RF Actuated Keying Monitor

Sending Morse on a rig without a sidetone is not impossible, but is not particularly pleasant either. 

This battery-powered monitor has been designed to provide an audible indication of keying for those whose rigs lack a CW sidetone.  Its sensor wire is wrapped around the transceiver’s coax – no direct connection is required.  Of course Morse isn’t the only use for this nifty circuit – it should also be useful any time you need a simple alarm that detects the presence of RF. 

RF collected at the sensor wire is rectified by a germanium diode.  This produced a DC voltage that triggers a transistor switch.  This then turns on a 555 audio oscillator that drives a speaker. 

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This page was produced by Peter Parker VK3YE  (parkerp@alphalink.com.au). The page is continually under construction. Material may be copied for personal or non-profit use only.