contour plot, carpet plot and 3D iso-surface plot.