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Tutorial on Basic Sweep Gear

Entry Level TSCM Equipment in General

On a regular basis, the author gets questions about what kind of simple-to-use bug sweep equipment that can be provided which a non-technical person or private investigator can use for quick, superficial bug sweeps.

When at all possible a security professional or private investigator should not attempt to perform anything except a superficial bug sweep themselves, but should bring in an outside TSCM specialist such as those listed on our Referral List. These specialists have both the technical background, extensive technical equipment and tend to be hundreds of times (if not thousands of times) more effective then any private investigator, law enforcement officer, or bodyguard with even very sophisticated bug detection equipment.

A private investigator or protective specialist is not a medical doctor, and yet many of them are skilled in advance first aid and have a basic first responder kit. Most are not professional photographers and yet they use cameras in their line of work... same thing with TSCM equipment.

That said; in many cases, it simply isn't practical to bring in an outside TSCM specialist. Very often, the client wants the bug sweep done "now", and does not want to wait around while the PI sets up an appointment with a sweeper. In some cases, the senior executive requesting the sweep just does not understand that real bug sweeps cost thousands of dollars, not hundreds.

In other cases, the threat just is not high enough to warrant bringing in an outside TSCM specialist for several days (yes, real sweeps take days, not hours). The PI or security professional must tactfully drive home that he can only provide the client with a cursory sweep and that is only a stopgap measure until the "real TSCM people" can get there.

If you're a PI or security professional and indeed get stuck performing a limited scope bug sweep service for someone just make sure that they understand in advance that for their limited budget they get limited time and capabilities for the sweep. Explain to them that all you can offer them is a "quick check" for less then it will cost for a full sweep. Let them know that the only way they can get "real TSCM" is to cough up a few extra grand so you can bring in an outside TSCM firm (with several hundred, if not thousand of pounds of equipment).

Important Hint: If you are a PI, you will actually make a lot MORE money by bringing in an outside sweep specialist. Also, consider the massive risk of you having performed a bug sweep for a client and not finding a bug that was actually there... On the other hand, what about a bug that is more sophisticated then the $499 magic box you found on E-bay or bought at a SpyShop? Will you be able to explain in court and to a jury how you were providing sweep services, but had neither legitimate equipment nor formal training to offer such services?

CPM-700 Counter Surveillance Probe and Monitor

1) Broad-Band Diode Detector Systems

The first and perhaps the most useful basic instrument for the PI to start with is the humble "Broad-Band Diode Detector". This instrument sucks in a wide chunk of RF spectrum applies it to a sensitive diode, then amplifies and displays the relative voltage variations. The only problem is that due to the WIDTH of the spectrum it is sucking in it generally much less sensitive then a tuned system. This becomes a bit of a compromise; on the one hand, you can very quickly sniff around a room (for minimal cost), but you have to be right on top of the bug to actually detect it.

The person using the detector has to move the antenna and probes around, and use it much the same way you would a small three-inch wide paintbrush. When training someone to use this kind of instrument the instructor will sometimes give the student a three inch wide paint brush, a bucket of paint, and a 4*8 foot sheet of wood to practice on. The antenna and/or probes must be use in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal positions, and remember that a uniform slow moving technique is critical (just like when painting).

2044 - Ambient RF Strength Indicator

A good example of this kind of equipment is the CPM-700, 2060LV, 2075A, TRD, or 2044. Typically a "Broad-Band Diode Detector" system, plus amplified antenna, infrared, magnetic probes, cases and other accessories appropriate for sweep work will cost between $2500 and $3000.

The "Broad-Band Diode Detector" systems are so important (and inexpensive) that each sweep detail (and anyone even remotely considering doing sweeps) should have at least one complete system for each person on the team.

OSC-5000 Omni-Spectral Correlator (OSCOR)

2) Tuned Receiver System

The second helpful piece of equipment is similar to the "Broad-Band Diode Detector", but a series of filters are used to "sharpen up" or isolate the signal, and can be tuned to a very narrow splinter of the spectrum being examined. This radically increases the sensitivity of the instrument hundreds, and in some cases thousands of times over that of a simple Broad-Band Diode Detector system.

Some variations of this kind of product "fold" or compress the spectrum, while others meticulously pick out signals one at a time. There are units available that are little more then a fancy computer controlled scanners, other units that are purpose built for TSCM functions, an others still, which are highly sophisticated laboratory grade instruments. A good example of this kind of equipment would be the OSCOR, Eagle, and Scanlock TSCM systems.

These systems are best used by locating them in a fixed position such as a clients desk, conference table, or other area where confidential discussion take place. The system is then allowed to run in an automatic mode for a certain amount of time, after which it is moved either to a different location in the room, or to an entirely new area to be checked.

In the case of an OSCOR the area to be checked is divided into something between ten-by-ten or twelve-by-twelve grids with the instrument (in this case an OSCOR) being placed in the center of each grid and allowed to run for a period of time to complete multiple scans or the spectrum. The instrument is then moved to the next grid, and the process repeated. Since most executive office are only 250-300 square feet two or three placements can result in a fairy decent evaluation.

Such a systems requires little or no technical background, and virtually no expertise in TSCM. Of course, they by no means replace modern laboratory grade diagnostic, but they do provide a happy medium between a simple "Broad-Band Diode Detector" and high-end instruments.

Typically an entry level "Tuned Receiver System " system, plus amplified antenna, infrared, magnetic probes, cases and other accessories will cost between $15,000 and $25,0000. Of course, systems costing 10 times more are available, but they are only practical and cost effective for full time sweep teams.

On the other end of the spectrum watch out for tuned systems costing less then $10,000 as they are typically nothing more then consumer grade radio scanners with a cobbled together computer interface, or some gadget based on a 25 year old product that someone is trying to milk for a revenue stream.

However, do not use just a "Tuned Receiver System" system alone, but supplement it with a "Broad-Band Diode Detector" that you use to sweep the walls, floors, ceiling, and furniture while the larger system (such as an OSCOR) is running in an automatic mode.


3) Non-Linear Junction Detector

The NLJD is a handy basic tool, but it requires a very slow moving technique and is very time consuming to use. It does not require a high level of either training, or technical expertise to use; and the entire system can be carried in something the size of a small briefcase.

An NLJD is typically run around the room an a completely passive mode much the same way as the "Broad-Band Diode Detector" system are used so that every square inch of the room is "sniffed" while the other instruments are being used. However, a NLJD should not be used in an active mode when other TSCM instruments are in use. After the bulk of the sweep is completed, and the other instruments are off line the NLJD can be place in "Active Mode" and used to scan for eavesdropping devices not detected using previous equipment.

A good example of this kind of equipment is the ORION or NJE-4000. Typically, an entry level "Non-Linear Junction Detector" system with accessories will cost between $15,000 and $20,0000. Stay away from the older designs with the larger shoulder carried controllers as they are virtually deaf, and extraordinary difficult to use. Hint: if it doesn't have digital signal processing then it is based on an obsolete design.


A typical starter kit for an in-house TSCM function, or PI who periodically gets called on for sweeps would include a CPM-700, OSCOR, ORION NLJD and a small amount of hand tools and accessories. Such a kit should be small enough to permit a normal adult to carry all of it into a client site in one trip or take all of it on a plane as carry-on baggage.

Equipment above these three basic types is strictly within the realm of professional TSCM specialists. There is no reason for a Private Investigator, Executive Protection Specialist, or Corporate Security Officer to try to obtain or use a TDR, spectrum analyzer, impedance analyzer, X-ray, thermal imaging, and so on as doing so will rapidly get them in way over their head. In all of this, do not forget the basic tools you will need for the physical inspection, such as flashlights, ladders, coveralls, and so on.

If you do decide to build up a modest amount of equipment for a corporate sweep, don't get the bright idea that you can just buy fifty thousand dollars in equipment and then instantly parlay it into a daily fee of ten grand (many neophytes have made this mistake, and have learned an rather expensive and painful lesson).

In the words of "Q", the patron saint of the business,
"Oh, do be careful with this one, 007".

When you are interested in purchasing any kind of TSCM or countermeasures gear please contact us.

Granite Island Group offers a full line of communications and technical security products ranging from inexpensive body worn bug detectors, small entry level kits (such as this), to full TSCM deployment kits suitable for high threat corporate and diplomatic TSCM inspections.

Our prices and terms are very competitive, and we offer only the highest quality equipment available in the industry. We are quite simply the best place on Earth to buy your TSCM gear.

Equipment Price List
Part NumberDescription Cost $US
OSC-5000 System and Components
OSC-5000 Base OSCOR Omni Spectral Correlator
Base System

[OSC-5000 Brochure]

$ 14,800.00

OSC-5000 Deluxe OSCOR Omni Spectral Correlator
Deluxe System

    System Includes:
  • OSC-5000 OSCOR - Base System
  • OVM-5000 Video Option - Multiformat
  • OVP-5000 Video Patch cord
  • OAR-5000 Audio Recorder with Cable
  • OTL-5000 Triangulate and Locate Option
  • MPA-5000 Modular Phone Adapter
  • CLA-5000 Cigarette Lighter Adaptor
  • LPE-5000 Locator Probe Extension Cable
  • MIC-5000 Microphone (for remote monitoring)
  • MPC-5000 Multi-Purpose Cable
$ 17,550.00

OVS-5000 Video Output PAL or NTSC - Single Format $ 1,250.00

OVM-5000 Video Output PAL and NTSC - Multi Format $ 1,500.00

OEM-5000 512K RAM Upgrade $ 725.00

OTL-5000 Triangulate and Locate Package $ 700.00

xxx-5000 1 kHz IF Filter Inquire

OAR-5000 Audio Tape Recorder w/cable $ 145.00

TP201-211-25C Extra Printer Paper $ 5.00

MPC-5000 Multipurpose Cable $ 16.00

CLA-5000 12VDC Cigarette Lighter Plug $ 10.00

OVP-5000 Video Patch cord $ 23.00

MIC-5000 Microphone $ 23.00

LPE-5000 Loop Antenna Extension Cable (25ft) $ 32.00

LPC-5000 Locator Probe Extension Cable (25ft) $ 45.00

MPC-5000 Patch Cord 3.5mm $ 16.00

xxx-5000 Mini plug Extension Cable Inquire

xxx-5000 RF Extension Cable Inquire

xxx-5000 VLF Adapter Inquire

TKC-5000 Tool Kit Case w/ Empty Tool Pallets
(Matches OSCOR Case)
$ 369.00

xxx-5000 Accessory Case - Foam Filled
(Matches OSCOR Case)
$ 295.00

OIF-5000 IF Output for Panoramic Signal Monitor (10.7 MHz) $ 230.00

SDM-42 Panoramic Signal Monitor (10.7 MHz) $ 1,405.00

OPC-5000 Computer Software Interface
and Database Utilities Software Package

[OPC Software Brochure]

$ 2,950.00

NGA-5000 Noise Generator for use with
PC Software Version 3.0
$ 295.00

MDC-2100 Microwave Down Convertor (3 GHz to 21 GHz) $ 9,850.00

LAA-1530 1.5 - 3.0 GHz Log Periodic Booster Antenna $ 499.00

ORION System and Components
NJE-4000 ORION Non-Linear Junction Detector
"The Hunter" Evaluator

[ORION Brochure]

    System Includes:
  • NJE-4000 Non-Linear Junction Detector
  • Integrated Display and Antenna
  • Audio Demodulator
  • Wireless Infrared Headphones
  • 4 ea Rechargeable 7.2v NiCad Battery
  • Battery Charger
  • Briefcase Style Hard Side Carrying Case
  • Test Target
  • Operators Manual

$ 14,860.00

OTK-4000 ORION - Tool Kit Option

    Kit Includes:
  • Cordura Nylon Carrying Case
  • Borescope with built-in Light
  • Wire Tracing System
  • Fluke Multi-Meter
  • Combination Stud Finder and Metal Detector
  • Hammer
  • Multi-Purpose Geared Screwdriver
  • Small Drills for use with Borescope
  • Pliers
  • Wire Cutters
  • Leatherman
  • Inspection Mirrors
  • Measuring Tape
  • Flashlight
  • Misc. Tools

$ 2,350.00

CPM-700 System and Components
CPM-700 Base CPM-700 Counter Surveillance Probe Monitor
Base System

[CPM-700 Brochure]

$ 2,195.00

CPM-700 Corporate CPM-700 Counter Surveillance Probe Monitor
Corporate System

    System Includes:
  • CPM-700 Base System
  • RFP-700 RF Field Probe
  • VLF-700 VLF Probe
  • xxx-700 Power Adapter
  • xxx-700 Example Tape
  • xxx-700 TV/VLF Adapter
  • xxx-700 Jumper Cable
  • xxx-700 Shoulder Strap
  • xxx-700 Cordura Nylon Case
  • xxx-700 Instruction Manual
  • xxx-700 Set of Alkaline Batteries
  • xxx-700 Headphones
  • IRP-700 Infrared Probe
  • MLP-700 Magnetic Leakage Probe
  • ALP-700 Acoustic Leakage Probe
  • MPA-700 Modular Phone Adapter
  • TRP-700 Tape Recorder Patch cord
  • CLA-700 Cigarette Lighter Adapter
  • NCB-700 Set of NiCad Batteries

$ 2,752.00

IRP-700 Infrared Probe $ 159.00

MLP-700 Magnetic Leakage Probe $ 185.00

ALP-700 Acoustic Leakage Probe $ 99.00

MPA-700 Modular Phone Adapter $ 39.00

TRP-700 Tape Recorder Patch Cord $ 10.00

CLA-700 Cigarette Lighter Adapter $ 10.00

NCB-700 NiCad Battery $ 55.00

Basic Sweep Kit Complete Kit of Basic Sweep Equipment

    Basic Kit Includes:
  • CPM-700 Corporate System
  • OSC-5000 OSCOR Deluxe System
  • OIF-5000 IF Output
  • OPC-5000 Computer Software Interface
  • NGA-5000 Noise Generator
  • MDC-2100 Microwave Down Convertor
  • LAA-1530 Log Periodic Booster Antenna
  • NJE-4000 Non-Linear Junction Detector
  • OTK-4000 ORION Tool Kit

$ 51,336.00

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Copyright © 2001 James M. Atkinson