Ed's JFET Convertible Amp

    Ed Ganger sent this to me, and I only changed his Ascii to a Clarisworks drawing cuz it made more sense to me.  You can load from the antenna the same way the convertible does, with a transfer coil.  Since this detector has such high impedance, you probably don't need a detector tap on coil L1, but it might help selectivity.  I haven't tried this yet myself, but will, since it too has only 3 parts.  Don't know if the 47k resistor/crystal earphone will work, but why not give it a try?   Ed suggests that you can fiddle with the value of the 47k resistor, but not to go below about 5 k so as not to saturate the jfet.  And hey, on this and my version, you can really go pretty ugly on the wiring; I mounted my components on a 5 pole terminal post, but you can do it anyway that works.  The circuit, such as it is, only has 3 parts; the rest is power and other "off the board" danglies.

"I think that the MPF102 is a NEAT part to use in a "convertible"
radio --- the "grid-leak" detector, (feed the gate/grid directly off the coil through a 1Meg//200pF Cap) is about the single most sensitive detector around, take signal from the Drain/plate. The "infinite  Impedance" detector is similar, but signal is taken at Source/Cathode similar to a "Source Follower", "Cathode Follower" or common cathode

Fig 1. Grid leak detector ---
       Self biases to most sensitive spot using rectifying
       junction between S&D ...
       Lots of detector gain!
       G goes negative, play with 1Meg and 200p for best sensitivity!

Fig 2. "Infinite Impedance" detector
       VERY Light loading of tank.

I call out MPF 102 because I have a good supply --- The "cockroach" of
FETs -- 2N3819, or most any JFET will work."