WMeteor v 1.0  for Windows 95-2000

- My mouse deosn't function after I choice the Com Port ?

- You chose the Com Port on which the mouse is plugged...
1°) Close WMeteor and restart your PC.
2°) Edit with Note Pad your WMeteor.CFG file.
3°) Delete first line and replace Com(x) with zéro value.
4°) Save WMeteor.CFG
5°) Restart WMeteor and then choise the good Com Port.

- I ave no curve in window?

1°) Your Meteor interfacing is connected on the good Com Port ?
2°) Verify the signal comming out from the receiver to the input of the interfacing Meteor ?

- Colorgramme don't start ?

1°) Colorgramme is installed to your computer ?
2°) Do you ave change the default directory of Colorgramme ?
If YES uninstall Colorgramme and next re-install in the default directory !

- I ave another question ?

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