TV shifter
I feel that I must say " This gear has no usage" on the front of this page for you. With this machine you can watch the 10th channel broadcast program on your 12th channel of your tele-vision (TV) receiver. The following is the block diagram of this gear.

from antenna
10th channel
204MHz to
BPF 204MHz and
input on 1st gate
of mixer
of TV set
Local oscillater
12MHz with 2SK241
input on 2nd gate
of mixer

Flow of signal:
The TV signal coming from the antenna , including many channel of signals, is loaded on the first band pass filter constructed with L1 and C1. The first band pass filters original frequency is 204MHz. Therefore only the 10th channel signal of TV can go pass through this filter, and be loaded on the first gate of the double gate FET mixer. Please look the frequency regulation of VHF TV in Japan on Annex-A! Besides, the oscillator makes the continuous high frequency signal of 12MHz with the crystal oscillator. The oscillated signal is loaded on the second gate of the double gate mixer. These two signals are mixed in the FET mixer. On the drain of the mixer, there comes 216MHz signal as the added signal of 204 and 12MHz. This 216MHz signal is received by the 12th channel of the TV receiver, connected on the output of this machine.

How to make this gear:
Please make this gear on the non printed surface of the polished copper print board. The non printed surface supplies you an acceptable low impedance ground. Please make short as the main way of signal like A-B or C-D of the circuit diagram. In Japan the ward of "short" is used as the meaning of "touch between the power line and ground". But in this issue I used the ward "short" as the meaning of "not long: nicht lang". Except this care, some self oscillation may occor or it may happen that the unwanted reduce of the TV signal and the received view of TV may be not clear. As the result of construction that the input and the output leads are constructed short, the double frequency filter named as L1 and L2 in the diagram are located only 30mm besides each other , as you can see on the photograph. Therefore L1 and L2 may make some type of magnetic connection. They may happens the through of the signal. Therefore I can look 10th channel, not only 12th channel , but also with 10th cannel of my TV receiver, even after this gear has be tuned perfectry.

How to tune this gear:
Make the 12MHz oscillator at the first! Make it sure it oscillates 12MHz! After that, make the mixer and joint this set with the antenna and TV set! You can tune the C2 patting capacitor to get the best view of 12th channel. After that you can tune the C1 capacitor to get the best view for 10th channel. You can get the program of 8th channel with your 10th channel , if you changes C1 and C2 trimmer capacitor.

About the frequency of tele vision of your country:
The frequency and code method of TV on the world are different from each other. The annex indicated on the end of my explanation should be different from your country. I have some information about the frequency plan of amateur radio of the world. But I have no information about the TV on the world. Many watcher living on Australia , Spain, Iran and so on, ,of my home page ask me about the TV transmitter set useable for him. But I can not answer these requirement. Please look the frequency arrangement of VHF and UHF TV in your country! Make the converter with the crystal to oscillate the difference of the frequency of the channel in your county! I made the converter from the 46th 668MHz UHF TV Chiba to 6th channel VHF 182MHz with 486MHz triple double multiplier , 486MHz local oscillator as on application of this experiment. Thia gear is used with TV set in my sons room..

On the last of this page:
I think that , when we want to start to train ourselves to make electric hand brewing ,we should start with the low frequency gear to make like a Middle wave AM receiver. After that we should make the short wave receiver , and send the receiving report to BBC. And we should make 27MHz transceiver, 80MHz FM receiver. I think that we should step up the frequency on the process to learn the skill of making the high frequency communication purpose material. If you live in U,S,A,. You can access the band 1.35 meters, 220MHz. We can not use it. The next upper frequency of 144MHz is 430MHz in Japan. I think that we should train how to deal 200MHz , by making VHF converter like this. Please make this gear to match your country's frequency plan! Inform me about your experience. It may help the amateur living on your neighbor of brother county.

Annex-A frequency plan of VHF TV in Japan

channel No. frequency(MHz) Carrier of video signal (MHz) Carrier of audio signal(MHz)
1 90 to 96 91.25 95.75
2 96 to 102 97.25 101.75
3 102 to 108 103.25 107.75
4 170 to 176 171.25 175.75
5 176 to 182 177.25 181.75
6 182 to 188 183.25 187.75
7 188 to 194 189.25 193.75
8 192 to 198 193.25 197.75
9 198 to 204 199.25 203.75
10 204 to 210 205.25 209.75
11 210 to 216 211.25 215.75
12 216 to 222 217.25 221.75

tvshiftcir1.gif: circuit diagram of this gear.......tvshiftph19.gif as the bard view of this gear and my parm


L1&L2: 1.2mmdiameter copper wire wind 6turn around the 10mm red pencil, and pulled like a spring coil of suspension.
L3: 0.2mmdiameter enamered copper wire around 360ohmic resister 12 turn.
2SK113:Maker=Hitachi: Usage=UHFTVtuner: Pd=200mW: Idss 10 to 80mA: gm=10mSmin: Crs=0.02pF: PowerGain=15dB(at900MHztypical)
2SK241:Maker=Toshiba: Usage=FMVHF RF Amplifier: Pd=200mW: Idss 0.6 to 12mA: gm=2mSmin: Crs=0.04pF: PowerGain=24dB(at100MHztypical)






このようなVHF以上の製作では必ずべたアースとして、何もプリントしていない銅板のプリント基板の上に部品をはんだでくみ上げてください。各部品の足は10mm以下に切り、部品のリードがひょろひょろ伸びてはいけません。とくに、アンテナ入力端子と共振体L1との間、回路図におけるA-B間は5mm程度に切りつめてください。またゲート1とL1との間は、5mm程度の長さの導線で配線してください。ドレインと共振体L2の間のコンデンサー56pFの全体長さ、つまり経路図のC-D間も10mm以下に切りつめて配線してください。これらが長いと、余計な共振周波数で発振してしまったり、せっかくの信号が減衰して、ちゃんと信号がつたわらず、テレビの画像が写らなくなってしまいます。ただし、回路図のEーF間は、扱っている周波数が12MHzと低いHF信号なので、長くてもかまいません。写真を見ていただいてわかる様に、入力側の共振体L1と出力側の共振体L2とは30mmほどしかはなれていないので、だいぶ結合しています。ミキサーのソースにいれた抵抗によって、電流が低く押さえられ、ミキサーの増幅率があまり大きくないせいか、C1,C2を調整 中もミキサーが発振してしまうことはありませんでした。ただし、L1とL2が近いので、アンテナ入力から出力端子への通り抜けがあります。それで、本機をつけても、10チャンネルでも10チャンネルがみえます。また、3SK113は表面実相のパッケージなので、4め基盤に直接貼り付けて使っていますが、中ずりでもよいでしょう。




チャンネル 周波数(MHz) 映像搬送周波数(MHz) 音声搬送周波数(MHz)
1 90 to 96 91.25 95.75
2 96 to 102 97.25 101.75
3 102 to 108 103.25 107.75
4 170 to 176 171.25 175.75
5 176 to 182 177.25 181.75
6 182 to 188 183.25 187.75
7 188 to 194 189.25 193.75
8 192 to 198 193.25 197.75
9 198 to 204 199.25 203.75
10 204 to 210 205.25 209.75
11 210 to 216 211.25 215.75
12 216 to 222 217.25 221.75


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