CommLinx Solutions
A.B.N. 60 279 901 033
9 Wattle Avenue
Lutana Tasmania
Australia 7009
Phone: +61 (3) 6273-5732
Fax: +61 (3) 6273-5227

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Useful GPS conversion formulas

To convert...Use the formula
ddmm.mmmm to dd.dddddd.dddd = dd + mm.mmmm / 60
dd.dddd to radiansradians = dd.dddd / 57.2957795
radians to dd.dddddd.dddd = radians * 57.2957795
nautical miles to metersM = NM * 1852
meters to nautical milesNM = M / 1852
nautical miles to milesMI = NM * 1.150779
miles to nautical milesNM = MI / 1.150779
knots to KM/hrKM/hr = Knots * 1.852
KM/hr to knotsKnots = KM/hr / 1.852
knots to MI/hrKM/hr = Knots * 1.150779
MI/hr to knotsKnots = KM/hr / 1.150779