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Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the nine element ENIACarray proposed for theHAARP facility. The basic configuration is that of a cross with perpendicular arms. At each site the 4 channel VLF/ELF receiving system measures the signals on 3 orthogonal loop antennas and one vertical electric antenna. For clarity in the figure, only two loop antennas are shown at each site. The spacing between each site is ~70 km. The source region where the HF modulated auroral electrojet currents are located is in the 70-120 km altitude range. |
The interferometer array would be used to map out the modulated currents using the near field of these currents. The known relationship between the near fields and the modulated currents provides the link which makes this possible. The spatial resolution of the imaging will depend upon the signal-to-noise ratio of the near field measurements. However since this ratio can generally be improved by averaging, we believe a 20 dB ratio is achievable. In this case the imaging should be able to achieve a spatial resolution of ~5 km or better in both the horizontaland vertical directions. Achieving this goal will require operations in which the HF beam is directed away from the vertical, but always well within normal operating configurations. A resolution of ~5 km appears sufficient for most applications, since simulations suggest thatELF/VLF radiation is enhanced for a fixed HF power level when the heated region is made as large as possible [ Taranenko et al., 1992]. The modulated auroral electrojet currents producea magnetic field at ground level which is described by Maxwell’s equation where B is the magnetic field, E is the electric field, c is the velocity of light, t is the time, .is thedivergence operator, and J is the sum of the modulated source current density and eddy currentsin the ground induced by the time varying magnetic field. The E field in (1) is predominentlyproduced by space charge . in the source region which is associated with the current flow. Thequantities J and . are related through the equation of continuity.Within the source region the local charge density . is significant only in regions where there aresignificant gradients in the local conductivity, such as near the boundaries of the heated volume. Since it is the time derivative of . which enters into (2), it is clear that the effects of . on Jdecrease as the driving frequency is decreased. In the limit of decreasing driving frequency, (1) and (2) can be approximated by the relations: In cases when ground eddy currents are negligible the relationship between the B field at theground and the source currents can be described through the generalized Biot-Savart Law [ Inan& Inan , 1999]:where B is the field produced by the currents, J is the current density in the source region, R is aunit vector along the line connecting the source and observation points, R is the distance betweenthe source and observation points, and the integral includes the volume of space containing the modulated currents, and dV is a volume element in the source region.To solve (1) for J, given B at the ground, we divide the source regions into identical smallvolume elements .V and approximate the integral by the finite sum:Assuming that the summation has i elements and that we have measured B(r) at i separatelocations, we can then write (5) as the matrix relationship where B is a column vector containing the B measurements and J is a column vector containingthe 3 i unknown values of J in the discretized source region. Given that M is not singular, wecan invert (3) to obtain the current density from the measured values of B:In cases where ground eddy currents are significant, (4) must be modified through the inclusion of the image currents. However, the solution proceeds in a similar manner.
In general the horizontal scale of the modulated currents is just the full width of the HF beam at ~80 km altitude, which is generally less than 50 km. The vertical scale is unknown, butprobably of the order of 25 km. For a spatial resolution of 5 km we would then have i 500 inthe summation of (5). To obtain 500 separate measurements of B at our 9 sites, it is necessaryto use the HF beam pointing capability to move the heated region with respect to the fixed sites. This can be done quite simply for example, by tilting the HF beam a fewdegrees from the vertical and then sampling B at the 9 sites as the azimuth is changed in steps. Then tilting the beam afew degrees more from the vertical and repeating the azimuth sean.
Given that the maximum inclination angle from the vertical is 30 . for the HAARP HF beamand that the source currents are located somewhere between 70 to 120 km altitude, the mimimum effective area that can be sampled with the current imaging array is shown in Figure 2. In this figure the center circle includes all the points with respect to the center of the heated region that can be sampled by the central site of the array as the HF beam moves from 0 to 30 . with respect tothe vertical, and at each zenith angle moves through 360 . of azimuth. The other circular regionsrepresent the effective area sampled at each of the remaining 8 sites. The dashed circle in the center of the central circular area represents the projection on the ground of the area illuminated by the HF beam at 80 km altitude when the HF frequency is 2.8 MHz and the beam is vertical. It is clear that the central site of the array can effectively sample all points on the ground directly beneath the heated region and that measurements can be made at any point up to 175 km from the center of the heated region along each leg of the cross. In the central region the sample points can be arranged in a rectangular grid with axes parallel to the cross axes and with 5 km separation between sample points. This scheme produces ~150 measurements of B. At the 4sites closest to the central site the sample points can be more widely separated because of the increased distance from the source region. With a rectangular sampling grid with a separation of 8.5 km between sampling points we get ~220 measurements of B in these 4 sites. Finally in theoutermost sites with a separation of 11 km between sampling points we get ~130 measurementof B for a grand total of 500 measurements of B, as required.
Fig. 2. Effective area sampled by the proposed ELF/VLF interferometer array. The center solid circle includes all points with respect to the center of the heated region that can be sampled by the central site of the array as the HF beam moves from 0 to 30 degrees from the vertical and at each zenith angle moves through 360 degrees of azimuth. The other circular regions represent the effective area sampled at the other 8 sites as the beam swings through the same angular range. The dashed circle at the center of the central solid circle is the projection of the source region onto the ground when the HF beam is vertical and the frequency is 2.8 MHz. |
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Fig. 3. System diagram of one of the nine identical ELF/VLF receivers constituting the proposed inteferometer array. At each site, the ELF/VLF signals from the 3 orthogonal loop antennas and the vertical whip antenna are fed into a Stanford-built 4 channel preamplifier box. The 4 outputs from the preamplifier are sent to a Stanford-built 4 channel line receiver where the signals are broadband filtered to remove high frequency noise and clipped to prevent saturation from impulsive signals (due to lightning discharges). The 4 signals are then fed into a programmable i386-Engine-M processor, which extracts the average variation of each field component over the course of a single cycle of the HAARP heater. The HAARP transmission and modulation schedules are known a priori and the processor is programmed to process the data only during these times and at the specified frequencies, thus minimizing on-time for the processor (to save power) and data volume. The processed data is stored in flash memory cards. The stored data is downloaded (by connecting a portable NoteBook computer) from the memory cards during regular visits to the site. Any changes in recording schedules and frequencies are also downloaded to the programmable processor during these regular site visits.
Fig. 4. Stanford ELF/VLF receivers at unmanned automatic geophysical observatory sites. This system, currently operational at five different remote high latitude Antarctic sites is currently deployed at the AGO sites P1, P2, P3,P4, and P5. It consists of a magnetic loop antenna (either a 1.7x1.7m or 4.9x4.9m square – both shown in the photo above) connected to a preamplifier (grey box with sealed lid shown in lower left) buried immediately underneath, which is powered by and sends data over a ~500 ft coaxial cable (shown rolled up) to the station (shown in upper left), in which resides the main receiver unit (the box with the blue front panel) consisting of a line receiver, various fixed band filter channels, and a broadband snapshot system, as depicted in the block diagram. This ‘low power’ ELF/VLF system specially designed for unmanned sites with limited power nevertheless consumes ~6 to 7 W, depending on operational modes. The broadband snapshot system in these units (the upper left corner of blue box) has recently been redesigned to utilize the programmable i386-Engine-M processor, which also forms the basis for the individual elements of the proposed ELF/VLF interferometer system (see Figure 3). |
Last Updated: June 2001.