[antenna tuner.jpg]
the antenna tuner project is simple and stright forward. L1 is 100 turns taped every 10 turns. S1 is a DPDT knife switch. S2 is a SPDT knife switch. S3 is a SP10P [ thats single pole 10 position rotary switch]. can be assembled on a peice of wood or any other non conductive substance! C1 is a 10 to 365pf air variable cap.
with S2 in the up postion the circut is by-passed. with S2 in the down postion throws the tuner in service. with S1 in the down postison C1 and L1 are in series with each other. with S1 in the up postion L1 and C1 are in paralell. this helps us tune the antenna to rensonant frequency. that is like physically changing the length of the antenna but we will do this electrically with this circut. now when you move S3 all the way left you take the coil out and you have is the capacitor to series tune the antenna. with the coil back in and S1 in the up position C1 and L1 [the coil] are in parallel, with S1 in the down position C1 and L1 are in series with each other. so with this circut we can have just the capacitor or just the coil or both C1 and L1 in parallel or series!
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