FFT Meteor v 1.0 pour Windows 95-98

To install FFT Meteor unzip fftmeteorv1us.zip file in a temporary directory, then run fftmeteorv10.exe. Next see installation informations.

Verify the presence of a signal audio in input of your sound card while listening in loudspeakers... Use "Line" input of your sound card (prefered).

At the start of FFT Meteor use "Scan Go" button or "Scan" menu for activate the analyse by Fast Fourier Transform of the input audio signal.

In "Auto" position, FFT meteor calculate automatically the treshold in using the average of the spectrum power. The hight treshold corresponds at the Avreage + ( 0,5 * Average ), The low treshold corresponds at the average - ( 0,5 * avreage ). This adjust is simple and  authorizes to judge some adequate values quickly but it is recommended to adjust values of tresholds BY HAND and then to validate " Manual " so that FFT Meteor keeps these values in memory.

The " delay " serves to avoid some multiple count when a meteor provokes a strong fluctuation of the signal.

FFT Meteor v 1.0