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GPS Diagnostic Software

Version 1.01 released 20th September 2001
New features listed below
  • Supports logging of data and replaying of data from a file.
  • Problem fixed interpreting NMEA data for locales where the default decimal seperator is not a full stop.
  • Command-line like 'GPSDiag L2 c:\temp\GPS_%DATE_%TIME.txt' can be used to automatically log COM2 data to a file.
  • Command-line like 'GPSDiag R c:\temp\GPS_20010907_141002.txt' can be used to automatically replay data from file.


    GPSDiag is a freeware utility for 32-bit Microsoft Windows platforms (Windows 95, 98, ME, NT & 2000) to monitor incoming NMEA GPS messages from a serial port. It displays the interpreted data in the top half of the window with raw data in the bottom half. Simply click on the COM1-4 buttons to start logging and press stop to terminate.

    The following information is displayed on the main display:

  • UTC Time
  • Longitude
  • Latitude
  • Speed
  • Altitude
  • Course
  • Quality (Valid, Invalid)
  • Magnetic variation
  • Fix mode (2D, 3D)
  • UTC Date
  • Satellites used
  • PDOP, HDOP & VDOP (dilution of precision)

    And for each satellite in view (but not necessarily being used) the following information is provided:

  • PRN
  • Elevation
  • Azimuth
  • SNR (signal to noise ratio)
  • Satellite used in fix

    Click here to download a ZIP file containing the program (210KB)

    You may also like to check the GPS Glossary for further information on some of the terms used. Details on the contents of the Common NMEA GPS Sentences is also available, the meaning of which will probably become clearer after you've starting using the software.

    Several people have asked if we can make source code available for this program, unfortunately for various commercial reasons we will not distribute the source code for this application. The software is written using Borland Delphi 5 and incorporates several proprietory software libraries, we recommend searching on the Internet for freeware / shareware GPS and communications libraries if you are interested in writing a similar application yourself.

    Example screen-shot