****************************************************************************** Subject: Project 14: The World's Smallest Transmitter Gang, If there was a contest to come up with a xmtr containing as few parts as possible, this would be the winner: 10 parts if you include the key, battery, and antenna! In the CODE/NO-CODE debate on r.r.a.policy some pro-coders will mention the simplicity of CW xmtrs as opposed to those of other modes; this circuit really drives that point home (that's why I'm posting this on .policy) On r.r.a.misc we've heard talk about how costly ham gear is today - all this rig will cost you is the effort to find an old color TV chassis - that's the parts source for all my QRP transmitters (and this is why I'm also posting this on .misc). Normally I post these xmtrs only on r.r.a.homebrew and on the QRP mailgroup; so if you've missed the first dozen xmtr circuits email me and I'll send them off to you. I built this for 80M only because I've got so many 3579 kHz crystals from old TV sets, but this can be used on any HF band - just choose L and C to resonant at the crystal frequency. For peace of mind you might want to add a bandpass filter to the output. --------------------------------*---------*--------*----||---ANT | | | | 10pf | | | | - | ) --- XTAL | ) --- C - | ) L | | | / c ) | *----------------------------|/ | | | b |\ | | | 2N2188 \ e *--------- / or any PNP | | \ 100K that'll work | | / GND | \ | | | *-----------------------------------------* | | | | | --- | --- .01uf | | ---------*KEY*----*1 to 4 volts +*--------* | | GND Again, choose L&C to resonant at the desired frequency; one of the two should be adjustable. I got both from the chromatic board of a TV - both were sitting next to the 3579 kc xtal; easy, huh? I didn't use a 2N2188 transistor; rather, I used a x-sistor right off the video board (of the TV). So, don't you dare buy one component for this - just dig through your junk box (or your neighbor's trash for an old TV). With a good antenna (those are the magic words in QRP work) this little peanut-whistle will provide hours of pleasurable QSO's. Oh, 3579 kc has become a national QRP frequency due to the easy avail- ability of these crystals. .... .- ...- . ..-. ..- -. 72, Jeff NH6IL