8052 / BASIC - 52 / PIC SBC

This list was compiled in April 2001. Obviously, most of the parts can be obtained from alternative sources. Part numbers are from Jameco Electronics, and total cost is about US$ 75, if you get ONE PC board from me.

The PIC chip is not identified on this list, because it is optional, and "application specific". There is also no DB9 connector identified, but one is required and must be "hand - wired" to the board, for the RS232 port. ( there wasn't room for a PCB-mount version )

If you REALLY want to minimize costs, the EPROM programmer is not ( really ) necessary, so all the parts associated with the EPROM programmer ( and the EPROM itself ) can also be deleted from the list.

Some of the "smaller" items ( capacitors, resistors, IC sockets, etc. ) are only available in packs of 10 or more, so double-check the part descriptions when ordering these parts, or you will ( accidentally ) end up with a LOT of "extra" stuff. When I ( eventually ) figure out my costs, I will also offer a complete "kit" of parts, probably for about US$ 80.

The US$ 75 cost does NOT include the programming language book, and you will need an EPROM eraser, if / when you start using the onboard EPROM programmer to ( permanently ) "save" your programs. I use a small eraser called DATARASE II, ( Walling Co. ) which sells for about US$ 50, and holds 4 chips. ( available from Digi - Key )

Jameco's website is located at :[www.Jameco.com]


 1    n/a      PC board              SBC BOARD   (ExpressPCB / Bob)

 1     U1      8052 micro            125647
 1     U3      2764-20 (12.5V EPROM) 40230
 1     U2      6264P-10 RAM          42921
 1     U4      74LS373               47600
 1     U5      74LS138               46607
 1     U7      74LS07                49120
 1     U8      7805T                 51262
 1     U9      7805L                 51182

 1     Q1      XSTR 2N2222A          38236
 2     Q2,Q3   XSTR 2N2907A          38279
 3     D1,D2   DIODE 1N914           36311

 1     Y1      11.059 MHZ XTAL       120061
 1     Y2      3.58 MHZ XTAL         14533    ( optional, for PIC chip )

 1     R6      RES 2.2K 1/4W         30314
 5     R3,R4   RES 4.7K 1/4W         31026
 6     R1,R2   RES 10K 1/4W          29911
 1     R11     RES 100K 1/4W         29997
 1     RP1     RES 9X10K SIP         24643
 1     VR1     TRIMPOT 10K 3/4T      43001

 2     C8,C9   CAP 0.1 uF/25V        151116
 6     C1,C2   CAP 1.0 uF/50V        29831
 1     C4      CAP 10 uF/50V         29891

***************** OPTIONAL ITEMS ********************
 1    n/a      BASIC-52 book         126252  (STRONGLY reccomended)
 1    n/a      40 pin IC socket      112310
 2    n/a      28 pin IC socket      112272  (For EPROMS)
 1    n/a      20 pin IC socket      112248
 1    n/a      18 pin IC socket      112230  (For PIC chip)
 1    n/a      16 pin IC socket      112221
 1    n/a      14 pin IC socket      112213