This is the schematic for a FM transmitter with 2W output power that
can be used between 85 and 110 MHz. Build the transmitter in a RF-proof casing, use good connectors and cable and
be aware of all the other RF rules of building. Q1 and Q2 should be cooled with a heat sink. the 22pf variable
capacitor is for the frequency adjustment. The another trimmer must be adjusted to maximum output power with minimum
SWR and input current.
2N3866, 2SC1971 or 2N3553
5 turns of 0.8 mm wireon 5 mm body with ferit core
2-4 turns of ordinary Cu-PVC isolated wire over L1
Note : Local
laws in some states, provinces or countries may prohibit the operation of this transmitter. Check with the local
Reference : Max Transmitters
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