FAQ about unlocking Nokia

Version: 2.0
Creation date:

19th June 1999

Last Modification: 19th January 2001
Last version: http://gsmsearch.com/faq
Mirror site: http://topsitez.org/faq
Creator: nokiaguru@ucables.com

Changes from last version:


  1. How to use a nokia phone with a different operator or another SIM card type?
  2. How to open lock 1 and 4?
  3. How change lock 2?
  4. Exist a GID1 List?
  5. Where can i find winlock 1.10?
  6. Is possible to open lock 2?
  7. Can I unlock my n0kia 5110/6110/6150?
  8. What is the difference between winlock and others winlock clones like raluka, winopen, etc.?
  9. How can i check what locks have my phone closed?
  10. How to get a MBUS cable?
  11. How to install winlock 1.10?
  12. How get working winlock with nokia 5110 from SW 5.20 to 5.24 (not included) releases
  13. How to open all versions and all locks of nokia 51xx/61xx phones?
  14. How to open all new versions and all locks of nokia 3210 / 3310 / 5110 / 6110 / 6150 / 6210 / 7110 / 8210 /8850 phones?

How to use a nokia phone with a different operator or another SIM card type?

If when you use another SIM card with you nokia 51xx/61xx phone the phone show a message like that 'SIM Card rejected' your phone have 1 or more locks closed. a nokia phone 4 different locks. Use winlock to check what locks have your phone closed and see the following table:

Lock number Description If it's closed can i use another operator or type of SIM card?
1 Provider Lock
2 Network-Lock
3 Another Provider Lock
Actually Impossible
4 SIM Card Lock

Generally nokia phones come with the following combinations of locks closed:

  • lock 1 closed
  • lock 1 and 2 closed
  • lock 1 and 4 closed
  • lock 1, 2 and 4 closed
In whatever case you will need to open lock 1 and 4 to allow your phone accept different SIMs, and if lock 2 is closed too, you will need to know the appropiate GID1 for the operator or type of card.

How to open lock 1 and 4?

Winlock is a n0kia service program that you can use to open lock 1 and 4, really you are closing locks when you do that, but when you write ????? at MCC+MNC and MSIN text box, the phone don't understand it and consider that it's open.

That trick only works for lock 1 and 4, but not for lock 2 and 3.


Do that at your own risk. We don't offer any warranties that this will work 100 %. You can crash your phone, and bla, bla, bla...:

  1. Install winlock 1.10
  2. Connect your MBUS n0kia data cable
  3. Run Winlock
  4. Push Read Phone, if you have Lock 2 or Lock 3 closed you can not open your phone, but you can try change Lock 2.
  5. Select State Close in Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ??????? and Push Close Locks.
  6. Now you can use any operator card in your phone. If you get any error when you do that do the following steps:
    1. Select State Automatic in Lock 1 and Lock 4 and change type to User in Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ?????????? and Push Close Locks.
    2. Select State Automatic in Lock 1 and Lock 4 and change type to Factory in Lock 1 and Lock 4, fill out MCC+MNC and MSIN text boxes with ?????????? and Push Close Locks.
    3. If you continue getting errors you must turn off your phone and reset computer and try again.

How change lock 2?

When operators companies close lock2 you can only use the contract or prepaid card for this operator, but you can use another operator company prepaid card if you know what GID1 must write.

We have tested this with Movistar (From telefonica Spain) phones that have lock 2 closed when you get it with activa packs, but some friends have confirmed that is possible do it with another foreigner phones too with prepaid cards packs.


Do that at your own risk. We don't offer any warranties that this will work 100 %. You can crash your phone, and bla, bla, bla...

  1. Install Winlock
  2. Run Winlock
  3. Configure Winlock. Select menu Winlock->Defaults and change GID byte count to 2.
  4. Push Read Phone, and write down GID1 info that appear in lock 2.
  5. Insert the prepaid card from a different operator company.
  6. We must find out a the GID1 info adecuate for our new prepaid or contract card, take a look at our GID1 list and check if your operator and SIM card type is included, if not try to get a phone that have lock 2 closed and have the SIM card type that you want to use in your phone, and read GID1 info with winlock. You can try to write the most used GID1 codes like 0000,10FF,01FF, or FFFF, etc.
  7. Change Lock 2 Type from User To Factory or from Factory to User.
  8. Push Close Locks
  9. Your phone will be reset every time you push Close Locks, if your card is not acepted the GID1 is not correct, repeat from step 4 until you find the correct GID1.
  10. If you get error you must turn off your phone and reset computer and try again.
  11. If you want your phone accept your original prepaid card write in GID1 the code you read at step 2 and close locks.

Exist a GID1 list?

We are trying to collect GID1 info from other operators. Please send us the GID1 of your local operator and we will add it to our GID1 list.

Country Operator SIM Type MCC+MNC GID1
Spain Movistar Contract 214-07 01FF
Spain Movistar Prepaid 214-07 10FF
Spain Airtel Contract/Prepaid 214-01 FFFF
England Orange Single Band 234-33


England Orange Dual Band 234-33


England Cellnet unknown 234-10


Netherlands DutchTone unknown 204-20 504F
France SFR contract 208-10 90FF
France SFR direct live paid 208-10 10FF
France Itineris normal contract 208-01 0000
France Itineris ola contract 208-01 FFFF
Belgium Mobistar unknown 206-10


Austria Movilkom unknown 232-01 4D4B
Canada Fido Contract 302-37 DDFF


Where can i find winlock 1.10?

Try check Top positions in:

Is possible to open lock 2?

yes, in addition to the official way to open locks that n0kia service centers use with TDB4 or TDF-4(for wintesla) security boxes, there is two secrets methods:

  1. Opening the phone and adding a chip inside phone motherboard. But you will loose any warranty of your phone.
  2. Using a special software with a MBUS n0kia cable. I have not this software. Please don't bother me asking me about that. The only thing i know about that is that a friend is removing lock 2 using a special software. He don't make this for money, only for fun.

Can I unlock my n0kia 5110/6110/6150?

5110 -> you can unlock your 5110 only if lock 2 and 3 is opened

6110/6150 -> yes, generally n0kia 6110 and 6150 have not lock 2 closed so you can use winlock or any other winlock clone (winopen, raluka, n0kia liberator).

What is the difference between winlock and other winlock clones like raluka, winopen, etc.?

Raluka, winopen or n0kia liberator are winlock modified using a windows resource editor, with a windows resource editor you can edit, add or remove windows controls to an existing program, you don't need use source code to recompile it, only .dll or .exe to edit. Original Raluka in addition was protected with a Softsentry software protection, very easy to crack to whatever amateur cracker.

How can i check what locks have my phone closed?

There is 2 methods:

  1. Use winlock to see the state of the locks, pressing Read Info.The Counter is the number of times that you have tried unlock your phone using an incorrect master code.
  2. You can check it entering an imaginary mastercode on your phone but, it's not recommended because if you try enter a code 5 times your phone will not work anymore. By example, if you press at your phone #pw+1234567890+2# (note that '#', 'p', 'w' and '+' characters must be selected from '*' key) and your phone give you Code Error then your phone have lock 2 closed, if you get the message SIM Restriction Off your phone have lock 2 opened.

Look the table above to see how can check all locks:

Lock number Description Secuence to Check
1 Provider Lock #pw+1234567890+1#
2 Network-Lock #pw+1234567890+2#
3 Another Provider Lock #pw+1234567890+3#
4 SIM Card Lock #pw+1234567890+4#


How to get a MBUS cable?

You can build it yourself, see schemas at http://ucables.com/nokia/cables.html if you don't want endanger your phone you can buy a pretty, small (SMD built), 100 % compatible with original, made in China, from factory at http://ucables.com

How to install winlock 1.10?

You will need three files: wl_inst.exe (original winlock 1.10 dongle protected), winlock.zip (winlock 1.10 cracked version) and dongle.exe

  1. Install wl_inst.exe and select c:\winlock like destination directory by example.
  2. Unzip winlock.zip and copy all files to your c:\winlock directory
  3. Install dongle drivers from file dongle.exe (you don't need install it if you have installed wintesla).
  4. Reboot computer

How get working winlock with nokia 5110 from SW 5.20 to 5.24 (not included) releases

New nokia phone software releases of 5110 (version 5.2x) , 6110 (SW 5.4x) and 6150 (SW 5.16) will not work with winlock. (To know what version have your phone write *#0000# in your phone)

But for nokia 5110 there is a flasher program named: nokia511052x.zip that allow you get working winlock 1.10. Follow this instructions:

  1. Turn off phone
  2. Run .bat program for your appropiate release. By example: 520.bat for SW 5.20, 521 for 5.21 and so on.
  3. Turn on phone
  4. Run winlock and now you can open lock 1 and 4 or change lock 2

How to open all versions and all locks of nokia 51xx/61xx phones?

Use nnu version 8.0 from zulea. Download here.

How to open all new versions and all locks of all nokia 3210 / 3310 / 5110 / 6110 / 6150 / 6210 / 7110 / 8210 / 8850 phones?

THe unique way to unlock new versions of Nokia phones is flashing, Thanks to Dejan there is a new cheap Nokia flasher, very soon we will put schematics here, while than if you are in a hurry you can order from http://ucables.com/products/Nokia the product reference is NK-FLASH.

Nokia 32/33/51/61/62/71/82/88 Flasher
Reference: NK-FLASH
All Nokia unlocking solution working by cable, remove SP lock for 32xx/33xx/51xx/61xx/62xx/71xx/82xx/88xx. Remove all lock levels, all networks, all versions, fast tool, based on Dejan Flasher. Include cable, software and documentation (download it from our members area) New Nokia FLASH cable unlock new Nokia phones versions: Phones supported:
  • Nokia 3210: V05.31, V05.36, V06.00
  • Nokia 3310: V03.24, V04.02, V04.06
  • Nokia 5110: V05.28, V05.29, V05.30
  • Nokia 5130: V05.71
  • Nokia 6150: V5.23
  • Nokia 6210: V03.01, V03.04, V04.08
  • Nokia 7110: V04.88, V04.94, V05.00
  • Nokia 8210: V5.11, V5.16, V5.20, V5.21, V5.25
  • Nokia 8850: V5.16, V5.20, V5.21, V5.25

NK_FLASH include:

  • Paralel Nokia flash cable
  • Cables for all models
  • Tools Software
In addition you can change language of your Nokia mobile phone.

This info only can be used for educational purposes, please check laws at your country to see if you are doing something ilegal.

Software will be available at our members page in few days

This page is not endorsed with gsm cables
