MAGNETOTELLURIC DATA ACROSS THE BATTLE MOUNTAIN-EUREKA AND CARLIN TRENDS, NEAR BATTLE MOUNTAIN, NEVADA by Jackie M. Williams, Brian D. Rodriguez, and Douglas P. Klein U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Open-File Report 01-228 Many sediment-hosted gold deposits occur along linear trends in northern Nevada. The distribution and genesis of these deposits along the Battle Mountain-Eureka and Carlin gold trends is not fully understood. In general, most models agree that regional structures played an important role in the spatial distribution of these deposits. To investigate crustal structures that may be related to the genesis of gold deposits along these trends, a regional southwest-northeast profile of magnetotelluric soundings was acquired in 1996, 1997, 1999, and 2000. Resistivity modeling of the magnetotelluric data can be used to infer the deep resistivity structure of the crust to investigate possible tectonic controls on the emplacement of mineral deposits along these linear trends that may be used to help improve critical gold endowment estimates in the Humboldt River Basin. The purpose of this report is to release the magnetotelluric sounding data; no interpretation of the data is included.