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Crystal Receivers. Photo Gallery

Some crystal receivers of my collection and other sources. Who has information about the "unknown" xtal sets? email

Last update 05/31/2001

Sorted by manufacturer name

xtal set

xtal set

Detektor-Empfaenger. Photo-Galerie

Einige Detektor-Empfaenger aus meiner Sammlung und anderen Quellen. Wer hat Informationen ueber die als "unknown" bezeichneten Detektoren? email:

Letzte Bearbeitung 31.05.2001

Sortiert nach Hersteller-Namen

Year of construction.
Herstellungs- Jahr
AEG Crystal receiver Plug-in rectifier 1926, Germany  
Berliner Crystal receiver 400-850m. 1924, Austria  
DeTeWe Crystal receiver Serial resonance circuit. 1926, Germany  
EAB Crystal receiver "Tape" tuning capacitor 1950? in former GDR Phones connector for high selectivity and high output.
Eastern Germaninum radio inductive tuning 1964?, Japan View from back. Design like really radio set
Eswe RDN receiver 180-1800m 1926. Germany  
Frigo Crystal receiver   Germany  
Hegra (Grau) Crystal receiver jacks for 2 phones Germany, Berlin inductive tuning
Kretzschmer Erika   1941, Germany Company logo missing
Luxor Crystal receiver Tuning capacitor, plug-in rectifier 1940?, Germany  
Miniman Radio Co. Rocket Radio Inductive tuning 1958, Japan Crystal receiver with crystal phones
Minimark IV Except ground connection 1965?, Germany Crystal receiver with crystal phones
Nora Crystal receiver Reproduction, construction kit (Nachbau), plug-in coil, plug-in rectifier 1926, Germany Closeup of crystal detector
Nora Model 50 Tuning capacitor 1932, Germany Spider web coil
Omega Crstal receiver   Germany  
Schieren Crystal receiver   1948,Germany  
Schneider Opel Crystal receiver Plug-in rectifier 1926, Germany  
Seibt Crystal receiver Inductive tuning. Rectifier connected to different tabs of coil. 1924, Germany  
Seibt Crystal receiver   1946, Germany card cover
Sensiblator "Liliput" Tuning in 10 steps 1924 ?  
Telefunken Crystal receiver   1946 for two phones
Unknown Crystal receiver Inductive tuning 1923 Home made
Unknown Crystal receiver Fixed circuit (unabgestimmt) ?  
Unknown Crystal receiver   GDR?  
WERCO Crystal receivers Novelty "radios" 1958