This is a commercial offer. Rainer Steinfuehr.
Publications & parts
. Genfer Str. 109, 13407 Berlin, Germany.
Das ist ein gewerbliches Angebot. Rainer Steinfuehr
& Bauteile. Genfer Str. 109, 13407 Berlin, Deutschland.
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R.F. Litz wire for high "Q" b.c. band coils and loop antennas

More information about r.f. litz wire you will find here.

This type of litz wire can directly be tinned with the soldering iron. Forget NO strand during this operation.

HF-Litze fuer MW-Spulen hoher Guete und fuer Hochleistungs-Rahmen-Antennen

Mehr Informationen ueber HF-Litze finden Sie hier.

Diese Litze laesst sich gut mit dem Loetkolben verzinnen. Verzinnen Sie dabei JEDEN einzelnen Litzendraht!



RF litz spider web coil



Read my business terms and your protest right Lesen Sie meine Geschaeftsbedingungen und Ihr Widerspruchsrecht
R.f. litz wire
Price (not including postage) HF Litze Preis (ohne Porto)
Order # 17

R.F. Litz wire. 45/41 AWG (45 strands, 0.07 mm). Total diameter 0.6 mm. Fabric covered. Weight (10 meters, 33 feet) 12dr. (20g.)

Measurement Conversion

One foot:

$ 0.07 US *

at most 165 feet

Bestell-Nr. 17

HF-Litze. 45 Einzellitzen a 0.07 mm, Gesamt-Durchmesser 0.6 mm. Stoffumwickelt.

Ein Meter:

0,40 DM (0,20 E) *

Hoechstens 50 Meter

* =Additional costs

Postage (Delivery to outside Germany):

Normal delivery via air mail.. When you which delivery via slow and low-priced mail by ship/train , make a notice on order form. Transfer via mail by ship/train can last up to 30 days.

  • The postage depends on packet size and weight and country of destination.

  • Deliveries into some countries are insured automatically. Deliveries into other countries must be insured extra. Deliveries into some countries can not be insured. When you order , I inform you whether the product is insurable. Make a notice on order form, when you wish a delivery insurance.

  • Step 1. You order without obligaton. Step 2. With my reply I inform you about the nessesary postage. Step 3. Now you can confirm or cancel the order. If you agree, I send the product.

  • Do not forget to inform my of the name of your country!


  • For each delivery $ 1.50 US additional.

Western Union

  • When you order via "Western Union", additional charges arise for you. Ask you Western Union agent.

Cash on delivery

  • When you order via "cash on delivery" (only inside most "European Union" countries) additional charges of $ 9.00 US arise for you.

Bank transfer

  • Your bank can possibly calculate additional charges.


  • Think of possible customs charges you may be additionally required to pay.

* = Zusatz-Kosten

Porto. Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands

  • Paeckchen bis 2 kg, ohne Versicherung:
    Porto 6,90 DM (3.52 E).
  • Packet (nicht Paeckchen) 2- 4Kg:
    Porto: 11,-- DM (5,62 E), inklusive Versicherung.

Verpackung: Pro Lieferung 3- DM (1,53 E) zusaetzlich.

Wenn Sie per Nachnahme bestellen: Zusaetzliche Nachnahme-Kosten: 10,-- DM (5.01 E). Versandform nur Packet!