Spectrum of the
Earth-ionosphere cavity resonances

Average amplitude spectra from 2 to 100 Hz for Arrival Heights, Antarctica (AH), Sondrestromfjord, Greenland (SS), and Stanford, California (SU) for the interval January to March 1990. The spectrums are dominated by sharp spectral features of the power supply networks at 50 and 60 Hz. At the Stanford site, modulation frequencies at 30 and 90 Hz occur, which result from non-linearities of the power transmission system. Every spectrum exhibits a carrier frequency of 82 Hz with a modulation of 0.2 Hz that is produced by a Russian submarine communication system. A variety of other spectral peaks of unknown origin occur occasionally and distort the frequency range under consideration. Superimposed on the 1/f natural background, eight Earth-ionosphere cavity resonances can be distinguished. eicr spectrum