Technical Solutions


Frequently Asked Questions


The purpose of this page is to provide support to the users of GSSI's Subsurface Interface Radar (SIR) Systems in a timely manner. Therefore, we have tried to address many of the most common technical support questions asked by our customers. We will be adding topics to this page regularly, so be sure to check this page frequently. As always, if you have any technical support questions which you cannot resolve from this page, we will be happy to answer your questions for you. We may be contacted by phone at (603) 893-1109 or by FAX at (603) 889-3984, or by e-mail at

You will find this page is broken into several sections, based on the type of system you are operating. This list reflects all of our current systems, as well as selected systems no longer manufactured or sold by GSSI. If your system is not listed, please contact us. We will be happy to provide technical support for any GSSI system by phone.

We have also included several useful free utilities for use with SIR Systems for data transfer and for the conversion of RADAN files. These are offered free of charge to our customers and are not supported by GSSI.


Subsurface Interface Radar Data Acquisition Systems:

SIR System-2 and SIR System-2P

The SIR System-2 and SIR System-2P represent an easy to use pair of systems intended for those who wish to conduct single channel data acquisition investigations. The SIR-2 runs as a dedicated radar system, and in it's environmentally sealed case, can be used to collect radar data in a variety of situations.

The SIR-2P by way of comparison, has all the functionality of the SIR-2, but in addition has the capability of running Windows 95, Microsoft Office 95, and RADAN For Windows. The SIR-2P also has the added feature of providing 10Base-T Ethernet networking capabilities, making it ideal to acquire and analyze data in the field and then upon returning to the office, connect to the company network to transfer the data to other storage areas to prepare and print a final report. The Ethernet connection also dramatically cuts the time required to conduct data transfers, since 10Base-T Ethernet provides data transfer rates of approximately 1 Megabyte per second, as opposed to 40 Kilobytes per second for parallel data transfer, a performance increase of 25 times. Of course, parallel data transfer is still available in the SIR-2P to allow data transfers to computers which are not networked.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I do a parallel data transfer?

How do I print data?


SIR System 10A+

The SIR System-10A+ is an upgrade of the SIR System-10A to provide the ability to store data on a hard drive in the unit as well as provide many other software enhancements over the functionality of the SIR System-10A. The SIR-10A+ is not available as a new product - it is only available as an upgrade to existing SIR-10A owners. If you own a SIR-10A and wish to upgrade, please contact the Customer Service Manager at GSSI for scheduling and pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I transfer data (serial or parallel)?

How do I format a tape?

What periodic maintenance should I perform on the tape drive?

What types of tapes should I use?


SIR System-10B and SIR System-10H

The SIR-10B and SIR-10H represent the current multiple channel Subsurface Interface Radar data acquisition systems available from GSSI. The primary applications of these devices include any situation where multiple channel data acquisition and/or high speed acquisition is required. These systems are capable of acquiring data at up to 220 scans per second, and are also capable of acquiring up to 4096 samples per scan. Both systems also optionally support the Exabyte model 8505 Tape Drive, as well as the popular Iomega Jaz Drive, which provides 1 GB removable data cartridges. The SIR-10B and SIR-10H are both excellent choices for anyone who wants to conduct high speed, multiple channel surveys.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I transfer data (serial or parallel)?

What periodic maintenance should I perform on the tape drive?

What types of tapes should I use?

How do I use an Iomega Jaz Drive with my SIR-10H or SIR-10B?

What are the maximum data acquisition rates for the System at each sample density?


RADAN for Windows


RADAN for Windows provides a modularized approach to Radar Data Analysis software, allowing the customer to purchase the modules that are needed to accomplish the desired tasks. The main module provides basic analyses of radar data files. The add-on modules provide the following additional functions:

  • PPS: Project Processing
  • 3-D: Three-dimensional viewing of data
  • RADACT: Analysis of pavement structure
  • ME: Manual Layer picking analysis

Frequently Asked Questions:

When I try to run RADAN, I get a message stating SECURITY BUTTON MISSING. What do I do?

How do I read data tapes from my data acquisition System?

What are some guidelines for collecting data to generate a 3D file?

What are some guidelines for data preprocessing before creating a 3D file?

What are the purposes of the Microsoft ODBC Support and the Temporary and Permanent Marks Databases?

How do I install an updated version of RADAN for Windows over my older version?

Why does my laser printer only print part of a page at a time?




GSSI manufactures a wide variety of antenna which operate at a wide range of nominal frequencies, from the 2.5 GHz Transverse Electromagnetic Horn antenna pair to the 16 MHz Model 3200 Multiple Low Frequency Antenna (with all antenna rods attached). Antenna performance will vary greatly based on soil and environmental conditions. For assistance with proper antenna selection, please contact any member of our sales department, who will be glad to assist with the selection of an antenna to fit your requirements.

How deep can I expect an antenna to penetrate?

How do I configure antennae for bistatic operation?


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