The following table lists errors or clarifications for the EW and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook (TP 8347) dated 1 April 1997. Some of these errors/changes may also apply to the HTML and PDF files on the web page, however those are not so annotated due to "fluidity" of web page changes.
The recipients of "Rev 1" have the changes to pages 2-5.4 and all the pages in section 4-11 (which are superceded by further updates in Rev 2).
The recipients of "Rev 2" have changes to the following pages: 2-1.2, 2-1.4 thru 2-1.5, 2-1.11 thru 2-1.14, 2-6.2 thru 2-6.8, 3-1.1 thru 3-1.16, 3-2.8, 3-3.18, 4-3.5 thru 4-3.6, 4-3.12 thru 4-3.16, 4-4.3, 4-4.8 thru 4-4.14, 4-8.7, and 4-11.2 thru 4-11.8 (supercedes Rev 1).
The "Applies to" column indicates to which edition the change applies: Original, 1 (Rev 1) and 2 (Rev 2).
Change |
The definition of SMS is "Stores Management Set" vice "....System", although another definition is "Status Monitoring System (or Subsystem)" |
In the definition of STC, it should read "Sensitivity Time Control" vice "....Constant", although another definition is "Short Time Constant". |
The "A" in TAMPS now means "Automated" instead of "Aircraft" |
In Figure 1, the audio band is labeled correctly, but the upper termination is drawn incorrectly at 2 kHz vice 20 kHz. Also there are minor adjustments to the band limits for X-rays, Gamma Rays, and Cosmic Rays. The HTML and PDF files are corrected. |
In the 5th paragraph regarding duty cycles, after "pulse" change 30 - 15 dB to read -30 to -15 dB after "pulse Doppler" change 13 - 3 dB to read -13 to 3 dB In the last line change PRFs as follows: after "Low " change 1-4 kHz to read 0.25-4 kHz after "high" change 100-300 kHz to read 50-300 kHz See the Duty Cycle section here if in doubt. |
See the Doppler section for new additional information on closing velocity. |
Add the following note to the bottom of the text: "Note: In obtaining the radar horizon equations, it is common practice to assume a value for the Earth's radius that is 4/3 times the actual radius. This is done to account for the effect of the atmosphere on radar propagation. For a true line of sight, such as used for optical search and rescue, the constant in the equations changes from 1.23 to 1.05" |
Above paragraph 4 add "Pms is PRI in ms" |
In Figure 3, the lower and upper sidebands should be 9,999,999,900 and 10,000,000,100 vice 9,999,900 and 10,000,100 . |
There have been numerous minor changes plus an additional derivation was added. The HTML and .PDF files reflect the current (Rev 2) version of the handbook. |
Figure 2 has been clarified by adding G = xx dB to the bottom of each box, and changing the gain in the 1.5 degree segmant box from +42 to +43 dB. |
In the axial mode helix drawing, change spacing from pi/4 to read lambda/4 |
In the 6th paragraph (Point E) change the Figure 3 reference to Figure 4 |
In the second line of the third paragraph, change "antenna (worst case)" to read "antenna (typical)" |
Equation [11] should be labeled [12] |
on the third line change "(approximately 1 Hz)" to read "(approximately 100 Hz)" |
In the first line of the second "answer" paragraph, change the page reference from 4-3.12 to new page 4-3.16 (This only applies to rev 2 since pages were added to sections 4-3 and 4-4) |
At the end of the first line change "monostatic" to read "bistatic" |
In the formula on the sixth line from the bottom change "+40 -9.54" to read "-40 -9.54" |
In figure 2 change "SIGNAL Pr or S = 40 dB/Decade" to read "20 dB/decade" |
In the center of figure 3 change "![]() ![]() |
In the center of figure 4 change "![]() ![]() |
In the last paragraph of the page, change the references to the continuing problem from 4-3.12 to new page 4-3.16 and from 4-4.9 to new page 4-4.13 (This only applies to rev 2 since pages were added to sections 4-3 and 4-4) |
(a) In the first paragraph, change the words "backscatter
density" to "backscatter power per sterdian (unit solid
angle)" (b) In the fourth paragraph (Reflectivity definition), delete the following words at the end of the sentence "in the direction of the radar" - since that is accounted for in directivity. |
In Figure 2, the note at the bottom should read:![]() ![]() In the first line of the second paragraph change: "operating in the far fied region..." to "operating at sufficiently high frequencies where...." Add to the end of the second paragraph: "if calibrated, other sources (cylinder, flat plate, or corner reflector, etc.) could be used for comparitive measurements." |
A revised Figure 4 more accurately depicts the relative magnuitde of RCS patterns, See Figure 4 of the RCS Section. |
Figure 5 has been redrawn slightly to better match the drawing with the words on page 5 and at the top of page 6. See Figure 5 of the RCS Section. |
The wording explaining the interpretation of Figure 6 was changed and moved to the top of page 4-11.8 (see new wording) |
Two curves on Figure 6 are drawn on the wrong side of the straight Power (Jammer) line. They should be mirrored about the straight Jammer line as shown in Figure 6 of the RCS Section. |
(1) A new first paragraph was added to the top of the page to
correspond to the redrawn Figure 6. (2) The terms "far field region" and "optical region" were reversed in the original two paragraphs, making "optical region" the preferred nomenclature. |
In the ninth line from the bottom (which begins with "where:"), change "Signal to noise ratio" to read "Minimum signal to noise ratio" |
In the third line of the second paragraph, following BIF, delete the words "where r stands for RF..". This change is necessary after a change in nomenclature, when "Br" was changed to "BIF". |
In the last paragraph starting with "If a 1000 watt..."
change the following: (1) 6.54 dB should be 9.54 dB, (2) 112.2 wattts should be 111.1 watts, and (3) in the second line 888.8 watts should be 888.9 watts. |
In the top data row of Table 6 (center column) , the conversion between footcandle and lux is incorrect. It should read 0.0929 vice 0.929 |
In the third line change "(1) is the same for all radiators." to read "(1) is the same for all radiators at that temperature." |
In the equation change "W cm -2 " to read "Watts cm -2 " so there is no confusion between this "W" and the "W" at the beginning of the equation. |
Note: "Multiplexor" is also spelled "Multiplexer" |
While there are no errors in Figure 1, the HTML and PDF files on the RS-232 web page show additional detail (both 9-pin and 25-pin connectors). |